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Teens fall for online scams more than their grandparents

teens scams churches app

The joke may be on teens who think they know more about tech than their folks. A new study finds supposedly tech-savvy teens are falling for online scams at a higher rate ...

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New social media app praised for being ‘family friendly”

new social

A new social media app has received kudos from users and industry professionals for its “family-friendly” goals. Gan Jing World, developed by Chinese nationals who have fled Communist China, launched in June ...

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Texting platform offers free services to churches and ministries

texting churches

The texting platform Gloo is offering free texting to churches and faith-based organizations. Ministry leaders can sign up online to begin communicating with their congregations and communities. “The church should have all ...

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Ask A.I. – “What is the proof that Jesus was resurrected?”

a.i. resurrected

Does artificial intelligence, or A.I., have anything to say about the resurrection of Jesus?  Metro Voice is launching an “Ask A.I. Series.” Our question today, posed to ChatGPT, is “What is the ...

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Social media a top concern for parents: Tips to protect children

parents media porn sites

As schools across the nation are back in session, a new poll finds parents are increasingly concerned about the social media habits of their children. The vast majority of parents say internet ...

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Artificial Intelligence, Jesus, and the Trans Person

jesus trans

An August 16 headline on the gay flagship website the Advocate announced, “ChatGPT Writes Trans-Affirming Bible Verse.” Yes, we are told, someone identifying as Psychological_Dog527 and posting on the /Trans subreddit wrote, “I was ...

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New U.N. climate chief contradicts media, government on climate “threat”

climate threat

American media, Big Tech and world governments continue to push a “doomsdaay” narrative that the environment is on the brink of collapse due to climate change. Now, in explosive comments, the newly ...

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Print Bibles remain popular despite rapid growth of YouVersion app

youversion app searched

The popularity of the YouVersion Bible app continues to soar 15 years after its launch. It has been downloaded on more than 575 million unique devices in nearly 2,000 languages, and people ...

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Apple to delete up to 1,000 of your photos: Here’s how to save them

iphone delete

Apple will soon delete up to 1,000 of your photos from a cloud account for iPhone users. Originally launched in 2011, My Photo Stream is an iCloud service that temporarily uploads photos ...

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Summit and legislation tackles artificial intelligence, nukes and globalism

summit artificial children parents

The United Nations and Swiss government, concerned by the spread of artificial intelligence, held a summit this week to address how to control and benefit from it. More than 3,000 experts from ...

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Good News: Air Pollution has plummeted since 1980

In June, as wildfires ravaged Canada, the Northeastern United States experienced heavy air pollution problems from the smoke. The out-of-control fires and subsequent pollution are a tragedy, certainly. But the fact that a ...

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Invasive “Frankenfish” that can survive on land recently caught in Missouri

invasive missouri

Southeast Missouri fishermen recently got more than they bargained for. They hooked a northern snakehead, an invasive fish that is a voracious predator capable of surviving out of water for days. Officials ...

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Biden administration criticized for ending scientific partnerships in West Bank

biden west bank

The Biden administration is being called out for deciding to end all scientific and technological cooperation with Israeli entities in the West Bank (Samaria and Judea), East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. ...

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Most UFOs have spiritual, not extraterrestrial explanation, ministry leader says

Many people, even Christians, believe that aliens are visiting the earth in unidentified flying objects. These beliefs about extraterrestrial phenomena are nothing new, said Jason Jimenez, who leads Stand Strong Ministries and ...

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End-times author cautious about future uses of artificial intelligence

The growth of artificial intelligence may be a double-edged sword for Christians, end-times author Jeff Kinley said. “One of the biggest concerns is that it replaces human intelligence,” he says “We are ...

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Splenda changes DNA, causes ‘leaky gut’: study

A chemical used in popular sweeteners and sugar-free foods can damage human DNA and cause “leaky gut” according to a new study. Splenda is the best-selling sweetener in the United States and ...

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Smoke from Canadian fires blankets cities

In an apocalyptic scene, New York and other major Northeastern cities are shrouded in heavy smoke from Canadian wildfires. Meteorologists say wildfire smoke blanketing the Midwest and Northeastern US is the worst ...

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House unanimously passes bill limiting government access to cell phone, email data

house data

The federal government’s access to personal cell phone and email data would be restricted by legislation passed by the U.S House. In a show of rare unity, the bill found unanimous support ...

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Vinyl record craze shows no end in sight


Over the past decade, vinyl records have made a major comeback. People purchased $1.2 billion of records in 2022, a 20% jump from the previous year. Not only did sales rise, but ...

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National Center on Sexual Exploitation releases annual “Dirty Dozen List” of companies

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation once again has released its annual list of businesses and other entities that profit off sexually exploitative products and fail to protect children from sexually abusive ...

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“Everyone will die” says AI expert in dire call to shut it down


Humanity will be under threat in the future from AI says a leading expert in the field, adding that the recent open letter calling for a six-month moratorium on developing advanced artificial ...

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Why you should be concerned by Biden’s digital currency plan

Digital currency

President Joe Biden signed an order on March 9, directing the Treasury Department, Office of the Attorney General and Federal Reserve to work together to produce a “legislative proposal” to create a ...

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Experts: Update your smartphone security today

smartphone security

Security experts are urging smartphone users to update their systems as soon as possible due to multiple security “vulnerabilities” of hackers having access to their devices. Many updates have been released for ...

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At CPAC, Missouri Senator warns of government overreach

Sen. Eric Schmitt is warning that the United States is at a crossroads and that government overreach and media control represent the biggest threats to Americans’ freedoms. The Missouri Republican made the ...

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There can be harmony between faith and science, says former astronaut

astronaut science

The topic of faith and science is trending across the country. It is particularly relevant for Christian students heading off to, or currently enrolled in college. It will be addressed in a ...

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