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Tag Archives: courts

Bibles in classrooms: A look at the Oklahoma mandate

governments sales bibles oklahoma

There’s been a lot of media coverage about a new education mandate in Oklahoma requiring every public school classroom to have a Bible. Some have taken to media platforms to denounce the ...

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Supreme Court strikes blow to religious webcasting

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The National Religious Broadcasters Association has lost its challenge to a rate system that it says forces religious webcasters to pay more to promote religious messages than it does for secular entities. ...

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3M agrees to $12.5 billion settlement over ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water


Chemical manufacturer 3M has agreed to major concessions in a revised settlement proposal with several public drinking water systems across the U.S. The new settlement terms include paying billions of dollars more ...

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Court: Washington, DC punished pro-life sidewalk art, not Black Lives Matter

pro-life sidewalk

The city of Washington, D.C., wrongly penalized pro-life advocates who drew on a sidewalk while showing leniency to Black Lives Matter protestors for defacement offenses, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday. ...

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Biden administration seeks to overturn laws that prohibit online censorship

The Biden administration is asking the Supreme Court to strike down laws that prevent Facebook and other social media from censoring political and religious speech. The laws, passed in Texas and Florida, ...

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Supreme Court hears case over government “home equity theft”

home equity theft

After a 94-year-old woman lost her home to “home equity theft” by the county, she sued and now the U.S. Supreme Court seems sympathetic to her case. The court heard arguments April ...

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Biden vax mandate for contractors shot down by courts

The Biden administration does not have the power to force federal contractors to get the covid shot. That’s the ruling of a federal appeals court which said Monday the government cannot make ...

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Missouri Judge Retention 2022 Election Guide

Voters routinely, and overwhelmingly, say that voting for retaining judges is the most difficult issue on a ballot. While a thorough examination of each judge’s lifetime of cases and the ramifications would ...

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FBI asks court for 66 years to reveal laptop contents of murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich

rich laptop

When Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was inexplicably murdered on a Washington DC street, conspiracy theorists alleged his laptop contained information damaging to Hillary Clinton and the 2016 presidential campaign. The ...

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Judicial Watch sues Secret Service over possible Hunter Biden cover-up

Judicial Watch, a respected government watchdog organization, today filed a lawsuit for a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the Department of Homeland Security. The information sought is Secret Service records ...

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Judge halts FBI investigation, siding with Trump for a special master over documents

The FBI was slapped down by a federal judge Monday in their attempt to prevent outside review of materials seized in a raid from the residence of former President Donald Trump. A ...

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Ben & Jerry’s sues to keep ice cream out of Israel

The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company this week filed a U.S. federal lawsuit against its parent company Unilever, in a bid to torpedo an agreement that would permit ongoing sales in ...

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Japan upholds ban on same-sex marriage

A Japanese court has upheld a ban on same-sex marriage by dismissing a lawsuit that argued it was unconstitutional. Three same-sex couples in their 30s and 50s sued in the Osaka District ...

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World Vision employee convicted of funneling $50 million to Hamas

An Israeli court has convicted a World Vision employee of funding the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza. Mohammad El Halabi was director of the ministry’s Gaza opertions. He was arrested in 2016 ...

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23 and counting: pro-life organizations firebombed, damaged ahead of court ruling

A rash of nationwide firebombings and vandalism of pro-life organizations in recent weeks has gone virtually unreported by the national media. The groups firebombed or otherwise attacked include pro-life educational non-profits and ...

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Ronald Reagan forgave, wanted to meet John Hinkley

President Ronald Reagan once wanted to meet with the deranged man who attempted to assassinate him but was talked out of the meeting by his advisors. The story about Reagan is resurfacing ...

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Churches cutting ties to Kanakuk Kamps over massive sex abuse scandal

covid kanakuk abuse

First Baptist Church in West Plains, Mo., has cut ties with Kanakuk Kamps near Branson because of the way it handled concerns about sexual abuse of campers. The announcement comes as churches ...

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Government prosecutor said use of word ‘sin’ could be harmful


It’s still legal to utter the word “sin” in Finland. At least for now. A Finnish court has upheld the right to free speech by dismissing all charges against Finnish MP Päivi ...

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Supreme Court rules unanimously in favor of Christian flag, speech

In a rare unanimous decision the Supreme Court ruled in favor of religious speech on May 2. The case involved the city of Boston refusing a Christian flag to fly at city ...

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Missouri remains one of freest states, while Kansas not so much

counties voters freest

Missouri is the 11th-freest state in the nation, while Kansas ranks 27th, according to the new Cato Institute Freedom in the 50 States report. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank ...

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Judge rules in favor of Missouri-led coalition of states to temporarily halt vaccine mandate

A federal judge on Monday placed a temporary injunction on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers at Medicare- and Medicaid-affiliated facilities. The ruling comes as another setback in which other ...

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U.S. Supreme Court on Monday reviewing Texas pro-life law

supreme texas

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will turn its attention to the Texas law banning most abortions. The court will not look at the constitutionality of the Texas law, but rather if ...

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Commission on expanding the Supreme Court against the idea, upsetting progressives

President Joe Biden’s attempts to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices may have hit a roadblock. A commission created by Biden issued draft documents late Thursday revealing significant skepticism towards progressives ...

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Civil liberties group tells Biden commission to reject court packing

court packing

A civil liberties group delivered a letter and petition telling the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States (PCSCUS) that it should reject court packing. The effort comes amid ...

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U.S. Supreme Court will consider pro-life and other key issues as new term begins

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

The U.S. Supreme Court will open its new term on Monday with several cases of importance to Christians on the docket. Among the 34 it so far has agreed to hear are ...

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