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New research traces growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity


An in-depth study finds that Spirit-empowered Christianity is growing exponentially around the world and shows no signs of slowing. Oral Roberts University will hold an event on February 24 to release new ...

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Pearl S. Buck paves way for modern missionaries


Most people who know of Pearl S. Buck remember her as the author of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. It was assigned reading for many Baby Boomers. The book ...

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Los Angeles Angels manager uses influence to help those less fortunate


Across the nation baseball teams are in training camp. While the number of wins is always at the top of their priorities, many players and managers view the upcoming season as an ...

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Former presidents share their thoughts on the central role of faith

presidents faith

As the nation pauses for Presidents Day, it’s a good time to look at past presidents and their thoughts on the importance of faith. “While we are zealously performing the duties of ...

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“Lord of the Rings” actor defends the Christian faith in Hollywood

Hollywood is an often-overlooked mission field where a Christian can have a powerful impact on the culture. One actor who is outspoken about his faith is John Rys-Davies, who portrayed Gimli in ...

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Barna study: Pastors worried about reaching young people

Just over a week after leaders of a Minnesota church were accused of trying to get rid of older adult members from one of their campuses in an effort to attract a ...

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Tim Tebow gets help from Vatican for Night to Shine

tebow vatican

Tim Tebow found himself bringing joy and hope to others in the Vatican last week with Night to Shine. “I don’t think God gives us strength so we can lift things; I ...

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When time runs out; Kobe Bryant 1978-2020


Sunday, Jan. 26, players from the Toronto Raptors and San Antonio Spurs allowed their first 24-seconds of possession at the start of their game to run out in honor of No. 24, ...

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‘Watered-down’ gospel a concern of 72% of pastors

New research from the Barna organization finds that a “watered-down” gospel and an increasingly secular culture is a growing concern of pastors. The prevalence of a “watered-down” gospel and the culture’s shift ...

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Facebook founder Zuckerberg says he’s “become more religious”


Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire founder of Facebook, has faced tough questions from Congress recently about data procurement and advertising practices. As a result of this stress, he says he has spent more ...

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President Trump speaks at National Prayer Breakfast

President Donald Trump has had an eventful week, both delivering the state of the union address and then being acquitted of all Democrat impeachment charges. On Thursday, he took time to speak ...

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SUN New Testament will allow millions worldwide to read the Bible

wycliffe deaf

Around the world, deaf individuals will now be able to read the New Testament thanks to a fantastic effort by Wycliffe Associates called SUN. Symbolic Universal Notation (SUN) is a written, concept-based ...

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Many businesses fail to include faith as part of diversity programs

Although many Fortune 100 companies say they are committed to workplace diversity, few promote faith and religious diversity, choosing instead to focus on sexuality. This is the key finding of the Corporate ...

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Super Bowl commercial “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis a hit with viewers


Nearly lost in the shuffle of a suggestive halftime show and overhyped commercials, one Super Bowl advertiser featured the wisdom of Christian writer C.S. Lewis. New York Life, the third-largest life insurance ...

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Patrick Mahomes: fueled by faith

It’s hard to turn on the television, pick up a newspaper or even buy cereal these days without seeing the smiling face of Patrick Mahomes. The personable 23-year-old quarterback has been in demand ...

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VIDEO: Patrick Mahomes on faith and pregame routine

Patrick Mahomes on his faith and how it shapes who he is. READ: Mahomes says God was with him during injury  

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Coronavirus situation ‘critical,’ Chinese pastor reveals in letter to world

coronavirus pastor

As countries around the world issue travel bans on passengers coming from China, a pastor living in the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak has written a  letter to the world. He’s ...

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Chiefs lineman Stefen Wisniewski sees God’s hand on path to Super Bowl

Along with the big game itself, the Super Bowl offers a platform for Christian athletes to share their faith. Chiefs offensive linemen Stefen Wisniewski talked about his relationship with Jesus with Jason ...

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Chiefs’ commitment to faith comes from top down, team chaplain says


The Kansas City Chiefs have more than a prayer of beating the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl. The team chaplain says the organization’s openness to matters of faith makes his ...

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Faith In America: Belief And Practice

An in-depth study has found wide-ranging views on religious belief in America and its personal and public perspective. As the nation changes, it’s interesting to note where faith and its practice stand ...

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Ambassador says new Peace Plan preserves the Biblical heartland

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is optimistic about a new peace plan between Israel and Arabs living in the areas of Judea and Samaria – known as the “West Ban.”  Some ...

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Hundreds of churches joining Tim Tebow for Night to Shine for special-needs kids


Tim Tebow has a busy schedule in February. In addition to speaking engagements, his foundation is sponsoring the annual Night to Shine for special-needs youth. The February 7 event “is an unforgettable ...

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Holocaust survivor: “I must tell you.”

“You wouldn’t believe it. I want you to know the history.” Her brown eyes welled. “When I went to see our [Holocaust] museum in Washington, I must tell you, they did a ...

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When Time Runs Out; Kobe Bryant 1978-2020


Sunday, Jan. 26, players from the Toronto Raptors and San Antonio Spurs allowed their first 24-seconds of possession at the start of their game to run out in honor of No. 24, ...

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Multiracial churches present challenges for pastors of color

worship song

For four hours at a megachurch outside of Dallas, pastors of color shared their personal stories of leading a multiracial church. One, a lead pastor of a Southern Baptist congregation in Salt ...

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