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Health and Wellness

Small, unexpected things can bring happiness, new poll finds

happiness poll

Happiness seems to be in short supply with all of the turmoil in the world today. The good news is that small, unexpected things can bring a smile when it’s needed most, ...

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Church Mental Health Summit will offer free online resources to leaders

mental summit

The pandemic exposed the mental health challenges that churches face. A free online summit on October 10, which is World Mental Health Day, will offer resources to church leaders. The Church Mental ...

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Hawley welcomes decision of University to halt sex-change surgeries on children

hawley children

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, is welcoming the decision of Washington University in St. Louis to halt controversial surgeries and hormone treatments on children.  The school and its associated Transgender Clinic which is ...

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Missouri taking steps to reduce maternal deaths

maternal deaths birthrate

Missouri, which has one of the highest rates of pregnancy-related deaths in the nation, is investing in a comprehensive maternal mortality prevention plan An average of 70 Missouri women died while pregnant ...

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Research and the Bible agree: Generosity is good for you


Generosity, a fundamental virtue of all cultures, finds profound expression in the Bible as benefitting the giver and receiver. New research supports those beliefs. In addition to offering moral instruction, scriptures highlight ...

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Psychiatrist says church is cure for loneliness epidemic

loneliness epidemic

Americans, even many Christians, are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The U.S. Surgeon General calls loneliness a public health threat on par with smoking or obesity. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said ...

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3M agrees to $12.5 billion settlement over ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water


Chemical manufacturer 3M has agreed to major concessions in a revised settlement proposal with several public drinking water systems across the U.S. The new settlement terms include paying billions of dollars more ...

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Latest strain of COVID is like the common cold

cold covid

Do you have a slight cold? It could be the latest variant of COVID. The Omicron subvariant EG.5 is now the primary variant in the United States and, like other sub-variants, is ...

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Where to Find Happiness


Have you ever said to a friend or family member, “I just want you to be happy.” as they were considering marriage, a new job or some other major decision? Where does happiness ...

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Majority of pastors feel lonely and isolated at times, Barna study finds

church pastors lonely

Two-thirds of pastors felt lonely or isolated at times last year, a new survey by the Barna Group found. That number is up significantly from 42 percent in 2015. At the same ...

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A lifeline for those that have chronic pain

chronic pain

Chronic pain is more prevalent than many people realize. This ministry helps churches across the country offer support. Their elbows, knees and ankles throb. Fatigue wrecks their ability to move at times. ...

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“It’s a Baby” ad campaign focuses on humanity of unborn children

a baby

Focus on the Family has launched “It’s a Baby,” an advertising campaign to celebrate life on the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Jim Daly, ...

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Some lost Medicaid coverage after federal guidelines changed July 1

medicaid july

Some of the 1.5 million Missourians covered by Medicaid may have lost coverage on July 1, according to the Missouri Department of Social Services. Federal guidelines that ensured continued coverage during the ...

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7 healthy back to school tips for kids

Summer is in full swing but for many parents, thoughts of the school year have begun. Those thoughts include if they should attend a private Christian school, public or maybe homeschooling. We’ve ...

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The positive impact of Chaplains on ICU families


It’s hard to forget your first time in the ICU. Strangers obscured by masks and gowns, beds surrounded by wires, constant beeping — it can feel like you’ve stumbled into a warped, ...

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Well-being of pastors has dropped in several key areas since 2015, study finds

church pastors lonely

The well-being of pastors in several key areas has significantly declined since 2015, a new report from Barna Research found. When it comes to having true friends, 20 percent of pastors in ...

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How do Christians view faith, health and their doctor?

christians faith doctor

New polling reveals that Christians would be more comfortable if their doctor was a believer and that faith contributes to overall physical and mental health. Seven in 10 Christians say they would ...

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Former trans teen sues hospital after breasts removed at age 13

As Europe bans so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries and hormones for children, U.S. hospitals continue to plunge into the controversial practice that many call abuse. Now, a California medical center is facing a lawsuit ...

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U.S. Catholic Church developing sex-change surgery policy

The backlash against radical sex change surgeries for children continues to grow across the nation and in Europe where several nations have banned it.  Last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ...

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Faith sustains Jimmy Carter during hospice care at age 98

Former President Jimmy Carter, who has been under hospice care for three months, continues to be in good spirits while living at home with his wife, Rosalynn. “They’re just meeting with family ...

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Plan ahead for safety in Missouri and Kansas summer sun

kansas summer

Summer in both Missouri and Kansas can be not only uncomfortably hot but also potentially dangerous for vulnerable people such as the elderly or those with certain health conditions. “Just take precautions,” ...

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Anxiety screening recommended for all U.S. adults 19 to 64


Controversial recommendations say all adults between 19 and 64 years of age should be screened for anxiety disorders. The proposal, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), is the first ...

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Splenda changes DNA, causes ‘leaky gut’: study

A chemical used in popular sweeteners and sugar-free foods can damage human DNA and cause “leaky gut” according to a new study. Splenda is the best-selling sweetener in the United States and ...

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Surgeon General warns social media affects mental health of minors

media minors

Social media use among minors can severely damage mental health, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned this week. “The most common question parents ask me is, ‘is social media safe for my kids?’” he said. ...

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Australian grandmother with dementia dies of injuries after police tasing

australian grandmother

The Australian grandmother tasered by a police officer has died, heightening public outrage. Clare Nowland, who was 95 years old and suffered from dementia, was tasered May 17 by police in a ...

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