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Release International: Persecution of Christians to increase in 2022

West Africa is expected to be a hotspot for persecution of Christians in the coming year, according to the newly released Persecution Trends report from Release International. The organization pointed to several ...

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Report: Western nations soft-peddle China’s persecution of Christians, other minorities

The belief that downplaying Beijing’s human rights abuses would lead to reforms in China has not only validated the Chinese Communist Party’s approach against Christians and other religious minorities but has also ...

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Lebanon faces grim future as Hezbollah holds the country hostage

As the masses across Lebanon deal with a collapsing economy and a paralyzed government, murmurings of dissatisfaction with Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Beirut, have begun to surface. But experts say it ...

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Funeral held for peacemaker Archbishop Desmond Tutu

A funeral service was held in Cape Town, South Africa, over the weekend for Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning peace activist who helped end apartheid but also fought against the ...

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Nicaragua seizes Taiwan’s embassy and assets, gives them to Communist China

After seizing Taiwan’s embassy, Nicaragua has given it to Communist China. The moves come as China continues to exert influence closer and closer to the United States and leads an effort to ...

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As Omicron fades, South Africa drops quarantine, other measures

South Africa is halting contact tracing and ending quarantine for asymptomatic cases of COVID-19. The news comes as the Omicron variant has run its course with little to no effect on the ...

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Peacemaker Desmond Tutu dies, described as “larger than life”

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu who has died at the age of 90, is being remembered for his work for peace, racial reconciliation and his laughter. One of the primary leaders of ...

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Nigeria’s Christians celebrate Christmas in face of terror threats

Throughout Nigeria’s troubled northern states Christian believers headed to church on Christmas eve with brave faces. Even in the northernmost state of Sokoto, the heart of Nigeria’s Islamic region, more than 5,000 Christians ...

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Kashmir’s oldest church built in 1896 to reopen for Christmas

kashmir christmas

Torn by conflict decades of conflict between India and Pakistan, Kashmir’s Christian community has renewed hope. Returning from a day of singing Christmas carols at homes and churches in Srinagar, a small ...

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Missionaries snuck past numerous guards in daring Haiti escape

haiti missionaries

Escaping captors in the middle of the night, 12 Christian Aid Ministries missionaries hiked silently through the moonlit jungle of Haiti, pausing at times to pray for the direction that led to ...

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Slavic Gospel Association brings hope to children in former Soviet bloc nations

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About 800 local churches across Russia and the former Soviet Union will deliver Christmas gifts and the gospel — along with personalized greetings from donors in the United States — to an ...

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Pressure grows for NBC to cancel broadcast of “genocide Olympics”


Pressure is growing for NBC to drop its broadcast of the Beijing Winter Olympics scheduled to be broadcast in February. The demand comes as protests continue against China’s genocide campaign against ethnic ...

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British archaeologists discover rare skeleton of man crucified by Romans

crucified romans

Archaeologists have found the skeleton of a man that appears to have been crucified by the Romans in the United Kingdom. Corinne Duhig, a human bone specialist at Cambridge University’s Wolfson College, ...

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Miss South Africa defies government by competing in Miss Universe pageant in Israel

Miss South Africa, Lalela Mswane, is thankful that she defied her government to compete in the recent Miss Universe pageant in Israel. “If I had not come to Israel to compete in ...

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White House denies cutting Taiwan video feed during democracy summit

taiwan feed

After the White House allegedly cut the feed of Taiwan during a worldwide symposium on Democracy, U.S. lawmakers and Democracy activists are furious.  the foreign policy disaster ocurred during last week’s Summit for ...

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CNN’s Jake Tapper calls out Hollywood, businesses for ignoring abuses in China

Jake Tapper of CNN, never known as a conservative, has blasted Hollywood, U.S. businesses and others who profit off the Chinese government while ignoring or downplaying claims of “genocide and crimes against ...

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1 million Afghan children may starve to death this winter

A new initiative is asking Americans for donations this Christmas to help save Christians who risk death in Afghanistan during the brutal winter. Its goal is to provide a “safe winter” for ...

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Zero deaths reported worldwide from Omicron variant: World Health Organization

Covid-19 appears to be mutating into much less dangerous variants. The World Health Organization has reported that there have been zero deaths anywhere in the world from the Omicron variant. The data ...

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For Turkey’s only Christian magazine, turning 10 years old is a miracle

christian magazine

Publisher Gökhan Talas recalled the early days of his Miras magazine when he took a finished issue of Turkey’s only Christian periodical to an advertiser to collect payment. One pastor had not ...

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France sends troops to Caribbean to stop mandate protests

As unrest against vaccine mandates grows around the world, France is deploying its military to the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe to stop the protests. The unusual deployment follows several weeks ...

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Chinese dissident warns Americans about growing authoritarianism

chinese dissedent

Americans are living under authoritarianism without even realizing it, a leading Chinese dissident is warning. Ai Weiwei, a famed artist and activist known around the world for standing up to Communist China, ...

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Rape epidemic across Europe tied to migrant men

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Women across Europe are at risk from migrant Muslim men as sex crimes skyrocket across the continent. “They are gangs of men who groom young teenage girls and abuse them for sex ...

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Like the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, world ignores genocide ahead of China’s Olympics

It should be evident to all paying attention that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will proceed as planned. Forget the meager protests against China’s cruel and immoral treatment of its own. The ...

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Israel considers airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel takes the threat of a nuclear Iran seriously and is considering an attack on the nation’s nuclear facilities. Aviv Kohavi, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, on Tuesday told the Knesset’s ...

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Catholic priest reports increased demand for exorcism during pandemic

The pandemic has been good for the exorcism business. An Italian Catholic priest who is a trained exorcist said the demand for exorcism has risen as the pandemic and ongoing lockdowns have ...

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