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LIFE LESSONS FROM A LITTLE ONE – “Even when it hurts”

I think back to my childhood and sadly recall those I treated less-than-kindly growing up. As I’ve grown in my walk with the Lord, He’s given me the ability to go back ...

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Brett Kavanaugh’s letter to the American people

In an open letter scheduled to be printed in tomorrow’s edition of the Wall Street Journal, Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks directly to the American people. The letter covers the allegations and his ...

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FROM THE CHEAPSEATS: Is Mahomes the Real Deal?

I have to admit, I did not see this coming.  They said that Patrick Mahomes was the real deal but I refused to believe it. Was it the fact that I thought ...

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Media plays fast and loose with released statement

Leland Keyser, a high school friend whom Dr. Christine Blasey Ford publicly named as a witness, again refuted that she does not know Brett Kavanaugh in a letter released Saturday. You might ...

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Niece of MLK Jr. pens defense of Judge Kavanaugh

Congressional Opponents and some of their allies in the media have adopted an unprecedented standard of guilty until proven innocent to use thin and unsubstantiated claims to smear Supreme Court nominee Judge ...

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Unfunny Jimmy Kimmel wants Kavanaugh castrated


Jimmy Kimmel’s political ad for liberalism, commonly known as late night comedy, stooped to a new low Monday night. Kimmel suggested that his “compromise” to the battle of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court ...

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The danger of thinking you’re a good person

Jesus once told a story about two men who went to pray.  One was a high standing religious man, the other was a tax collector that had extorted money from people.  The ...

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Words of wisdom from a seven-year-old: “Sing, dance and be silly… because God wants you to!” I think he has a valid point. Life is way too short to be serious all ...

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As a Nation, We Have Forgotten God

It seems like we as a nation have forgotten God. When I was a kid, there was an expression: “Stop the world. I want to get off.” Glancing at the headlines sometimes ...

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Why reaching the campus with Christ is critical

If you could change the world, where would you start? Would you start by ridding the world of tyrants? Would you re-do the education or legal system? No, you would go to ...

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5 Reasons I Changed My Mind About Donald Trump

Donald Trump was not my first choice for president. He wasn’t even my second choice. In fact, when the presidential campaign began he was far down the list. Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, ...

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Dave Says – You must pay a price to win

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and Income Crisis? Pay off the house first? Check cashing? Taxes? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Dear Dave, What can someone do if ...

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“JUST A MINUTE – The finality of death“ with the Country Parson

Howdy partner.  There is a saying that goes, “Life is hard and then you die.”  Each of us will face the finality of death.  But the real question is how are you ...

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Oh, so NOW the media is concerned about the American flag

As the president prepares to announce the successful completion of a historic renegotiation of NAFTA with Mexico, the media is talking about…a flag. After Senator John McCain’s death on Saturday, the White ...

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Church is hard work, not a private jet

We don’t like inconvenience, do we? Let’s face it–if you had a choice of an easy path or a rocky one, which would you take? Many would choose the path of least ...

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Looking for a way to serve in your second season of life?


If you’ve come to the point in your life, where you are ready to do something in the “eternal” sense and have developed a sense of longing to please God, there’s a ...

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Dave Says – It’s Baby Step 1 for a reason

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and Income Crisis? Pay off the house first? Check cashing? Taxes? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Dear Dave, I’ll be receiving my income ...

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JUST A MINUTE – God’s voice with the Country Parson

Hi friends.  Over the years I’ve been asked how someone can hear God’s voice.  The problem that most people have is that they are too busy and won’t take the time to ...

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Propaganda, fake news and bias

If you google “propaganda defined” you get this definition: derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You ...

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I long for greater nearness with Jesus every day of my life. From the very beginning of my adult conversion I’ve recognized that there is so much He’s delivered and rescued me ...

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Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. responds to Omarosa

 I’ve been praying hard about the Omarosa situation. A colleague and I had an opportunity to sit down with her at the White House earlier in the year. I also had a few ...

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IRS continues warning on impersonation scams

tax scams

With tax season completed, the Internal Revenue Service has warned taxpayers to remain vigilant for phishing emails and telephone scams. Summertime tends to be a favorite period for scammers because many taxpayers ...

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JUST A MINUTE with the Country Parson

Hello neighbor.  It’s your country parson. The other night around the dining room table, my sister shared a recent event at her house.  She had taken some things downstairs to put into ...

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Weird details in Bill Hybels’ sex scandal should lead churches to make changes

Once again, a well-known pastor and scandal is making headlines across the country. And, as is too often the case, the story is about sexual misconduct and even sexual abuse. Bill Hybels, ...

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What is America’s Future?

Clay Center, Kansas – President Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”  An ancient prayer from the ...

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