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Francis Collins, Christian head of NIH, encourages use of COVID-19 vaccines

collins vaccines

Francis Collins, Director of NIH.

Francis Collins, the Christian director of the National Institutes of Health, encourages Christians to love their neighbors by getting vaccinated for COVID-19 when vaccines become available.

“Here’s a great opportunity for Christians to say let’s really look at the truth of the situation and evaluate what the evidence demonstrates,” he said, according to “Christian Headlines.” “I come back to Philippians 4: `Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.’ That would apply really well right here.”

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Researchers have not cut corners in developing the vaccines, Collins said. If anything, the research and testing have been more rigorous. “I want to assure you as a scientist, as a physician, as a researcher, who’s been in the middle of all of this since January, we have done nothing to compromise in even the smallest way, the safety or the efficacy standards for these vaccines,” he said.

Collins also addressed concerns by the pro-life community about COVID-19 vaccines. A fetal cell line from a 1970s-era abortion was “part of the preparation of two of the vaccines that aren’t yet ready for approval – one by Johnson and Johnson and one by AstraZeneca. But that cell line is not used in the production of the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine, which are closest to approval.”

Metro Voice published a story on the vaccines which you can read HERE.

Until the vaccines become widely available, it is important for Americans to continue to wear masks, Collins said.

“When you put on that mask, you’re protecting yourself a little bit from other people, but mostly you’re protecting them from you,” he said. “You are doing the altruistic loving thing of saying, ‘Just in case I’m that asymptomatic carrier that feels fine, but is actually contagious, I’m going to protect those people from me.’ That sounds like a Christian action if I’ve ever heard one.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice


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