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Tag Archives: pandemic

Wrestling star Hulk Hogan encourages Christians to put quarantine to good use

The ongoing stay-at-home orders present a good opportunity for Christians to focus on strengthening their relationships with Christ, wrestling star Hulk Hogan said. “God has taken away everything we worship,” he wrote ...

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Basketball star Stephen Curry holds live worship session on social media

curry worship

Basketball star Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors is making the most of his free time with the NBA shut down. Earlier this week, he was host for a live worship ...

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Top White House doctor debunks China outbreak data

Data on coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, shows it has been linked to at least 159,510 deaths globally and infected over 2.3 million people as of Saturday night, according to official ...

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California county restricts singing in livestreamed church services

Mendocino County, Calif., has made it difficult to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It has banned more than four people singing live and the playing of wind instruments during livestreamed ...

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World leaders join Trump in saying China will pay a price

Will China pay a price on the world stage for its actions concerning the spread of COVID-19 and its secrecy? That looks more likely as President Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that ...

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Hope Faith Ministries seeks donations to help homeless

The coronavirus pandemic is especially tough on Kansas City’s homeless, and Hope Faith Ministries is stepping up to meet essential needs. The ministry seeks donations to assist its ongoing work. READ: Chiefs ...

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Americans rank mental health higher than physical health during pandemic

Amid the ongoing discussion of people’s physical health during the pandemic, a Gallup poll found it also is important to consider their mental health. Majorities in the United States say they can ...

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What livestreaming churches can learn from televangelists

Televangelists who may have been criticized in the 1980s and 1990s have now become good examples for churches that are livestreaming during the current lockdown, according to Phil Cooke, a Christian media ...

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Museum wants to make COVID-19 part of local history exhibit

museum covid-19

The Pandemic of 2020 is going down in history. Literally. The Johnson County (Kan.) Museum has a plan to enshrine evidence of the impact of COVID-19 on society and they need the ...

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Topeka North Outreach will distribute Operation Backpack Food Sacks to those in need

food sacks

Operation Backpack’s Weekend Food Sacks are helping fill the need for food in the North Topeka and Oakland communities.  These sacks contain a 2-day supply of nutritional, non-perishable, single serving size food ...

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Back to the Bible offers free digital app for churches

digital app for churches

To help churches stay connected and minister to their members during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Back to the Bible is offering a free digital app for churches. The BttB.App platform offers ...

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Apple’s Tim Cook, others to join task force to restart economy

Now that the nation’s coronavirus hotspots have seemingly hit their peak, attention is turning to getting the economy roaring back to life. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that is now a ...

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LaMar’s Donuts making free deliveries to local healthcare workers

lamar's donuts healthcare

LaMar’s Donuts has a sweet offer for healthcare professionals on the front lines of battling coronavirus. The Kansas City company is establishing an Internet hotline for hospital doctors, nurses and other clinical ...

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World Vision activating distribution network to help needy families

world vision network

World Vision is activating its widespread network of existing partners to distribute food and supply kits to needy families during the coronavirus pandemic. The ministry is working from 13 strategic locations across ...

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Bible sales surge during pandemic

More Americans appear to be turning to God’s word for comfort and direction during the coronavirus pandemic. Bible publishing companies report increased bible sales. Tyndale House Publishers reported increased sales during the ...

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#GratefulKC campaign supports people on frontline of pandemic

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City has launched the GratefulKC campaign to show support and gratitude for those on the frontline of the COVID-19 outbreak and response. “Throughout the greater Kansas ...

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Crown Financial Ministries offering free Covid-19 financial resources

One of the biggest challenges for any family or organization during the pandemic is making wise financial decisions. Crown Financial Ministries is offering sound, biblical advice at no expense. Thats even more ...

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Seeking Comfort in the storm

The USNS Comfort arrived March 30 at the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, bringing a message of hope and comfort to New Yorkers and all Americans in the midst of ...

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HOW CAN WE HELP? Topeka businesses and residents want to know

Towards the end of March, Topeka Metro Voice invited local small business owners to contact us with their stories of how the pandemic is affecting all of us small Topeka businesses. We ...

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You can visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem via virtual reality

pilgrimage, cathedrals, churches

Jerusalem is eerily quiet this year as Passover begins Wednesday and Passion Week begins for Christians. The city, like all of Israel, is on complete lockdown with residents told to stay in ...

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Will drive-in church be the new normal during COVID-19 outbreak?

Several churches are trying a new kind of service — one that is completely safe during the coronavirus pandemic. They’re calling it “drive-in church.” Paul Daugherty, pastor of Victory church in Tulsa, ...

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An Easter without going to church

Easter tomb

The pandemic has laid an egg on our worship. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a formal recommendation that public gatherings be postponed or canceled for the next eight weeks. For organizations ...

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Your taxes: Tax Day is now July 15, 2020

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will now have more time to file and pay your state and federal taxes. Both the IRS and state revenue departments have extended the DUE DATE ...

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Christian groups work to help small churches at risk of closing            

The ongoing pandemic is hard for all churches but especially so for smaller ones that may lack the resources to weather the financial storm. Many are at risk of closing. Help is ...

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Gov. Parson puts out call for help from medical professionals

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

Missouri’s Governor Mike Parson on Monday put out a call for help from medical professionals across the state to treat COVID-19 patients. Missouri received over 900 applications for the Disaster Medical Assistance ...

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