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Tag Archives: lockdowns

Religious colleges to share success secrets with secular schools

religious secular

An association of religious schools has formed a new commission to share recent successes in areas of access and affordability with their secular counterparts. The Commission on Faith-based Colleges and Universities recently ...

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Sweden refused lockdown and boasts the lowest mortality in Europe


Many more people in Sweden are alive today because Anders Tegnell understands the economic lesson of secondary consequences. Gore Vidal once said “I told you so” are the four most beautiful words ...

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Several measures to boost student safety will take effect in Missouri this school year

Missouri families preparing to send their children back to school later this month may notice several steps the state is taking to increase school security. Legislators approved recommendations from the governor’s office ...

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Anxiety screening recommended for all U.S. adults 19 to 64


Controversial recommendations say all adults between 19 and 64 years of age should be screened for anxiety disorders. The proposal, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), is the first ...

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Church attendance is all over the place, but mostly down

Although most Protestant churches have resumed in-person services, overall attendance continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels, a new Lifeway Research survey found. “While there are a handful of exceptions, we can definitively ...

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Canadian court acquits pastor jailed for keeping church open during pandemic

A Canadian pastor is thanking God after being acquitted on charges of violating public health orders for opening his church despite government pandemic lockdowns. As reported on Metrovoicenews.com, Pastor Tim Stephens of ...

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Where are Missouri and Kansas in religious liberty state rankings?

religious freedom

Missouri and Kansas do a fairly good job of protecting religious liberty, a new report finds. A survey by the Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy rated all 50 states on 11 ...

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God-sized confusion: Americans’ faith, theology has shifted

Americans experienced seismic changes over the past two years, including, for many, how they attend church. The shift in behavior coincides with a shift in theology. The biennial State of Theology study conducted by ...

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Airbnb to drop all listings in Communist China

Airbnb is ending its listing in China as of July 30 the company announced Tuesday. It will cease all domestic rentals and remove all listings in part because of continuing Covid lockdowns. ...

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Red states managed pandemic better than blue states, with fewer restrictions

states pandemic

A new study confirms that conservative states fared much better than liberal ones during the pandemic. The Committee to Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education and mortality from ...

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Pastors enjoy Holy Land visit after Israel lifts travel restrictions

A visit to the Holy Land helps the Bible come alive for pastors and serves as a transformative moment. Not just for them, but for their congregations benefitting when they return. After ...

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Church attendance has plateaued even as COVID restrictions disappear

Church attendance nationwide has leveled off as more congregations have lifted COVID-19 meeting restrictions and safety precautions, according to a Pew Research Center study. In July 2020, a few months after the ...

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Kansas kids in school after break, others across country not so lucky

With the holiday break having ended, a number of school districts across the country are deciding to go fully remote to start the new year. It comes as Omicron cases rise, though ...

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Jackson County Legislature considers ordinance giving health director unlimited power

On Tuesday, Jan 18, the Jackson County Legislature will consider an ordinance that would give the county health director nearly unlimited powers. Ordinance 5588 would add another section to the county’s present ...

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Missouri judge strips local health departments’ ability to impose COVID-19 mandates

churches coronavirus

Neither Missouri’s health director nor local health agencies’ directors can use “personal discretion” when imposing orders or mandates that impact businesses, individuals, schools, and other entities, a Cole County judge said this week. ...

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Catholic priest reports increased demand for exorcism during pandemic

The pandemic has been good for the exorcism business. An Italian Catholic priest who is a trained exorcist said the demand for exorcism has risen as the pandemic and ongoing lockdowns have ...

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Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church to return $4.4 million in PPP loans

Joel Osteen’s megachurch, Lakewood Church in Houston, will repay the more than $4.4 million in loans it received under the U.S. government’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The decision came after critics, including ...

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Despite few masks, no lockdowns or vaccine, Amish community thrives during Covid

amish covid

The Amish could teach the government a few lessons about how to cope with the Covid pandemic. The Amish community in Lancaster, Pa., (and Amish counties across the state) is making it ...

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“We will not comply” has a proud history in America’s social struggles

In response to the COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates, the phrase “we will not comply” and sentiments of civil disobedience have become increasingly popular. Parents at school board meetings have been chanting the ...

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President Biden’s approval rating continues to plunge in polls

Fewer than four in 10 Americans approve of the job President Joe Biden is doing according to the latest polls. A new Economist/YouGov poll found that Biden’s approval ratings “on his handling ...

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Christian schools outperforming public schools in academics, parent satisfaction

The closing of many public schools during the pandemic has caused parents to take a closer look at how and where their children are being educated. Christian education is emerging as an ...

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Filmmakers target wisdom of lockdowns in ‘Follow the Science’ Documentary

filmmakers lockdowns

For the arts industry, 2020 was an unprecedented year. Musicians saw incomes instantly wiped out when live venues were forced to close due to lockdowns. The filmmakers and the industry came to ...

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California to pay churches $2 million for unfair Covid regulations

The State of California has been forced to enter into permanent injunctions that prohibit the state from ever again imposing discriminatory Covid restrictions on all houses of worship statewide. It comes after ...

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Canadian pastors say continuing church closures are ‘soft totalitarianism”

As Canadian churches remain closed or under severe Covid restrictions many pastors see Christianity crumbling. While Covid regulations are the current reason, the country’s government has become increasingly hostile to faith in ...

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Missouri saw whopping 26% loss of all small businesses during Covid

A new report finds that the biggest casualty of Covid lockdowns across the nation was small businesses. The report says that 26% of all small businesses in Missouri closed, with an unknown ...

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