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Tag Archives: faith

Poll: most believe religious freedom necessary to healthy American society

Contrary to media narratives that say faith is becoming less important in America, a new poll finds a majority say religious freedom is “very” important to a healthy American society. In a ...

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Salvations skyrocket in Iran as young people oppose government

Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei rigged the recent elections to install Ebrahim Raisi as president for one major purpose: to warn citizens who are disgruntled with the regime and angry about their ...

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Christian leaders offer prayers, encouragement to new Israel prime minister

Christian leaders from around the world are sizing up Naftali Bennett, the new prime minister of Israel. They’ve sent him a letter committing to prayer and encouragement as he takes on the ...

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Media spotlight was on future of Southern Baptists last week

southern baptists

The Southern Baptists held what they considered a critical convention in Nashville last week. The denomination conducted an election that will help decide which direction it will take — whether it will ...

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Kendrick brothers will release two films for fall

faitih release

The Kendrick brothers are at it again. In partnership with Sony Pictures’ Affirm Films, they are releasing their first documentary, “Show Me the Father,” and the fictional “Courageous Legacy” later this year. ...

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IRS denies tax exempt status saying prayer benefits ‘interests of Republican Party’

irs prayer tax exempt irs

In what could be a new crackdown on religious freedom by the Biden administration, the IRS has denied tax-exempt status to a Texas group that encourages church members to pray for state ...

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World Revival Church responds to allegations

world revival

Kansas City-based World Revival Church recently came under scrutiny after a local television station produced a story with the headline “Congregation or Cult?” It outlined alleged abuse that occurred at the church. ...

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‘Taking back the rainbow:’ former LGBT people share faith during Pride Month


Around 200 men and women who once identified with the LGBT community shared their stories at a Washington, D.C., rally during Pride Month. With many sporting T-shirts decorated with rainbow flags and ...

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Catholic bishops meet to discuss denying Biden communion

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will meet his week to discuss whether President Biden will be allowed to receive communion while promoting abortion until birth and forcing colleges to allow biological ...

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With 2% chance of survival, Christian cancer patient brings America’s Got Talent to tears

On Tuesday night, Jane Marczewski who goes by her stage name “Nightbirde,” was awarded the Golden Buzzer after singing her original song, “It’s OK” on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” It’s something that ...

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Younger pastors optimistic about denominations, older pastors not so much

A new survey finds that most pastors believe it is vital for their church to be part of a denomination but doubt the importance of those types of ties lasting another decade. ...

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Rick Warren to step down from church position

Influential Pastor Rick Warren is stepping down as lead pastor at Saddleback Church in California. “For 42 years, Kay and I have known this day would eventually arrive and we’ve been waiting ...

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Forgive and be Forgiven

“I will never forgive him for what he did!” Have you ever said that to yourself about someone who deeply hurt you?  When someone you trust lies, physically abuses, verbally intimidates or ...

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Chiefs’ Daniel Sorensen talks about faith and how he got his nickname

For Daniel Sorensen, the experience of winning a Super Bowl does not compare to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Winning the biggest game of the year is a supreme thrill, but ...

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Speakers sound optimistic tone on 10th anniversary of devastating Joplin tornado


Paid work has prevented me from doing any volunteer work in Joplin, Mo., the site of a killer EF-5 tornado May 22, 2011, over the past seven years or so, but I ...

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Christian children ‘butchered to death’ during attacks in Nigeria


Dozens of Christians, including children, have been brutally murdered by Islamist Fulani herdsmen in several villages across northern Nigeria. The carnage in the country’s Plateau State follows increasing attacks by extremists on ...

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Judge rules opening court with prayer violates Constitution

A federal district court has ruled that a Texas judge’s practice of having a chaplain open court sessions with prayer violates the Constitution. Judge Wayne Mack, a justice of the peace in ...

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Southern Baptist denomination sees record drop in members

Churches in the Southern Baptist Convention lost a record 400,000 members in 2020. The Annual Church Profile report shows membership in SBC congregations declined by 435,632, more than 50 percent higher than the 287,655 ...

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‘Jesus’ banned from high school graduation speech

jesus speech

Any references to the Christian faith are banned from graduation speeches at a Michigan high school this week. Elizabeth Turner is scheduled to deliver her Hillsdale High School valedictory speech but she’s ...

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Pastor beaten by Chinese police tells others, ‘hold fast to the faith’

Pastor beaten

A Chinese pastor, beaten by police, has a message for Christians – “hold fast to the faith.” Like countless pastors across Communist China, Yang Hua of Guiyang Living Stone Church, his encouragement ...

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Rudy from The Cosby Show stars in ‘My Brother’s Keeper’

my brothers keeper

The story in the film My Brother’s Keeper is a familiar story to many military service members who return from deployment. It’s also the story of those who strive to help them. ...

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Florida now allows citizens to sue Big Tech for censorship

Florida has become the first state to allow citizens to sue Big Tech over censorship issues. The bill was signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and is seen as a ...

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‘Seismic generation shift’ among Millennials over Christian faith

Millennials are far less likely to hold Christian beliefs than previous generations.  The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University calls it a “seismic generational shift.” Its research found that this generation ...

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Millions of Christians worldwide will share their faith on ‘GO Day’

More than 50 million Christians worldwide are expected to share their faith on the 10th anniversary of GO Day on May 29. May is GO Month, and Christians have been sharing their faith ...

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Billy Graham chaplains encourage police as deaths rise

At the height of summer heat and social unrest in 2020, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association brought a message of hope and faith to minority communities hit hard by rioting and protests. ...

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