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Respect Life

Parkville is entrusted with the stories of the people they serve

parkville clinic

The work of Parkville Women’s Clinic goes far beyond your standard medical appointment or even our material assistance of diapers, wipes, etc. Each and every day, we encounter women and men who ...

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By wide margin, abortion was leading cause of death worldwide in 2022

codify abortion death

Abortion again was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2022, with the number of abortion deaths nearly four times those from infectious diseases. More than 44 million abortions were performed last ...

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Awaking from 12 years in a “vegetative state,” man says “I was aware of everything”

Trapped in a body and unable to respond, Martin Pistorius awoke to tell shocked doctors and family he was aware of every minute, including unspeakable abuse while in his “vegetative state.” In ...

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Democrats vote to deny medical treatment to babies who survive abortion

The Republican House on Wednesday passed a bill that would require health providers to protect infants born alive after an attempted abortion. The vote tally saw 210 of 212 Democrats vote against ...

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January 20 March for Life will end at U.S. Capitol instead of Supreme Court

Although the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Roe v. Wade unconstitutional last summer, the battle for life is far from over. The 50th annual March for Life is changing its destination but not its ...

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Pro-life leaders respond to Trump’s blaming abortion position for midterm results

Pro-life leaders disagree with former President Donald Trump’s assertion that Republican candidates’ positions on abortion led to the party’s lackluster performance in the midterm elections. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which spent ...

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Notre Dame president disavows professors who defended abortion in newspaper article

notre abortion

Two professors at Notre Dame University were criticized by the school’s president for promoting abortion in a “Chicago Tribune” article. Tamara Kay and Susan Ostermann defended abortion by attempting to debunk “lies” ...

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Bishop says Hillary Clinton’s lies “must be silenced for the good of humanity”

Hillary Clinton was rebuked by a Catholic Bishop from Texas for comparing the overturning of Roe v. Wade with rape being used as a “tactic of war” in such places as Iran, ...

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Sen. Warnock: Abortion is ‘what Jesus would do’

As Georgians end weeks-long voting today to choose between incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, Warnock has made startling comments about Jesus and abortion. It’s not the first time Warnock ...

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2023 Area Adoption and Life Ministry Wish List

Increased costs for this year’s Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations on family budgets remain in the news. Donations to nonprofits are especially important as they have adjusted their budget and next year’s budget ...

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Small Steps Open Doors to Adoption: KVC Kansas Facilitates 60 Children’s Adoptions During National Adoption Month


There are approximately 113,589 children and teens in foster care in the U.S. who need loving, permanent forever families, as reported by the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS). That number ...

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Voters in several states codify abortion, defeat amendments to protect life

codify abortion death

The pro-life movement had a rough day Nov. 8, with successful efforts to codify abortion rights in several states and defeating initiatives to protect life in others. It’s a sign that the ...

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Remove abortion and women still have other choices, including adoption

abortion mrl

The topic of adoption has become nearer and dearer to my heart in the past few years as the wife of an adoptee (one of five) who also has several adopted nieces, ...

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Actor Kirk Cameron encourages Christians to help create culture of life at Vitae Foundation Kansas City event

Kirk Cameron

Americans concerned that the nation is on the wrong track can look back to the Pilgrims for guidance, actor Kirk Cameron says. “They wrote the Mayflower Compact, which became the seed for ...

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Coach Tony Dungy speak at National Right to Life March

dungy abortion gambling life lessons

Former NFL Coach Tony Dungy will speak at  “Next Steps: Marching Forward in a Post-Roe America”– the nation’s pro-life march in Washington D.C. The march is organized by the National Right to ...

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Pro-life group Susan B. Anthony will spend big bucks in Nov. midterms

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a national pro-life grassroots advocacy organization, expects to spend $78 million during the 2022 midterm election cycle. “We are on track to reach eight million voters across ...

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Mobile abortions by Planned Parenthood will skirt Missouri pro-life laws

Planned Parenthood has found a way to perform abortions on Missouri women while avoiding Missouri’s pro-life laws. The abortion company plans to set up a mobile clinic across the state line in ...

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Abortion – The regret is real

abortion real

Statistics fly around us all the time. Unemployment rates, inflation, divorce, social media use, foster care, education…and the list goes on. These numbers are published daily in a variety of media outlets. ...

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MRL-Western Region promotes a culture of life

western life

Missouri Right to Life is a National Right to Life affiliate and our state’s oldest and largest grass-roots pro-life organization. Founded in 1974 as a response to the outcry over the legalization ...

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Parkville Women’s Clinic partnerships help women choose life

parkville choose

Audrey was involved with the Parkville Women’s Clinic for many years through multiple pregnancies. She found herself pregnant with her 6th child and in an abusive relationship. As she was trying to ...

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Christian Family Services – serving expectant, birth and adoptive parents for over 40 years

adoptive years

When God planted the seed for this ministry over 40 years ago, the individuals involved just knew they wanted to serve children and families and honor God in the process. These many ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley joins growing list of those questioning FBI raid on pro-life activist

Sen. Josh Hawley wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to explain why pro-life activist Mark Houck was arrested the way he was last weekend. The Missouri Senator joins a long list of public ...

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Continuing to Connect women to hope in a post-Roe America


On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade, the landmark piece of legislation that made access to abortion a federal right in the United States. Much confusion has ...

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Christians react to Gov. Newsom using scripture in abortion billboards

newsom billboards

Christians are responding to California Governor Gavin Newsom who placed pro-abortion billboards quoting scripture. Newsom, a Democrat, announced several versions of billboard advertisements that would be going up across seven states as ...

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Adoption, Fostering and Life Directory


Metro Voice annually works with regional adoption and foster care organizations, women’s clinics, policy groups and other pro-life entities. For information on any of the fine organizations below,  just click and check ...

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