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Biden administration defends Israel, rejects ‘apartheid’ label


In a move that some had doubts would happen, the Biden administration this week defended Israel by rejecting a one-sided report that labeled the Middle East’s only democracy as an “apartheid state.”  ...

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Disney deletes Jerusalem from Passover greeting

disney jerusalem

Disney, not known for historical accuracy, deleted Jerusalem from a common Jewish greeting on Passover. Disney Channel aired the public service announcement for the most sacred Jewish holy day and replaced a ...

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Netanyahu will not work with Islamist party, instead seek direct election

Israel still doesn’t have a leader a month after its fourth election in two years. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now says he will seek a direct election for prime minister instead of ...

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Israel lifts mask mandate, leads world in vaccinations

In the latest sign of Israel’s recovery from the pandemic, the government this week lifted its nationwide mask mandate. The news comes as the tiny nation continues to lead the world in ...

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Three surgeries at once save Palestinian boy at Israeli hospital

palestinian surgeries

A Palestinian boy from the Gaza strip has been saved by a very three complex and highly sophisticated medical operations taking place at the same time.  The surgeries were performed at the ...

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Biden to cover 80% of world with ‘Do Not Travel’ warning

The Department of State will significantly increase the number of countries on its “Do Not Travel” advisory list to include 130 nations even as more people become vaccinated and Covid rates drop. ...

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Black Lives Matter is anti-Israel says Black Solidarity With Israel leader

anti-israel black

As the Black Lives Matter movement now aligns itself with radical anti-Israel groups, the head of a leading black organization that supports Israel is having none of it. On Tuesday the group ...

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American cities will light up for Israeli Independence Day

America is honoring the Independence Day of its closest ally – Israel. Buildings across the United States will light up in the blue-and-white colors of the Israeli national flag to honor Yom ...

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Tiny Bahrain Jewish community observes Holocaust Remembrance Day

Something amazing happened in Bahrain last week. The country’s tiny Jewish community observed Holocaust Remembrance Day for the first time in a virtual ceremony with representatives from the Muslim government. According to ...

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See the powerful videos as Israel stops to remember the Holocaust

The nation of Israel paused on Thursday to remember the Holocaust. For 24 hours, restaurants and entertainment venues shut their doors and TV stations dedicated their programming almost exclusively to Holocaust documentaries ...

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Why an attempted coup in Jordan is ‘bad news’ for neighbor Israel

The arrest in Jordan of nearly 20 people, including former Crown Prince Hamza bin Hussein, in a coup attempt has led to fears over the stability of the strategic Arab state. Jordan, ...

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Biblical Israel: Garden of Gethsemane


Mark and Matthew identify Gethsemane as the place Jesus went with his disciples after eating the Passover meal within the city of Jerusalem. This was just prior to his arrest (Matthew 26:36; ...

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Benjamin Netanyahu wins his biggest victory ever in Israel’s fourth election in two years

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured his largest-ever electoral victory over his rivals after the fourth attempt in two years to unseat him.  Netanyahu’s Likud party is currently leading as the largest ...

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Israel goes to the polls, will Netanyahu survive?

Israel is at the polls for a historic fourth time in just two years today capping what many hope is the end to a tumultuous political era. The Middle East’s only democracy ...

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Israeli archaeologists recover scroll fragments, mummy and world’s oldest basket

israel scroll

Dozens of fragments of a biblical scroll have been recovered in Israel in what is described as a “complex and challenging national archaeological operation.” The news has both the archaeological and Biblical ...

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U.S. and Israel hold joint navy exercise in Mediterranean

israel navy

The United States and Israel conducted a joint security patrol on Monday in the Eastern Mediterranean, the U.S. Navy said in a statement. The exercise comes after a devastating oil spill last ...

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How CUFI has awakened the ‘sleeping giant’ of Christian Zionism


This year, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), one of the most powerful voices for Israel in the United States, marked its 15th anniversary. “We could never have imagined CUFI would achieve so ...

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Christian group sends urgent letter to Biden over Israel policy

A group of leaders from a broad section of American Christianity is lobbying the Biden administration over its policy towards Israel. It comes after growing alarm in both Israel and the United ...

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Did Herod’s carriage look like this one unearthed near Pompeii?

pompeii carriage

What would a ceremonial Roman carriage used by King Herod on the streets of Jerusalem possibly look like? We may have an answer after archaeologists unearthed an intact vehicle outside of Pompeii, ...

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Top 20 stories affecting Israel in 2020

2020 was one for the ages – one of the strangest, most painful, most bizarre, yet most historic years in modern global history. This was certainly true in Israel and throughout the ...

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After a month, Biden calls American ally Israel

It took a month but President Joe Biden has finally spoken to perhaps America’s most important ally – Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his American counterpart called him on Wednesday. The ...

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Palestinian Authority caught destroying remains of Joshua’s Altar

The Palestinian Authority is under fire after it purposely began destroying the remains of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal. Archaeologists discovered the destruction of the compound when visiting the site late this ...

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Biden administration will keep U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

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In a surprise move, the Biden administration will keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The announcement eases fears that the U.S. would abandon its most important ally in the Middle East. What’s ...

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Kosovo recognizes Israel, will have embassy in Jerusalem

Kosovo has become the latest Muslim nation to officially established diplomatic ties with Israel. It marks yet another diplomatic achievement of the Trump administration coming weeks after Donald Trump left office. In ...

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Royal purple fabric could be from household of King David

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Have Israeli archaeologists discovered fabric from the household of King David? That’s the amazing assessment coming from Israeli. Israeli media is reporting that archaeologists have recovered scraps of fabric dyed in royal ...

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