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Virtual reality being developed to spread the gospel

Virtual reality can entertain but can it effectively spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It can according to Cooke Media Group, winner of the NRB 2020 Media Award for Best Long-Form Video. ...

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Survey determines 30 most recognizable logos in America

The venerable logo remains the most important way companies communicate their brand to consumers. There are certain logos that have become synonymous with Americana over the decades, such as the classic McDonald’s golden ...

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Facebook founder Zuckerberg says he’s “become more religious”


Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire founder of Facebook, has faced tough questions from Congress recently about data procurement and advertising practices. As a result of this stress, he says he has spent more ...

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Move over global warming, NASA forecast indicates little ‘ice age’

Most American news stories now try to draw a correlation between the latest natural disaster and global warming. This even when the facts are increasingly pointing to other causes such as the ...

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Whistleblower says Pinterest censoring Christian content

At Turning Point USA’s 2019 Student Action Summit, reporters with The Epoch Times  sat down with James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, and two whistleblowers who came to his organization. ...

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Israel has developed Star Wars laser technology to combat missile threat

Israel receives billions in U.S. aid each year and while some call for it to be ended, the investment is making both Israel and America safer. Now, Israel’s Defense Ministry has revealed ...

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Trump signs act aimed at ending annoying robocalls

Are the days of annoying robocalls numbered? They may be after President Donald Trump signed an act on Dec. 30 aimed at deterring the spam calls and setting penalties for those that ...

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Panel says hyperloop test track in Missouri could cost $500 million


Will Missourians support the controversial hyperloop linking the state’s two largest cities? That’s the hope of a blue ribbon panel charged with investigating the idea. An announcement Monday afternoon by House Speaker ...

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Hawley sponsors bi-partisan bill giving the public control over their Facebook, other social media data

In a bi-partisan move, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has been joined by Democrat Senators Mark Warner and Richard Blumenthal in developing legislation designed to protect user privacy, their data and increase competition ...

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Has Israel invented how future cars will be built?


Automotive companies are slow to change. The basic design of the automobile has not really changed in over 120 years. Now, thanks to an Israeli start-up, cars are about to look, and ...

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Severe burns after generic phone charger touches necklace

A young woman suffered severe neck burns after her necklace came in contact with her generic cell phone charger, prompting experts to warn about the potential dangers of using these products. The ...

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Google researcher: Make search index a public utility

A psychologist who has spent years researching Google’s massive influence has suggested a way for the tech giant to avoid potentially crippling government intervention. The solution, a significant sacrifice for Google, would be ...

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Remembering the Moon landing

moon landing

On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 mission first put a man on the moon and has become an iconic moment in American history, and 50 years later, the nation hopes to reach further. ...

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Meds, social media linked to Gen Z suicide rise?

Gen Z suicide rates have spiked to the highest level in nearly two decades for that age range. A report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says it’s now ...

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Be My Eyes app lets volunteers help the blind

A new app developed to aid the blind in completing daily tasks actually uses complete strangers to make it work. It is an example of Galatians 6:2 which reads, “Carry each other’s ...

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Tariffs working as Apple moves factories from China

American media scoffed when President Donald Trump suggested American companies would move factories out of China as a result of new tariffs. Now, one of the largest companies in the world is ...

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Tablet burns through mattress as child sleeps


An 11-year-old British boy had a “lucky escape” when a tablet burned through his mattress down to the springs, but never developed into a full fire as it continued to smolder as ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley confronts foreign espionage

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on June 18 introduced legislation aimed at protecting sensitive national security-related academic research from theft by foreign intelligence services from countries such as China, Russia, and Iran. The legislation ...

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Twitter suspends account for exposing Pinterest labeling pro-life group as porn

Twitter temporarily suspended Project Veritas’s account Wednesday after the group published internal documents from Pinterest and alleged they show the company suppressing a pro-life organization. Project Veritas shared documents Tuesday on Twitter ...

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One in seven kids online contacted by predators

Almost 1,700 suspected child sex predators were arrested by Law enforcement officers across the United States during April and May, the Department of Justice announced June 11. Specialized Internet Crimes Against Children ...

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Elaine Beck is on a mission to unite Christians with new social media app

Elaine Beck is on a mission to unite Christians. But her efforts are not alone as ministries push for harmony in today’s often divided church. Ministries host events for people of different locations, ...

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Kim Komando: Better sleep with the right technology

Most of us know about “circadian rhythms” and the “sleep cycle.” We have a basic idea of REM, and know it’s not best to wake up during a “deep sleep.” But all ...

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China’s Big Brother tightens grip on society

The book “1984” by George Orwell is being  played out in Communist China with big brother everywhere. The Chinese Communist Party is using advanced technology to secure government control over the lives ...

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Toddler electrocuted putting phone charger in mouth

Most people absentmindedly keep phone chargers plugged in, even when they are not charging a phone. That danger is now more apparent after a 2-year-old child was electrocuted after she put a phone ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley takes on big tech with privacy bill

As Attorney General of Missouri, Josh Hawley took on big tech and social media companies and Google over privacy issues. He investigated Google for potential violations of the state’s consumer-protection and antitrust ...

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