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Tag Archives: jewish people

Founding Fathers: Jewish people key to American success

jewish people

Respecting Jewish people and standing against antisemitism has a long history in the United States. “The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation,” John Adams said. “If I ...

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Jewish, Christian leaders call on Congress to support Israel, fight antisemitism

jewish support

Fifteen leaders of religious organizations and institutions signed a letter sent to Democratic and Republican congressional leaders earlier this week, urging legislators support Israel and the Jewish people. “We represent many faith traditions and ...

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Christians stand with Israel on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The world will pause today to remember the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust during ‘World War II. Scott Phillips is the CEO of Passages, which helps Christian college students experience ...

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Evangelicals have varying opinions about Israel, new study finds

evangelicals israel

Evangelical support for the nation of Israel is not as unified as it once was. The Jewish Connection: Evangelicals and Israel, a study of 1,000 American evangelical Protestants. reveals that 51 percent ...

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