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Tag Archives: social media

Conservative purge from social media ramps up over weekend

world censorship bias fairness media conservative

Big Tech is expanding the categories and groups it is banning from social media and the internet. Pro-life groups and conservatives media are reporting Monday that Twitter is in the middle of ...

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College student finds there is no mercy in today’s cancel culture

college student

It is one thing when, as an adult, you are held accountable for the choices you make, especially if you are unrepentant. It is another thing when, as a new college student, ...

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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar calls for conservatives to be silenced


Conservative celebrities would be censored if former basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had his way. “No matter their previous achievements, celebrities deserve legacy-killing backlash when they spread ignorance,” he wrote in an op-ed ...

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President Trump’s letter explaining veto of Defense Act

President Donald Trump on Thursday vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act, fulfilling a promise he made months ago. The president had told Congress he would not sign unless it contained elements that ...

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Rep. Hartzler encourages President Trump to sign defense authorization bill

senate congressional hartzler u.s. religious

Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler has encouraged President Trump to sign the $731 billion defense authorization bill, citing the military’s importance to her district. The bill includes another $40 million for the hospital ...

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Alternative social media sites Parler, MeWe, Gab becoming popular in wake of election

Parler MeWe Gab

Many conservatives are switching to other social media platforms such as Parler, MeWe or Gab instead of Facebook or Twitter. These social networking services have been around for several years and classify themselves ...

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Newsom, Pelosi scramble after caught breaking distancing rules

Democrat leaders Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi are being called out for hypocrisy over COVID distancing restrictions they’ve put in place. On Friday, Newsom, the Governor of California, apologized for joining in ...

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Ted Cruz slams Twitter CEO: “Who the hell elected you” to censor news?

cruz twitter

Polls show that Americans are alarmed by bias and censorship from social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Senator Ted Cruz led leaders in the Senate in grilling the CEOs of Facebook, ...

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Judge temporarily blocks ban of Communist-owned TikTok app

A federal district judge has temporarily blocked the ban on Chinese Communist Party-owned TikTok. The injunction allows the app to remain available for download from U.S. app stores. U.S. intelligence services say ...

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Vitae Foundation event features former Congressman Jason Chaffetz

Former congressman Jason Chaffetz will be the keynote speaker at the Vitae Foundation’s Annual Kansas City Pro-Life Event on Wednesday, September 16, at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel, 6100 College Blvd., in ...

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MU prof relieved of teaching duties after joke offended student from Wuhan

joke student

A business professor at the University of Missouri said he was relieved of teaching duties because of a joke he made to a student in Wuhan, China, in an online class, Voice ...

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Commerce official drops the bomb: Tech companies need to stop editorializing or else

Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech companies will lose their liability protections unless they stop editorializing and banning speech content according to a Commerce Department official. When a social media company “shapes and controls ...

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Jerry Falwell Jr. releases letter revealing wife’s affair which led to his bad behavior

falwell jr

Jerry Falwell Jr. has released a letter explaining his highly criticized recent actions. The suspended president of Liberty University was recently the center of a string of embarrassing incidents and released a letter Sunday ...

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Smartphones get an ‘F’ for lowering student grades

It’s never been easier for the average student to find the answer to a tough question using a smartphone. Across the nation, teachers regularly battle the distraction smartphones provide. From social media ...

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Facebook removes thousands of Antifa, QAnon groups

Tech and social media giant Facebook has finally removed thousands of groups, pages, and ads related to Antifa, the violent fascist group that claims it is fighting fascism. Facebook also took down pages accused ...

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US may ban communist Chinese app TikTok over security concerns

TikTok, the social media app gaining popularity in the U.S. and around the world, may soon be banned. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late on Monday that the United States is ...

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White radio hosts asks blacks to comment on whites and Black Lives Matter

One of the great benefits of hosting a daily talk radio show for the last 12 years is that you learn a lot from your callers, gaining new and different perspectives. That’s ...

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Hawk Nelson members offer support to bandmate who now disavows God

hawk nelson

Jon Steingard, former leader of the Christian group Hawk Nelson, recently announced that he no longer believes in God. The other members of the band – Daniel Biro, Micah Keuper and Davis ...

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Trump signs Executive Order over social media censorship

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to crack down on what he described was censorship by social media sites after Twitter added fact-checking labels to several of his posts. ...

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Here’s a leaked draft of Executive Order targeting social media censorship

Metro Voice has received a copy of the leaked draft of President Trump’s executive order dealing with censorship and bias by big tech and social media companies. The President today is expected ...

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Trump to sign Executive Order over Twitter, big tech censorship

After years of Congressional testimony and user complaints of bias and censorship by Twitter and other social media platforms, President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday aimed ...

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Facebook sparks controversy by naming Muslim Brotherhood activist to ‘oversight’ board

LONDON – The name of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Yemeni Nobel Prize winner Tawakkol Karman stood out as an odd addition to the oversight board of Facebook. The new oversight body includes four chairs: Former ...

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Digital evangelism explodes in popularity during coronavirus outbreak

Christian Vision, a ministry that has focused on online digital evangelism for the past 10 years, has seen explosive growth in the use of its digital media. The organization is supporting churches ...

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China wages massive Twitter propaganda war

Communist China continues to use Twitter and other social media to spread conspiracy theories amid its aggressive disinformation and propaganda campaign about its responsibility for the deadly coronavirus. The Chinese regime is ...

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She bragged she wasn’t social distancing, now she has coronavirus

bragged coronavirus

A 21-year-old Tennessee woman who bragged on social media about not taking the coronavirus outbreak seriously now says she can’t breath after contracting the virus. Ireland Tate joked about not following instructions ...

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