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Tag Archives: science

Bill Gates wants you to eat fake beef to save the world

gates beef

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said rich countries like the United States should move to “synthetic beef” to address the so-called global protein problem. The co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ...

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St. Louis college professor: track students who take creationism courses?

students creationism

A professor at Washington University in St. Louis wants to implement a  what some fear would be a tracking program for students who take creationism classes. Joshua Swamidass, Ph.D., contends this “constructive ...

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Where do birds go when it’s cold?

Ever wonder where birds go when it’s freezing cold, or rainy or even storm? That’s a question many bird lovers ask.  Bird Cams project leader Charles Eldermire provided an interesting look at ...

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Fore-edge paintings reveal hidden world on books

A “fore-edge painting” is a design or painting that seems to magically appear on the “fore-edge” of a book. The artwork can only be seen when the pages are fanned, as seen ...

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Astronomers predict a rare ‘Christmas star’ on December 21

christmas star

The three wise men were not the only ones who were able to see the Christmas star. Astronomers say Saturn and Jupiter will align into a bright Christmas star on December 21. ...

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Oxford Dictionary changes definition of woman, man

The publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary have modified the definition of dozens of words in its latest book. Now, the PC culture has come to the definition of “woman” and “man.” ...

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SpaceX launch: America back in control

SpaceX and America heralded its historic return to regularly launched manned space flights from US soil on Sunday. A Falcon 9 rocket carrying four astronauts lit up the night sky on Sunday ...

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Twitter bans Chinese whistleblower who claims Covid-19 was created

Twitter is under fire for suspending the account of a prominent Chinese virologist who claims she has evidence that Covid-19 was manufactured in a lab. Dr. Yan Limeng, who fled Hong Kong ...

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CDC now strongly favors schools reopening in fall

As polls show an overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans believe schools should reopen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the science now backs it up. The nation’s ...

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Doctor says Ravi Zacharias is out of treatment options for rare cancer


Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias may be nearing the end of his battle with a rare and aggressive form of cancer in his spine. For three decades he has been one of the most ...

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Study: Coffee really does make dessert better

We now know why many people will pair a cup of coffee with their favorite dessert. A new study is lending some scientific credibility to the time-honored tradition of serving coffee after ...

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Prayer guide for coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was criticized this week for offering a prayer during a meeting on the coronavirus. Democrats, Hollywood actors and media outlets blasted the effort as “anti-science.”  But the comments ...

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Israel announces coronavirus vaccine within weeks

Israel has announced their scientists are just weeks away from releasing the world’s first vaccine against the deadly coronavirus. The Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) spent four years creating a vaccine against the ...

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Australian scientist: Poor brush management, not global warming, cause of fires

Australian authorities have determined that 200 fires have been deliberately set and warned the nation’s residents to prepare for another wave of evacuations. The news comes as temperatures in the country’s southeast ...

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Will transgender athletes ruin women’s Olympic events in 2020?

The question of biological males competing in women’s sports over the last couple of years has made headlines in regard to fairness. Now, several transgender people have set their sights on a new ...

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Science finds why time flies as we age

For every human on earth, memories of childhood are the most easily recalled. As we think of events in the past it often seems time is stretched, as if through a warp. ...

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What is the truth about dinosaurs?

Does God exist?  How can anyone believe in religion when science has neither a need nor a place for God?  Is evolution happening today? What is the truth about dinosaurs? If God ...

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Bees are disappearing and evidence shows herbicides are to blame

The humble honeybee is sending a warning about the environmental disruption that affects not just this key link in our food production, but affects multiple species, with serious, negative effects on human ...

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Media hypes Amazon fires as Brazil turns down help

As wildfires spread across a small corner of the Amazon, the media may be misrepresenting their impact and size compared to other large fires. The government of Brazil, while struggling to contain ...

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Famous Yale scientist: theory of evolution is a ‘religion’

A renowned writer and famous Yale University computer science professor has denounced Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, arguing it has too many holes and is now too old to be a probable ...

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Israeli start-ups work to sow joy, hope in hearts of disabled

Millions of disabled people around the world endure struggles and hardships that others can’t imagine.  But organizations in Israel are determined to provide real-life solutions to their daily challenges by partnering with ...

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Israeli breakthrough: Tracking molecular changes in the brain

In another ground-breaking advancement in medicine, Israeli scientists have successfully transformed a MRI camera into a device can detect brain disease by recording molecular changes in brain tissue. Professor Aviv Mezer, and ...

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University of Alabama finds global warming temperatures manipulated

climate change

No, the planet isn’t warming. That’s the assessment of some brave scientists who have looked at actual temperature recordings verses data found to have been manipulated. As exposed by the Australian press, climate change ...

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Remembering the Moon landing

moon landing

On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 mission first put a man on the moon and has become an iconic moment in American history, and 50 years later, the nation hopes to reach further. ...

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Ocasio-Cortez blames flooding on Republicans

Talk about “draining the swamp,” Washington, DC area residents are hoping the region drains today after drenching rains and flooding hit the area Monday. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was again quick ...

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