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The church has the answer to America’s growing loneliness crisis

Do you feel lonely? Join the crowd. Loneliness has reached pandemic levels—but there is hope. It’s become a truism: Never have we been more “connected” as Americans—and never have we felt lonelier. ...

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Does the Kansas Constitution guarantee the right to life or the right to abortion?

A state court has ruled that the Kansas ban of dismemberment abortion of a living unborn child violates our State constitution. In response, the legislature will consider putting a proposed constitutional amendment ...

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How Do Real People Overcome Challenges?

dave ramsey

Dave Ramsey: One of the reasons we launched the Investing Challenge was to help lighten the mood surrounding the topic of retirement investing and finances. We’ve heard a lot about how far behind ...

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How a ‘Paycheck Checkup’ Can Help You

The Internal Revenue Service is continuing its effort to encourage taxpayers to do a “paycheck checkup” to make sure they have the right amount of tax taken out of their paychecks for ...

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OVERCOMING OBSTACLES – Life Lessons from a Little One

My son and I like to build obstacle courses throughout the house. We overturn chairs, move furniture, repurpose pillows and clutter the floors with whatever large objects we can find. But the ...

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Trump has made how much money in office?

A headline in Forbes magazine today screams that Mar-a-lago, President Trump’s resort in Florida, has increased in value $100 million. That’s a lot of money. You need to read deep into the ...

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Chick-fil-A conquers New York City and liberals are sick

New York’s elites are outraged at an invasion that threatens the “progressive” bastion. The city, which prides itself as the most diverse in the world, is being taken over not by ISIS, ...

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Turning the Tide on American Violence

Are you becoming increasingly concerned about your child’s safety at school?  Has your church begun discussions on providing security during worship services?  Have you had some uneasiness while at public gatherings, wondering ...

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Trump is trouncing who in the polls? Just about every major world leader

The national media continues to be fascinated with the approval rating of President Trump. The most recent Pew poll finds the president’s approval at 47%. Others show it from 42–45%. The media ...

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Why we desperately need Easter

On this Easter weekend, if you take a few minutes and read over any local or national news, you will find disturbing stories.  Like officials in a well-known college basketball program using ...

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Online censorship affecting Metro Voice on Facebook?

[Editor’s Note: Have you noticed fewer Metro Voice news stories in your Facebook news feed? It’s almost like we’re being censored. The staff of Metro Voice realizes we are not the Wall ...

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Was Jesus a hippie?

gospels jesus, great teacher

The question “Was Jesus a hippie pacifist?” may seem to be a thought given to frivolity, but this attempt to self-identify with the Nazarene is pervasive in many different and varying ideologies. ...

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Human Trafficking: Kansas City at Center of Dark World

By Phillip Cosby | We are witnessing an accelerating global cultural descent, where flesh is cheap and human slavery is back, flourishing and defined as human trafficking. The FBI reports that human ...

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Self-harm, screen addiction at root of gun violence


As thousands of students, teachers, and administrators across the United States prepared for this week’s “Walk Out” demonstrations against gun violence, I began to ponder the usefulness of such an event. PLEASE ...

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Some of this week’s walkouts give pause for concern

In a disturbing episode this week, some student walkouts over gun control displayed the same violent tendencies as the Florida shooter. One of Tennessee’s largest newspapers reported that students at a high ...

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MEDIA FACT CHECK: Tillerson length of service

The replacement of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week has been met with breathless reporting by the national news media as evidence of “chaos” in the Trump administration. “Unprecedented,” read ...

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Eating while black. What Applebee’s incident can teach us

It made me very uncomfortable this week to watch the video of two black women defending themselves after being accused of theft at the Applebee’s at Independence Center. I’m not just uncomfortable ...

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Metro Voice to end print edition, expand online

BIG NEWS ahead! 2017 marked two important milestones for the Metro Voice. In April Anita and I were presented with an “Award of Excellence” at the annual convention of the Evangelical Press Association. ...

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A small town Christmas

My mother grew up in a very small town, so small that her graduating class was less than ten! However, what that town lacked in population, it made up for in spirit, ...

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Editorial—Jerusalem: The Capital of Israel

On Dec. 6, the United States officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. As part of this historic announcement, President Trump initiated the process of relocating the U.S. embassy there. For ...

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Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?

I grew up a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn, New York. When late December arrived it brought some interesting challenges. Why? My family owned a toy store! I knew little about Christmas, ...

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How should believers invest for the future?

How to invest: Faith, not fear of N. Korea, should guide both finances and time says Stewardship Capital founder Ron Finke. In a little-heralded news item last month, the Federal Reserve announced ...

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Grandparenting: 6 things to pass on!

Grandparenting.  It’s a great thing.  I’ve got two little grandkids of my own, and we are having a blast.  I remember the moment that the first little one came home.  It was ...

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Visitors can now see the Church of the Holy Sepulchre like never before.

Renovation of church allows visitors better look at evidence of Jesus death, burial and resurrection. By Dwight Widaman | Editor If you’ve been to Israel you’ve most likely toured the Church of ...

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Election protesters on wrong side of reality

If you are like me, there’s relief that the election is over, if only for the lack of television commercials or robo calls. For some there was jubilation Wednesday morning, Nov. 9, ...

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