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Tag Archives: science

It wasn’t Wormwood of Revelation but meteor rattling nerves over Pittsburgh


It wasn’t the Biblical “Wormwood,” a falling star described in Revelation, but a meteor over Pennsylvania Saturday definitely drew attention. The New Year’s Day “shooting star” caused an earthshaking boom over suburban ...

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Leading cancer doctor convinced of power of prayer working with medicine

Prayer has a significant impact on a patient’s health if partnered with science and medicine, a well-known doctor wrote in “USA Today.” “As a cancer practitioner for 30 years, I have encountered ...

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“Christmas comet” expected to be visible tonight

Comet Leonard will make a close approach to Venus two days before Christmas after passing by the Earth just a few days ago. According to an Arizona State University astronomer, the comet ...

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Comet Leonard visible through Christmas

comet leonard

There’s still time to see the year’s brightest comet but look quick! Comet Leonard was first seen near Jupiter in early 2021 and is on its way around the sun. This ball ...

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College of the Ozarks resumes battle over Biden campus dorm, shower policy

ozarks showers

The College of the Ozarks near Branson was back in court last week seeking to preserve the school’s longstanding belief that men and women should be housed separately on campus and use ...

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Research finds that daylight saving time is not worth the trouble

Last week the sun was shining during my commute home from work. But after the yearly “fall back”  on Sunday that ended daylight saving time with our clocks moved an hour earlier, ...

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Atheist scientists defend religion against vicious attacks from peers


Distrust of atheists is strong in the United States. The General Social Survey consistently demonstrates that as a group, Americans dislike atheists more than any other religious group. According to various studies, nearly half ...

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Baby Lacey born at 21 weeks in July now thriving at home


Tiny baby Lacey is thriving at home with her parents this fall after she was born so prematurely that even doll clothes did not fit her. The Daily Record reports parents Channae Kirkwood, ...

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Internal emails reveal why CDC changed definition of ‘vaccine’

vaccine definition

Newly released emails reveal the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered the definition of “vaccine” because of concern that its definition did not apply to COVID-19 vaccines. The definition change ...

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Fear of the mark of the beast not a valid reason to avoid vaccine, scholars say

Although some people have legitimate reasons for not being vaccinated for COVID-19, fear of receiving the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation should not be one of them, a New Testament ...

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‘The Devil is Afraid of Me’: Exorcist describes his battle against demons and the occult

In 2020, the book The Devil is Afraid of Me: The Life and Works of the World’s Most Famous Exorcist (See below) hit our virtual bookshelves. While most people think of the ...

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Christian school threatened with closure over mask mandate

A private Christian school has imposed a mask mandate after it was threatened with closure by the city of Loveland, Colorado. Now the school is filing a lawsuit against the local health ...

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Biden administration overrides vaccine advisory panel

vaccine panel

President Joe Biden’s political appointment heading the CDC has overridden its vaccine advisory panel on who should receive the booster shot.  Early Friday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said people as young ...

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Crock-Pot remains popular 50 years after its debut in Kansas City


Chili in the Crock-Pot is as much a part of fall as cooler weather and football games. The popular appliance can trace its roots to Kansas City. Before the Crock-Pot was a ...

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Major religious groups and their stand on vaccinations

As the debate over COVID19 vaccinations continues, some people cite religious beliefs as a reason not to take the shot. Most religions have no prohibition against vaccinations, although some have considerations, concerns ...

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Are sex and gender the same thing?

It has become a common assumption today that sex and gender are two different things. The new gender orthodoxy simplistically asserts, “Sex is what’s between your legs. Gender is what’s between your ...

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No, Bernie, July was not the hottest month “in the history of the planet”

Major media outlets are repeating a claim by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that last month was the hottest “in the history of the planet.” It comes during a worldwide push by Western ...

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders encourages Christians to prayerfully consider COVID-19 vaccinations

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former press secretary to President Trump and current gubernatorial candidate in Arkansas, said she was vaccinated against COVID-19 and encourages others to consider doing the same. In an op-ed ...

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LinkedIn reinstates scientist’s account after censoring his vaccine comments


LinkedIn has apologized and reinstated the account of mRNA vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone. The business social media giant last week joined other Big Tech firms in censoring scientific thought around ...

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Woman wins lawsuit after being fired for saying “men cannot change into women”

A British woman has won her suit against her former employer, after being fired for tweeting that men cannot change into women. The High Court said her beliefs were protected under the ...

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Ethics: How technology and medicine has changed the context of death

Every living thing eventually dies. It is not just the inevitability of death but the nature of our awareness of it that does so much to determine the meaning of human existence. ...

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Twitter suspends politician for saying men cannot get pregnant

In what many are saying is a blatant attack on the science of biology, Twitter has suspended a political leader in Spain for stating what he believed was obvious – men cannot ...

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Consumers, ratings and politics: research finds connection

Customers give higher ratings and tips to politically conservative Airbnb hosts, Uber drivers and waiters than to ones with more liberal leanings, according to new peer-reviewed research I co-authored. That’s despite evidence ...

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A warning from history about ‘listening to the science’

On his first day as president, Joe Biden, flanked by a portrait of Ben Franklin, called on the federal government to “advance environmental justice” and “be guided by the best science.” In ...

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Declining sperm counts and the coming ‘Year Omega’

sperm counts

In the 1992 dystopian novel, The Children of Men, P. D. James tells the story of a world where no child has been born in 26 years. It’s a world without hope or ...

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