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Tag Archives: pandemic

Majority of congregations are in excellent or good financial health

overtime congregations financial

More than six in 10 religious leaders report that their congregation is in excellent or good financial health, according to the Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations research project released this week ...

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Fewer Americans are reading the Bible: Why it matters

fewer bible

How many people today are engaging the Bible in any meaningful way? Apparently, fewer than you might think. In April 2024, the American Bible Society (ABS) published their annual “State of the ...

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Societal changes have Gen Z searching for meaning

gen z bible

Despite the overall decline of faith in American life, there are signs that members of Generation Z are searching for meaning. Christian campus groups at universities have seen growing interest from college ...

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Religious “nones” now outnumber all religious groups

nondenominational baptist nones

More Americans now identify as religiously unaffiliated than as being part of any individual religious group. More than one in four U.S. adults now identify as religiously unaffiliated, or nones, compared to ...

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End ‘gain-of-function’ virus research: Kansas Senator


Kanas Senator Roger Marshall said this week the US should discontinue gain-of-function research and stop funding similar Chinese research. “I think number one is we have to have a moratorium on gain ...

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Half of pastors wanted to ditch pulpit since 2020

pastors half

A shortage of pastors for American churches may be looming. More than half have seriously considered leaving the ministry since 2020 for various reasons, a new study from the Hartford Institute for ...

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Nearly 6 in 10 Americans who made resolutions want deeper faith

resolutions americans

Nearly six in 10 Americans who made New Year’s resolutions want to increase their engagement in religious activities. The big question is if the church is ready. According to the CBS New/YouGov ...

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Many pastors still hurting in wake of pandemic

pastors pandemic

Although the pandemic is over, the human toll on pastors is still being felt. “At the height of the pandemic, we were losing up to 1,500 pastors a month in this country,” ...

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Popularity of homeschooling surging in surprising places

homeschooling surprising

It’s no surprise that homeschooling has become increasingly popular since the pandemic. What is surprising is that it is growing even in large cities and among a range of political ideologies. “The ...

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Psychiatrist says church is cure for loneliness epidemic

loneliness epidemic

Americans, even many Christians, are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The U.S. Surgeon General calls loneliness a public health threat on par with smoking or obesity. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said ...

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Another survey confirms decline in church attendance

Another report has been released that documents a decline in church attendance since the start of the pandemic. An average of 30 percent of Americans from 2020 to the present said they ...

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Poll: virtual worship satisfying, but most people want in-person

At the height of the pandemic, many Americans who attended in-person worship services turned to their digital devices and their couches instead for virtual viewing. Now, the Pew Research Center finds a ...

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18 Christian colleges closed since start of Covid-19

colleges closed

Eighteen Christian colleges have closed permanently or have been forced to merge since the start of the pandemic, a recent report from Higher Ed Dive found. Schools shuttering their doors include Baptist, ...

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Church small group participation continues to decline


Small groups are a good way for Christians to build relationships, especially in large churches and after worshipping virtually during the pandemic. However, the number of people who participate is declining. Just ...

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Churches see spike in Easter attendance

franklin dove churches easter

Now that the pandemic is over, many churches across the nation were filled for Easter services on Sunday. Throngs of Christian worshipers flocked to Little Caesars Arena in Detroit to hear popular ...

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Homeschooling Conference & Vendor Fair this weekend in KC

homeschooling conference

The Midwest Parent Educators Conference and Curriculum Fair will be held March 31 and April 1 in Kansas City. Metrovoicenews.com is a sponsor of this annual homeschooling event. The annual event, which ...

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Popularity of homeschooling remains even after pandemic

Public schools lost more than one million students between the fall of 2019 and the fall of 2020. Although the pandemic triggered a surge in homeschooling, its popularity continues to explode with ...

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Church attendance is all over the place, but mostly down

Although most Protestant churches have resumed in-person services, overall attendance continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels, a new Lifeway Research survey found. “While there are a handful of exceptions, we can definitively ...

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A ‘postdenominational’ era? The rise of nondenominational churches

Pastor Dan Haugh welcomed 21 new members to his congregation Sunday morning. Six months ago, he welcomed 19 others to Stowe Community Church in Stowe, Vermont. While other houses of worship in Northern Vermont ...

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Canadian court acquits pastor jailed for keeping church open during pandemic

A Canadian pastor is thanking God after being acquitted on charges of violating public health orders for opening his church despite government pandemic lockdowns. As reported on Metrovoicenews.com, Pastor Tim Stephens of ...

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Tourism business is booming in Holy Land after pandemic

After being restricted by the pandemic, Israeli tourism is back in business. Christians from around the world are flocking back to the Holy Land. In fact, metrovoicenews.com publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman ...

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Baptist Homes takes over two Missouri nursing facilities

baptist nursing

Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries has taken over two Missouri nursing and long-term care facilities, one of which was ready to close. Now coming under the Baptist Homes umbrella of facilities is ...

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God-sized confusion: Americans’ faith, theology has shifted

Americans experienced seismic changes over the past two years, including, for many, how they attend church. The shift in behavior coincides with a shift in theology. The biennial State of Theology study conducted by ...

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California teachers union allegedly spied on parents during pandemic

California’s largest teachers union had a researcher spy on parents who fought for their children to return to classrooms during the pandemic. The tactic was confirmed by emails obtained through public records ...

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White House takes flak for shifting blame to Republicans for school closings

Many students are struggling academically and socially after returning to school following two years of lockdowns and hybrid learning. Leading experts continue to criticize the Biden administration days after it attempted to ...

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