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Tag Archives: Israel

Trump nominated for Nobel Peace prize for Middle East peace

President Donald Trump on Wednesday was nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a respected member of Norway’s Parliament, said he submitted the nomination because of Trump’s tireless work in ...

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Actor Jim Caviezel speaks out on abortion and persecuted church

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Jim Caviezel, who starred in “The Passion of the Christ,” is one of the rare Hollywood actors who is outspoken about his Christian faith. “The way God sees us is who we ...

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Palestinians deal with new reality as more Arab nations move to Israel’s side

Palestinians authorities (PA) are a no longer feeling the love from Arab nations. The PA, which was brought to the dance by a dozen Arab nations, is sitting on the side as ...

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Tickets now on sale for pro-Israel documentary ‘Never Again?’

never again

“Never Again?,” a feature-length documentary produced by Christians United for Israel, will be shown in theaters on October 13 and 15. The goal of the movie is to expose and combat increasing ...

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First commercial flight from Israel to the UAE set for next week

History will be made next week as the first commercial airliner flight between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Top US officials, along with senior Israeli officials, will be among those ...

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Pompeo makes historic direct flight from Israel to Arab Sudan

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made history this week becoming the first top US official to visit Sudan since the country overthrew former president Omar al-Bashir last year. To make it even ...

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President praises Evangelicals for support of historic Israel, UAE deal

President Donald Trump credits Evangelicals for supporting the breakthrough agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “It’s an incredible thing for Israel, (and) it’s incredible for the evangelicals, ...

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As Arab world begins to side with Israel, Palestinians forced towards peace

Israel and Arab Palestinians may be moving closer to solving their conflict, especially as Arab nations seem to be lining up to normalize relations and sign peace treaties with the Jewish state. ...

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Historic bombshell: Behind the Trump brokered Israel–UAE peace accord

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The Israel-UAE peace accord is a game changer for peace in the Middle East. This is full diplomatic relations with an important Arab nation. The most significant advancement for peace in the ...

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Trump announces historic peace agreement between Israel and UAE

In an announcement that is reverberating around the world, President Trump on Thursday revealed what is being called a “Historic Peace Agreement” between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “HUGE breakthrough ...

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Fantastic discovery from time of Hezekiah and Manasseh unearthed near US Embassy in Jerusalem

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a stunning ancient site near the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The artifacts from the rule of Judean kings Hezekiah and Manasseh found exactly as they were left when Babylonians ...

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Israel finds weekend business closures do not slow spread of Covid-19

Israel will end its mandatory closure of businesses and synagogues each weekend after a study found it had no impact on curbing the spread of Covid-19. The Times of Israel reports Health ...

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World’s largest plane delivers US Military trucks to be retrofitted in Israel

The world’s largest airplane landed in Israel Monday bringing a shipment of American military trucks.  The trucks will be integrated into Israel’s famous Iron Dome anti-missile system being sold to the U.S. ...

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Israeli, German fighter pilots will hold joint exercises over sites of horrific events

Israeli fighter pilots will make history in September, when they are scheduled to conduct joint military exercises with their German counterparts. The exercise will take place over the Dachau concentration camp, where ...

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Knesset Christian Allies Caucus relaunched last week in Jerusalem

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The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus relaunched last week in a remarkable show of unity bringing together members of seven various Israeli political parties.  The caucus serves as a link between pro-Israel Christian ...

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Riots and Protests: What America can learn from Israel: Q&A with David Rubin

Israeli David Rubin knows something about the personal cost of terrorism. It touched his family in a horrific way. Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel and was with his then ...

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Israel real estate boom fueled by view it’s ‘safest place to be’

Jews and Israelis who are living in the U.S. and other regions of the world are fueling a huge surge in real estate purchases in Israel. American Jews and Israelis who moved ...

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American Jewish Committee commends Gov. Parson for signing anti-BDS bill

Gov. Mike Parson signed a bill into law that makes Missouri the 30th state to take action against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to delegitimize and demonize Israel. The ...

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YouTube pressured to remove 3-hour antisemitic speech by Louis Farrakhan

A public campaign has been launched to persuade YouTube to remove a video of the notoriously antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s July 4 speech. In the speech,  the Nation of ...

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo receives Friends of Zion Award

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Kansas congressman, earlier this week was awarded the Friends of Zion Award. The award was commissioned by the late Shimon Peres, the ninth President of the ...

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Jewish leaders criticize anti-Israel platform of Black Lives Matter

Liberal Jews who support Black Lives Matter have been surprised to learn that the organization is anti-Semitic and has an anti-Israel agenda, “The Washington Times” reported. The agenda, which is clearly laid ...

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Israel will fund construction of new city, ‘Trump Heights’

President Donald Trump received a present from Israel on his 74th birthday. The Israeli government approved funding on Sunday to begin construction on “Trump Heights,” a new town in the Golan Heights. ...

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Syrian newborn flown to Israel for life-saving heart surgery

Israel has again become a life-saver after a 10-day old Syrian baby born to refugees in Cyprus was airlifted to Tel Aviv Thursday to receive potentially life-saving treatment for his severe heart ...

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More Palestinian citizens publicly supporting Israel annexation

Palestinians are now talking openly of  accepting the peace deal being offered by Israel. Tired of years of conflict, failed promises by their own leaders and increasing frustration by Arab countries, many ...

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Did God send the coronavirus?

coronavirus fully vaccinated

Is the coronavirus a plague from God? …or from the devil? …or just a coincidence? Does it signal the end of the world? Or, is it a wake-up call for this world? ...

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