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When Christmas giving is smart and when it isn’t

christmas giving

With the Christmas season upon us, thoughts are turning to the matter of gifts and giving. Such matters generally invoke joy in people of all ages, but not always. Sometimes we give ...

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The hidden spiritual advice on the Franklin Cent


Perhaps the United States of America would not have become so politicized had we all followed a good piece of advice from Benjamin Franklin. In Benjamin Franklin’s 1737 book, Poor Richard’s Almanac, he ...

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Thanksgiving inflation may mean eating out is most economical

With inflation soaring, it may be less expensive for some families to eat this year’s Thanksgiving meal at a restaurant. For a list of open restaurants, see below. Grocery inflation is rising ...

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Christmas Is Not an Emergency

christmas emergency

Christmas and money—now there’s a combination that can send anyone spiraling. Some think it’s an emergency, even in a bad economy. When you’re trying to take control of your money, saving for ...

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Sticking to a budget is critical during Christmas season, Dave Ramsey’s daughter says

christmas budget

After cutting back on Christmas spending a year ago, many consumers plan to buy more presents this year. Rachel Cruze, the daughter of Dave Ramsey, encourages them to enjoy the season but ...

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As a millennial I paid off $20,000 of debt in 6 months

millennial debt

It seems as if it’s almost impossible for a Millennial or GenZ to get ahead financially these days. Record inflation, insane gas prices, and a tough housing market are just a few ...

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Pastors taking different approaches to participating in Halloween celebrations

Churches around the nation are taking different approaches on whether and how to celebrate Halloween. Most church leaders in a recent survey said they do not celebrate Halloween because it originated from ...

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Home mortgage rates rise above 7%

Mortgage rates have hit a two-decade high rising above 7 percent. The milestone comes as the U.S. housing market continues to tank with more buyers choosing to wait out the recession and ...

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Commentator Dennis Prager shares seven life lessons from book of Deuteronomy

Dennis Prager life lessons

The book of Deuteronomy provides a roadmap of life lessons showing how to be a good person, radio host Dennis Prager said. “There is a word for the study of goodness and ...

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Great American Family network schedule of original Christmas movies

american christmas

The weather is cooling down, which means the Christmas movie season soon will be heating up on the Great American Family network. The Great American Christmas event will begin on October 21 ...

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Troubled economy has hurt churches, slight majority of Protestant pastors say

economy inflation graph finances missouri recession

Just more than half of Protestant pastors in the United States believe current economy is having a negative impact on their churches, a new survey from Lifeway Research found. By contrast, just ...

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The Great Recital: Seven people will recite entire New Testament from memory this week

new memory

Seven people are teaming up to recite the entire New Testament from memory, beginning on Tuesday. Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies from northern Kentucky, had the idea of bringing people ...

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Gov. Mike Parson signs tax cut for Missouri families and farmers

Missouri families battling record inflation will find some financial relief at tax time. Gov. Mike Parson signed legislation to cut personal income taxes in the state. He also signed HB 3 into ...

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Survey: Generosity more common among church-going Christians

Christians who attend church regularly are more likely to be taught and experience generosity in their own lives than non-Christians, according to a new Barna survey. The poll conducted of 2,016 adults ...

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How smartphones are causing ‘digital amnesia’

Are smartphones making us more forgetful? They are according to studies and the problem even has a name  –“digital amnesia.” While it may sound humorous, it has serious implications for our mental ...

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New movement tackles loneliness by plugging retirees into service

If there’s a retired individual in your life, chances are, they’re experiencing loneliness. Studies have found that isolation and loneliness are significant factors for decline in health as a person ages. During ...

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Experts: Parents should take steps to protect children in today’s culture

Today’s children face unprecedented dangers, many of them with spiritual roots, yet many parents are asleep at the wheel. “Anxiety, depression, panic disorders have gone up among kids I’ve seen in my ...

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Americans for Prosperity rallies in support of tax cuts in Missouri

Missourians gathered in Jefferson City last week to support tax cuts and agricultural tax credits in a rally sponsored by Americans for Prosperity The Real Tax Cut Rally promoted proposed income tax ...

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Christian crowdfunding group GiveSendGo grows by 500%


The Christian fundraising platform GiveSendGo.com increased its payment processing volume 500 percent in the last year and is now being used in 86 countries. Website traffic increased one thousand percent between June ...

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Have we reached the point of crisis news fatigue?

crisis news

The news does not lack from a daily stream of crisis coverage. But there are ways to stay engaged and not become numb to needs. When Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of ...

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$1 now worth just 88 cents while Biden claims inflation has risen “hardly at all”

88 cents

$1 at the start of the Biden administration is now worth just 88 cents. The devastating news for millions of families comes as the Federal Reserve again raises interest rates to stem ...

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Mortgage interest rates surge past 6% with no signs of stopping

The average interest rate on the most popular U.S. home loan rose above 6 percent for the first time since 2008 and is now more than double the level it was one year ago, ...

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Every American taxpayer will pay $2,500 to cover student loan ‘forgiveness’

Every American taxpayer will pay $2,500 to cover the cost of President Joe Biden’s student debt “cancellation” plan. That’s the shocking accounting study conducted by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF). Biden’s ...

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Sen. Roy Blunt blasts Biden’s college loan bailout as unfair

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt called the Biden administration’s college loan bailout “monumentally unfair.” Appearing on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday, Blunt also slammed the “bad economics” and the impact ...

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Travel with me to the Holyland!

“They don’t show this on the news,” exclaimed our daughter Emma as we stepped out of the mini-van. “They’re just like us!” She observed the Jewish family piling out of their own ...

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