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Government steps up legal action against Grand Canyon University, other Christian colleges

grand canyon

The Biden Administration, through the FTC, is ramping up legal action against the nation’s largest Christian universities. The move has been described by some as an unfair attack costing the schools millions ...

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Missouri homeschoolers may get more access to public schools

missouri public

Missouri state Sen. Ben Brown of Washington has pre-filed a bill that would allow homeschooled students to participate in public school activities. It has been coupled with provisions rolling back state oversight ...

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More Christian colleges have relationships with abortion providers

colleges abortion

One in 10 Christian colleges maintains a relationship with Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers, a new study found. This support has increased by 10 percent since 2021 Students for Life of ...

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Senate bill strips funding from colleges that allow antisemitism

Federal funding would be rescinded for colleges that do not condemn antisemitism on campus under a bill pending in the U.S. Senate. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is demanding an immediate vote on ...

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Professor sues after firing over tweet on sexuality

professor tweet

A theology professor in England is suing his Methodist college after being fired for a tweet that defended biblical sexuality. Last spring, Cliff College in Derbyshire dismissed Aaron Edwards for allegedly bringing ...

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Missouri school board adopts gender identity policy, rejects freedom of religion language

board identity

Board members of Missouri’s largest school district voted 4-3 to adopt a “gender identity and sexual orientation” policy while rejecting the ability to opt out under freedom of religion protections. Members of ...

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Campus rabbis respond to rise of antisemitism at nation’s colleges

rabbis college

College rabbis are sounding the alarm about the spike in antisemitism on the nation’s campuses. Several who were in New York City for Brooklyn’s annual Chabad event spoke to the “New York ...

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Popularity of homeschooling surging in surprising places

homeschooling surprising

It’s no surprise that homeschooling has become increasingly popular since the pandemic. What is surprising is that it is growing even in large cities and among a range of political ideologies. “The ...

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Grand Canyon University accuses government of targeting school

grand canyon university

The U.S. Department of Education is unfairly targeting Grand Canyon University, its president says. President Brian Mueller was asked if he believes the federal government’s investigations are religiously motivated. “Well, they haven’t ...

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Why is it so hard for elite universities to condemn Hamas terrorism?


America’s leading universities have an antisemitism problem—and it starts at the top. This past week, university presidents and deans across the country wrote to their students and faculties to express concern in ...

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St. Louis mom on supporting your kids at college

kids college

Missouri mother Mindy Horwitz, like many parents, had to adjust when her kids left home for college. She founded mindyKNOWS, an organization that helps guide young adults through the ups and downs of ...

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Christian college president criticizes “neo-Marxist worldview” on many campuses


Americans have been shocked at the level of antisemitism expressed on elite college campuses since Hamas attacked Israel. “We’re seeing this in university campuses around the country,” says Donald Sweeting, Ph.D., chancellor ...

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Researchers turn to artificial intelligence to read fragile ancient scrolls

intelligence scrolls

Artificial intelligence is helping researchers unlock the secrets of ancient scrolls. University of Kentucky computer scientists used AI technology to read an ancient script that was burned when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. ...

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Group to spend $10 million supporting school choice in 2024 elections

choice 2024

School choice has become a hot issue in the wake of the pandemic. As the 2024 election season approaches, the American Federation for Children is launching a super PAC called AFC Victory ...

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One in three Missourians considers their public schools to be of poor quality

public poor

Nearly one-third of Missouri voters consider their public schools to be of poor quality, up from 17 percent a year earlier. A recent survey by St. Louis University and YouGov found Missouri ...

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Missouri sues school board over secret meetings on bathroom policy


Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing the Wentzville School Board in eastern Missouri for allegedly hiding its transgender bathroom policy from parents. “Parents have the right to know who is in the ...

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Free art exhibit, auction at Linda Hall Library benefits STEAM education in Kansas City area

linda kansas

Families with children who are interested in science may want to check out the BioNexus KC Science2Art exhibit and charity auction at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City. BioNexus KC supports ...

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These Missouri and Kansas school districts keep transgender identity from parents

missouri kansas transgender

Kansas and Missouri school districts have policies that do not inform parents of a child’s transgender identification, according to a parental rights organization. The districts are just some of the over 1,000 ...

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The King’s College in NYC cancels classes, may lose accreditation

king's college

The King’s College in New York City once was considered an important Christian institution in an influential cultural center. Now it is expected to lose its accreditation. The Middle States Commission on ...

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Parents clash with Cameron school board over library books

cameron school

Residents of Cameron, Mo., are accusing their school district of misleading them about the presence of what they say are sexually explicit books in school libraries. The board is also being accused ...

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Majority of Missourians rate public schools as only fair or poor

missourians schools

More than half of Missourians are not happy with the state’s public schools. Fifty-six percent rated their local schools as fair or poor, and seven in 10 said the same about public ...

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Social media a top concern for parents: Tips to protect children

parents media porn sites

As schools across the nation are back in session, a new poll finds parents are increasingly concerned about the social media habits of their children. The vast majority of parents say internet ...

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Backlash against Target continued through school shopping

target school

Sales at Target stores continue to drop even as back-to-school shopping should normally boost sales.  The controversial retailer’s sales tumbled significantly in the third quarter as many consumers rebelled against the LGBTQ-themed ...

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Missouri, Kansas join other states protecting female sports

states female

As schools reopen after the summer break, more states are passing laws to protect the rights of female athletes from males who want to compete in women’s sports. The issue has moved ...

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Missouri Supreme Court rules parents can be jailed if kids miss too much school

missouri jailed

Missouri parents can be jailed if their children fail to attend school regularly, the state Supreme Court ruled this week. The litigation centered around Tamarae LaRue and Caitlyn Williams in Lebanon, Mo., ...

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