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Health and Wellness

Predictable, consistent parents key to brain development in children

Scientists have long known that the experiences you have during infancy and childhood play an important role in shaping how your brain matures and how you behave as an adult. But figuring out why ...

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Vaccination increases Covid risk according to study published in New England Journal of Medicine

Individuals who received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been linked with negative protection against the disease, scientists say in a study analyzing the Omicron wave in Qatar. The research also ...

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People with bad diets know it, but those who think they eat well get it wrong

Most people believe their diet is far healthier than it actually is. According to a new study of 10,000 people and their diets, just 15 percent could accurately tell how healthy it ...

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Have we found a cancer cure? Drug trial indicates yes

cancer trial

A cancer cure has been found according to a study published on June 5 in The New England Journal of Medicine. The trial is the first in the world to completely remove ...

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CDC quietly changes monkeypox mask guidance just hours after posting it

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday told Americans to wear a mask to avoid monkeypox then immediately reversed that guidance. The controversial federal agency, which has been criticized ...

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New Missouri law prevents pharmacists from questioning certain COVID-19 treatments

Missouri doctors would be protected for prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as treatments under a bill passed by the Legislature late in the session. The measure that would put this rule into effect ...

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FDA limits use of J&J vaccine over blood clots

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on May 5 that it will restrict the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to adults over life-threatening side effects with the J&J shot. ...

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10 more states report hepatitis outbreak in kids

At least 10 more states across the United States are reporting similar cases of severe acute hepatitis—liver disease of unknown origin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a national health alert ...

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Red states managed pandemic better than blue states, with fewer restrictions

states pandemic

A new study confirms that conservative states fared much better than liberal ones during the pandemic. The Committee to Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education and mortality from ...

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Medical marijuana sales in Missouri reach $1 million daily

Cannabis sales in Missouri averaged about $1 million a day in March. The long-term effects of what’s called “medical marijuana” have some concerned, even while its benefits as a treatment for chronic ...

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How some food donation hurts people

A major problem with how food donation currently works in the United States is that a lot of the calories in those boxes and bags come from items that aren’t particularly healthy, such ...

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CDC quietly cuts 25% of deaths from official data on children

Nearly 25% of all deaths of children attributed to Covid have now been removed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new numbers for children were in addition to ...

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Set your clocks to ‘spring forward’ for Daylight Saving Time

If you’re looking forward to more daylight in the evenings, this will be good news. If you enjoy sleeping, not so much. Daylight Saving Time officially begins at 2 a.m. Sunday for ...

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Missouri sues communist China for covid cover-up

china missouri indictment trump

Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt is taking on the communist government of China over their misleading the world on the Covid virus. In an interview with the Epoch Times, Schmitt says the ...

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The financial side of being a caregiver

One in five Americans is currently an unpaid caregiver, and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, that number is on the rise.1 Caring for a family member can be complex. While ...

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How ‘superagers’ stay sharp in their later years

A new study on “superagers” shows how to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. When it comes to retirement, experts recommend that everyone do some hard thinking. By this, they mean ...

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National Marriage Week runs thru February 14

National Marriage Week USA is taking place this week and will conclude on Valentine’s Day. “Even though our society doesn’t always recognize it, marriage is extremely beneficial,” said Erin Stevens, executive director ...

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China is source for Covid tests being mailed to American homes

There’s a problem with the convenient at-home tests the Biden administration has purchased to combat the Covid virus. Many of them are manufactured in Covid’s country of origin–Communist China. The tests began ...

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10 more minutes of exercise could extend your life

A new study finds that if Americans were active just 10 more minutes per day, it could save lives. The estimated number of saved lives is 110,000 if those between 40 and ...

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Good news: Study finds deaths from Omicron are 91% less than Delta

A new study provides some good news in the pandemic. Omicron has a 91% lower chance of causing death than the Delta variant of COVID-19 with few deaths worldwide. The study, which ...

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Vaccine passport is not mark of the beast, says Franklin Graham

When it was reported that a vaccine passport microchip implant has been developed, some Christians questioned whether it could be the biblical mark of the beast. It is not, evangelist Franklin Graham ...

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CDC reduces quarantine to just 5 days in what some call political move

In an eye-opening reversal of over 20 months of Covid guidance and science, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has suddenly cut the number of days of quarantine for Americans ...

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New parents caught in hospital newborn hearing test scam

newborn hearing

After Christine Malik gave birth to her first daughter three years ago, a clinician affiliated with a company called Pediatrix entered the hospital room and fitted the infant with sensors and wires ...

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Twitter suspends account of key mRNA vaccine developer who criticized mandates for children


Twitter has suspended Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor to mRNA vaccine technology and an outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and rules. The move by Twitter to silence one of the developers ...

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Leading cancer doctor convinced of power of prayer working with medicine

Prayer has a significant impact on a patient’s health if partnered with science and medicine, a well-known doctor wrote in “USA Today.” “As a cancer practitioner for 30 years, I have encountered ...

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