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Tag Archives: gallup

Only one in three Americans have confidence in the church, Gallup finds

confidence church

Only about one-third of Americans have confidence in the church or organized religion, and even fewer have faith in public schools. Gallup sampled Americans’ level of trust in more than a dozen ...

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Another survey confirms decline in church attendance

Another report has been released that documents a decline in church attendance since the start of the pandemic. An average of 30 percent of Americans from 2020 to the present said they ...

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Americans identify as socially conservative at highest numbers in decade

americans identify

Americans may be rebelling against an increasingly liberal culture. More adults identify as social conservatives than at any time in the past decade, a new Gallup poll has found. Nearly four in ...

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Percentage of pro-life Americans increases

The percentage of the U.S. population that considers itself pro-life has increased in the year since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Forty-four percent of Americans describe themselves as pro-life, ...

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Americans identifying  as LGBT doubled in past 10 years

Twice as many Americans now identify as LGBT than a decade ago, a new Gallup poll found. The share of Americans who identify as LGBT reached a record 7.2 percent in 2022 ...

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Americans increasingly dissatisfied with K-12 education

An increasing number of Americans are dissatisfied with the state of K-12 education in the nation, a new Gallup poll found. Only 42 percent of respondents said they are completely or somewhat ...

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More Americans than ever report “suffering,” new Gallup poll finds

americans suffering

More Americans than ever say they are suffering, according to the Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index for July. “Since reaching a record high in June 2021, life ratings among American adults have steadily ...

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Confidence in nearly all institutions, including the church, dropped since last year

Confidence in nearly every American institution – including the church – has dropped over the past year, a new Gallup poll finds. The yearly poll asks respondents to share how much confidence, ...

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Despite Democrat opposition, most Americans support Israel over Palestinians

More than half of Americans support Israel over the Palestinians, a new Gallup poll finds. About one-quarter said their sympathies are with Palestinians, and the rest said both, neither or that they ...

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Voters exit Democrat Party in historic numbers and speed

President Biden and the Democrat Congress apparently have been effective salespeople for their arch-nemesis – the Republican Party. Americans are switching parties in droves, according to a Gallup poll of voters released ...

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Chief Justice John Roberts most popular person in Washington, Gallup poll finds

At a time when poll numbers for the president and vice president are drooping, Chief Justice John Roberts is the most popular person in Washington, according to a new Gallup poll. Sixty ...

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Trust in media continues to drop in latest Gallup poll

Americans’ trust in the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage points since last year to 36 percent, according to a new Gallup poll. A ...

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Poll: Nearly 70% believe moral values getting worse

moral poll

The country is sliding down a slippery slope of moral values according to a new poll. The Gallup polling finds that 67 percent of Americans believe the state of moral values is ...

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As media spins positive news, worry about Covid drops to record low

According to a new Gallup poll, worry about Covid has dropped to its lowest level since this time last year. Just 35 percent of all Americans surveyed from March 15 to 21 ...

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U.S. church membership drops below 50 percent for first time

Less than half of Americans now say they belong to a house of worship, which is the lowest number since polling began in the mid-1930s. The decline is part of a continued ...

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Polls find record low church attendance, majority of Republicans support same-sex marriage

For the first time, religious service attendance has fallen below 50 percent while a majority of Republican voters say they support same-sex marriage. According to a Public Religion Research Institute polls, less ...

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Regardless of party affiliation, Americans want to reopen schools

Most Americans want schools to reopen, including majorities of all political persuasions and regions of the country. More than 94 percent of Republican respondents to a Gallup poll said they support providing ...

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Obama loses spot as “most admired man” to President Donald Trump

Barack Obama has been dethroned as America’s most admired man and many are saying it’s another clue into a 2020 election result that doesn’t align with polling. The Gallup polling organization asked ...

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Liberal evangelical leader urges Biden to moderate positions

A Liberal evangelical opposed to Donald Trump is asking Joe Biden to do more to appeal to conservative evangelicals concerned about abortion and religion freedom. The plea comes as Biden has moved ...

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A view from Israel: Trump leadership leads to high approval ratings

President Trump has been accused of almost everything – from colluding with the Russians, to withholding money from Ukraine in a quid pro quo, and, most recently, downplaying the coronavirus threat in ...

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Amid impeachment trial, President Trump’s approval rating soars

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high and the Republican Party’s image is the best it’s been since 2005, according to new Gallup polling released Tuesday morning. The poll, which ...

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Faith In America: Belief And Practice

An in-depth study has found wide-ranging views on religious belief in America and its personal and public perspective. As the nation changes, it’s interesting to note where faith and its practice stand ...

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Trump ties Obama as most admired in nation

President Donald Trump has tied former President Barack Obama as most admired. The new Gallup poll has shocked many Democrats and media commentators after three years of 90% negative news coverage of ...

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Fox News deceives through methodology on impeachment poll

Is Fox News playing with the poll numbers regarding impeachment? A look at the methodology and the samples lends considerable weight to that allegation. The news network released a major story Wednesday ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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