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Israel has successful test of space missile defense system

As the Biden administration inches closer to a nuclear deal that many say will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Israel has announced a major breakthrough in its defense. Israel Defense Forces ...

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Greek Orthodox Church accuses fringe groups of trying to drive it from Jerusalem

Radical fringe groups in Israel are trying to drive the Greek Orthodox Church out of Jerusalem, according to the local head of the church. “Our presence in Jerusalem is under threat,” Theophilos ...

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Lebanon faces grim future as Hezbollah holds the country hostage

As the masses across Lebanon deal with a collapsing economy and a paralyzed government, murmurings of dissatisfaction with Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Beirut, have begun to surface. But experts say it ...

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Israeli social media stars join effort to defend the nation online

Israel is launching a new campaign to train a group of Israeli social media influencers on how to respond to anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism online. The young influencers, who have a combined following ...

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Marking Christmas, Israeli Christians are ‘thriving’ while Middle Eastern brethren face persecution

While Christians are facing persecution and shrinking numbers throughout the Middle East, Israeli Christians are facing a different reality with growing numbers and high quality of life. The number of Christians in ...

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Reduced tourism hasn’t slowed renovation of Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Bethlehem. Although the pandemic has limited tourism, the Church of the Nativity is undergoing major renovations. Commissioned by the Roman Emperor Constantine at ...

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Gift boxes let Christians experience Israel while helping small businesses

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People looking for a last-minute one-of-a-kind gift can give a taste of the Holy Land while helping Israeli businesses that are suffering because of a loss of religious tourism. Quarterly Artza subscription gift ...

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Israel bans citizens from traveling to United States over Covid 

The Israel cabinet on Monday approved a ban on travel to the United States because of concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 omicron variant. All travel restrictions, including those entering Israel, ...

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Israel is on the ground helping Kentucky residents recover from tornado

israel tornado

Israel has become the only nation to send aid to U.S. tornado-ravaged Kentucky. It includes supplies and other relief plus hundreds of volunteers working on the ground this week. The Israeli government, ...

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Miss South Africa defies government by competing in Miss Universe pageant in Israel

Miss South Africa, Lalela Mswane, is thankful that she defied her government to compete in the recent Miss Universe pageant in Israel. “If I had not come to Israel to compete in ...

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Jews, whites, banned from London university student meeting

A student meeting at a British university banned Jews and white people from participating, The Jewish Chronicle reports. The meeting at Goldsmiths, University of London, was run by pro-Palestinian activists, and was ...

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Evangelicals have varying opinions about Israel, new study finds

evangelicals israel

Evangelical support for the nation of Israel is not as unified as it once was. The Jewish Connection: Evangelicals and Israel, a study of 1,000 American evangelical Protestants. reveals that 51 percent ...

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Israeli archaeological discovery confirms story of Hanukkah

A recent archaeology discovery in Israel confirms the story of Hanukkah. “What we discovered here actually connects with the story of Hanukkah and the Hasmonean revolts against the Greeks,” said excavation director, ...

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Auschwitz exhibit at Union Station extended until March 2022

If you’ve been to the Auschwitz exhibit at Union Station, you know that it has brought visitors from around the world. Now area residents have more opportunities to view the record-setting exhibit. ...

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Israel considers airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel takes the threat of a nuclear Iran seriously and is considering an attack on the nation’s nuclear facilities. Aviv Kohavi, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, on Tuesday told the Knesset’s ...

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As threat of nuclear Iran grows, Israel prepares defense

Israel is stepping up its defense strategy as Iran moves closer to developing a nuclear weapon. An Israeli security official, speaking to media outlets, says that Iranians today “are closer to creating ...

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U.S. backs off opening Jerusalem consulate which would weaken new embassy

The Biden/Harris plan to diminish the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem with a competing consulate has hit a snag. Israel’s deputy foreign minister said on Sunday that the Biden administration may end its ...

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Archaeologists uncover massive ancient wine making complex in Israel

israel wine

Jesus turned water into wine and just a few centuries later, the early church in Israel was producing the drink on a massive industrial scale. Israel archaeologists have uncovered a gargantuan winemaking ...

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U.S. Christians play vital role in restoring Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Christians in the United States have pitched in to help restore the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is thought to be the birthplace of Jesus. The United Nations had considered ...

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Iran continues to violate agreements, could be 10 weeks from nuclear weapon

The Islamic Republic of Iran already is violating an agreement it made with the International Atomic Energy Agency just a few weeks ago. The deal reached between the two sides would allow ...

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Scientists reveal physical evidence of destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


The Bible recounts how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin, sending fire from the sky to obliterate them. Now, scientists say they have found physical evidence that exploding space rock ...

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Stealth aid agency in Israel rescues 41 women from Taliban

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After the U.S. surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban left millions at risk, Israel has come to the rescue of 41 women. The UK’s Telegraph is reporting that among those moved covertly out ...

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Jews around the world pause to celebrate Yom Kippur

Jews around the world today are celebrating Yom Kippur, which is the celebration of the “Ten Days of Awe.” “These are heavy, heavy days of repentance and reflection and seeking God’s face ...

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During Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacle) you are to be “full of joy”

Sukkot is an eight-day celebration, from the 15th through the 22nd of Tishri (September 20-27). It is translated as the Feast of Tabernacles, and it is also called the Feast of the ...

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Afghanistan could become terror hotbed, Israeli military experts warn

afghanistan israeli taliban celebrates

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will make that country a hotbed for terrorism. That’s the assessment a group of high-ranking Israeli military officials said. The letter comes as the Taliban is holding ...

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