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‘Let Us Worship’ event fills Kansas City with praise and prayer

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Christians are still relishing the outdoor worship event held in Kansas City on Oct. 17. Sean Fuecht’s “Let Us Worship” was held at Mill Creek Park at the eastern entrance to The Plaza. The combination prayer service and Christian concert echoed with song, praise, and prayer that lasted from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m., and brought with it people from across the United States.

A woman rises from the water after being baptized.

“During the event there were 45 water baptisms, 200 salvation rededications, 50 altar calls, and 10 healing testimonies,” said Kevin Stark with Team Xtreme, a ministry that uses feats of strength to reach young people, was one of the groups that helped secure Kansas City on Fuecht’s busy tour schedule.

Stark estimates between 1,500 and 2,000 people attended the event that drew young and old, black and white and a cross section of American denominations. Many saw it as a form of release after seven months of lockdowns and restrictions that continue to keep many from worshiping across the country.

Let us worship in Kansas City

“It was a breath of fresh air. It has been the first time in months that I’ve felt free from the fear of the virus. It was the first time in months I’ve been able to actually see people out smiling, and hugging, and rejoicing,” states Emma Mawhirter a nursing school graduate from Lee’s Summit. “People weren’t there focusing on the fear from the pandemic, they were focusing on the love of Christ.”

While even outside church gatherings have been discouraged, or even outlawed, by some state and local authorities, Fuecht and the organizers took safety into consideration. Local media, though, criticized the gathering as being a “super-spreader” event, without any evidence.

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Fuecht says the reality contradicts those media assumptions.

“I believe this is our 43rd city we’ve been to and there is no data that backs up that claim,” the worship leader counters. “In seasons like this, where America is being fractured pulled apart, this is the season that we really need the church to rise up and become a solution and answer of hope.”

In an effort to keep participants safe, social distancing is continually recommended during the events, and Fuecht’s production company had hand sanitizer and masks available for anyone who wanted or needed them.

Free to worship

“We love Jesus! We’ve always grown up in church and just wanted to spread faith!” exclaimed Jeremiah Herrera. He and his family traveled two hours to the event from their home in Nebraska.

Others, like Brian Tichenor who serves as Director of Team Xtreme International, say the event was a counter to a constant stream of bad news, especially the division in a year marked by riots, looting, racial division and a presidential election.

“We are tired of the crime, the violence, and everything that’s going on. Everybody is against everybody, let’s just come together and worship together,” states Tichenor.

Others said it was a much needed feeling of relief from the tension brought on by the pandemic is something the area has been in desperate need of in view of the recent surge in homicides and acts of violence in the metro area.

Kansas City Metro resident Corrie Manigold echoed Tichenor’s thoughts. “We want to see the heartbeat of our city be one of peace. Hopefully anyone sick stayed home and we are being responsible. No, I didn’t have any fear coming out tonight,” Manigold says.

–Amy Buster | Metro Voice





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