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Persecuted Church

India officially targeting Christian believers, ministries

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, conditions for Christians and Christian ministries in India have worsened over the last several years. It recommends the United States designate India ...

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Dictator Daniel Ortega ramps up attacks on Catholic Church

ortega church

In a new attack against the Catholic Church in Nicaragua, socialist dictator and President Daniel Ortega with his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, have frozen the Church’s retirement fund for priests. The ...

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Iran arrests more than 50 new Christian converts

iran christian converts

More than 50 Christian converts have been arrested over the past week in a series of raids by Iranian state security services. This wave of arrests and arbitrary detentions within the Christian ...

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You won’t believe how Communist China is rewriting the Bible

Metro Voice has previously reported how the Communist Chinese government is rewriting the Bible as they continue to persecute Christians. Now, a U.S. Congressman has written an op-ed outlining what’s happening as ...

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Biden administration ignoring religious freedom, Oklahoma senator says

The Biden administration is failing to enforce basic protections of religious liberty, said Sen. James Lankford. An Oklahoma Republican, the state’s senior senator is making religious freedom the pillar of his political ...

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Suspicious fire destroys inside of church on anniversary of abortion ruling

church ruling

Church-goers continue to worship off site after a fire that destroyed an Orlando Catholic church on the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health ruling. The fire mirros ...

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Justice still elusive for Christian college student Deborah Emmanuel after murder


One year ago today, May 12, 2022, Deborah Emmanuel a 22-year-old college student in Sokoto, Nigeria was stoned to death by her fellow classmates and her body burned while a jubilant crowd ...

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Christians fear new Islamic caliphate in Nigeria

christians islamic

Nigerian Christians are gripped with terror after a  wave of attacks followed Nigeria’s presidential election. Faith leaders and politicians are now voicing concerns about an expanding Islamic caliphate. More than 1,041 Christians ...

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Canadian faces punishment for preaching outside drag queen story hour

punishment preaching

Nathaniel Pawlowski, the son of a pastor in Calgary, faces potential punishment for preaching and reading the Bible outside a drag queen story time for children at a public library. “We went ...

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“End of free speech” – Britain bans silent prayer

britain silent

Britain on Tuesday passed legislation banning silent prayer outside abortion clinics and other locations across England and Wales. “We now have people arrested for praying, interrogated by the police, asked what they’re ...

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Atheists attack Colorado football coach for being openly Christian

Deion Sanders, a legendary player in both professional football and baseball, has put God first since being named head coach of the Colorado Buffaloes football team. That has made him the target ...

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Arrested for silently praying: A warning from Britain to American Christians

Last month, a woman was arrested in Britain for silently praying near an abortion clinic. What led to the arrest? Was she blocking access to the clinic? Harassing women seeking an abortion? ...

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North Korea again leads world in persecution of Christians

North Korea once again is the world’s worst persecutor of Christians,  according to the latest World Watch List report prepared by the religious persecution watchdog Open Doors US. The document, released annually since 1993, ...

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Persecution of Christians around the world will surge in 2023

christians persecution

The 2022 report from the Open Doors organization says “persecution of Christians has reached the highest levels” since it began accumulating data for its annual “World Watch List” three decades ago. Hostile ...

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ISIS bomb kills 14 in church service

The atmosphere at the Pentecostal church in the city of Kasindi in eastern Congo was upbeat on Sunday as hundreds gathered for a series of baptisms. The congregation swelled beyond capacity, forcing organizers ...

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Christian organization raising funds for families of Egyptian martyrs to visit Israel

christian organization

Islamic militants murdered 21 Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya in 2015. The gruesome video of the beheadings elicited outrage around the world. Now a Christian organization wants to fulfill the ...

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Christian author donating Bibles to persecuted church for each book sold

If your New Year resolution includes reading more books, you can purchase one and help believers around the world in the process. A Christian author is putting his own books and digital ...

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Ukrainian protestant Christians being tortured, killed by Russia

ukrainian protestants

Russia is kidnapping and torturing Ukrainian protestant Christians much the way it persecuted believers under Soviet Communism. The charge is being made by a Christian persecution watchdog group that revealed an investigation ...

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University of Idaho must pay Christian students over censored speech

idaho speech

Christian students and a faculty member have settled a lawsuit against the University of Idaho that limited their freedom of religious speech. The lawsuit, filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys in April, ...

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U.S. criticized for leaving Nigeria, India off religious persecution list

nigeria india

A government watchdog group is disappointed that the U.S. State Department left Nigeria and India off its annual list of countries where religious freedom violations are most concerning, despite pleas from advocacy ...

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Persecuted Christians In Nigeria long for return of Donald Trump

trump nigerians

Donald Trump may be facing headwinds within the Republican Party after the midterm elections, but in the killing fields of Nigeria, embattled Christians long for his return. “Since [Trump] left office, there is ...

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Daring new program disciples Afghan Christians

A new program aims to reach Afghan Christians who are forced to conceal their faith. In November SAT-7’s Persian-language channel launched a new social media initiative, Church4Afghanistan, comprised of a new brand ...

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Christians remember persecuted believers around the world

nigeria's christians persecuted believers prayer

Lost in the attention on the elections, a day to pray for persecuted believers around the world took place last Sunday. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church was observed ...

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Healthcare worker called “evil” then fired for Christian beliefs on gender

fired gender

Physician Assistant Valerie Kloosterman wants her job back after she was called “evil” by a diversity director and then fired when she expressed biblical views on gender identity. Her lawyers say she ...

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This weekend’s March for the Martyrs highlights persecuted Christians

March for the Martyrs

Christians from across the United States will gather at the National Mall in Washington on Saturday for the third annual March for the Martyrs, sponsored by the organization For the Martyrs. The ...

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