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Controversial televangelist Benny Hinn shares his two biggest regrets

benny hinn

Televangelist Benny Hinn acknowledges he brought on some of his own problems during his controversial career. “The two things I regret most in ministry: I was not too wise a number of ...

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“Living on borrowed time,” man preaches in spite of health

Although John Parks has battled a heart attack, cancer and COVID-19 over the past dozen years, God had a plan for his life. “God isn’t done with me yet,” he says. “I’m ...

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Pastors should avoid this during sermons


Kids do say the darndest things, and with decades of pulpit experience, the Rev. Joe McKeever has learned that these revelatory remarks about sermons often happen just after church. In one case, ...

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$75 million in grants available through Lilly Endowment’s Compelling Preaching Initiative

Lilly Endowment is launching a new initiative to help pastors strengthen their abilities to proclaim the gospel in more engaging and effective ways. The ultimate aim is to foster and support preaching ...

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How compromised pastors are contributing to our cultural rot

A new poll finds that just 4% of executive pastors have a biblical worldview. Has the church now become compromised? For many years, I have stated that a major reason America is ...

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U.S. pastors fear Canadian law that jails pastors, counselors over Bible teaching

Pastors across North America are concerned about a new Canadian law that could effectively make it a crime to affirm biblical teaching about sexual morality. The controversial legislation went into effect January ...

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Street preacher to sue London police after court throws out charges

street preacher

A street preacher who was wrongly accused of “hate speech” by over-zealous London police officers is now turning the tables. Hazel Lewis, 49, has been vindicated by the court after a judge ...

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Pastor Greg Laurie returns to pulpit after recovering from COVID-19

laurie covid-19 christians greg israel iran's

Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California plans to be back in the pulpit on Sunday, just two weeks after contracting COVID-19. In a video posted on Facebook, the ...

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Polling finds half of pastors afraid to speak on moral issues

Half of all pastors are afraid to speak out on moral issue for fear of offending a church member according to recent polling. The research, from the well respected Barna Group, finds that ...

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