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Tag Archives: study

Study on pets finds Evangelical Christians and Catholics more likely to own a dog

By their pets ye shall know them. That is one of the takeaway messages from a recent study about the relationship between pet ownership and religion, first published in the “Journal for ...

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Reading more in 2020 offers wide-ranging benefits

A popular New Year’s resolution is to watch less television and read more books. Reading offers a number of benefits according to a story on Beliefnet. Reading is fun. One of the ...

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Study: New friendships get more difficult to find with age

Studies have found that having a strong circle of friends is good for your health, and longevity. But new studies find that developing new friendships gets more difficult with age. According to ...

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Study that asserted religious kids were ‘less generous’ retracted for bad numbers

A scholarly scientific article made national headlines in 2015 for showing the negative impact a religious upbringing has on a child’s generosity — except it turns out the opposite is true, and it ...

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News Briefs: Study finds prejudice down under Trump; No Taliban talks; China and 5G; Police union backs Trump

Here’s your daily news briefs Study says prejudice down under Trump Contrary to media reports, new recent research by a leading university has found that hate crimes and prejudice against other races ...

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Prejudice against Blacks, Hispanics has actually dropped under Trump

Of all the reasons critics offer for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, the one suggested by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) is among the most ridiculous. Green argues that Trump’s alleged prejudice serves as ...

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Women do have a better memory than men

From remembering the dentist appointment to the date of your mother-in-law’s birthday, women are champs. A new study finds that when it comes to specific events, women have better memory and instant ...

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Study: mainstream news favors Democrats 7 to 1


Mainstream news coverage does not reflect the political make-up of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Mainstream media is exceedingly likely to cover news through a partisan filter. So it’s no surprise ...

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Whistleblower says Google blacklisting conservative news


A former Google software engineer has accused his former employer of political bias and blacklisting through its attempts to manipulate public opinion. The goal, says the whistleblower, is control of news and ...

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Most protestant churchgoers say they think of God each day

American Protestant churchgoers say God is on their mind throughout their day in both intentional and impromptu moments. The 2019 Discipleship Pathway Assessment study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research identified seeking God as ...

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Study: ‘Preppers’ don’t promote fears, the media does

Doomsday preppers are famous for stockpiling food, medicine and other supplies in case of an apocalyptic scenario. The practice has long been painted by the media as a peculiar behavior only exhibited ...

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Severe burns after generic phone charger touches necklace

A young woman suffered severe neck burns after her necklace came in contact with her generic cell phone charger, prompting experts to warn about the potential dangers of using these products. The ...

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Why restaurants hate putting calories on menus

From Bible studies meeting at the local cafe bakery to lunch out after church, people are more conscience of the calorie count in prepared food and they’re looking at the menu. A ...

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Today’s dads spending more time with kids

Last week Metro Voice published a story about the negative effects on society when fathers are not present in the lives of their kids. A reader responded that we should publish some ...

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Alone time – Years and countless nights were spent helping prepare my son for sleep from the comforts of our sturdy rocking chair. We may have outgrown the ability to snuggle comfortably ...

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‘Serving others’ more difficult for church-goers

serving others

Everyone is busy. We seem to live in an age where “activities” fill our time. Like most people, Christians often admit having a hard time serving others. This despite it being a ...

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Living at home a stigma after what age?

A new study says living at home with your parents after college isn’t embarrassing when you’re in your early 20s but as you get older it may be. Current parents, millennials and ...

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Cocaine and sugar addictions have similar withdrawal


It’s true. A sweet tooth can be more addictive than cocaine is for a crackhead. A new study confirms obesity increases the risk of disease and early death and that if you try ...

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New York Times says religious conservative wives are the happiest; social media completely loses it

Over the weekend, the New York Times caused an uproar of anger on social media after they published an op-ed showcasing a report that detailed the happiest of American wives identify as religious conservatives. ...

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Study finds Missouri has huge drug problem

problem drug take

Missouri has a drug problem. That’s the conclusion of a study that found Missouri has one of the worst drug problems in the country while Kansas is significantly better. The personal-finance website ...

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Socialism isn’t free: millennials learn hard lesson

Free isn’t always free. That’s what a new study finds millennials are leaning when it comes to government programs and socialism. The survey by the Harvard Institute of Politics shows 18-to-29-year-old voters ...

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Study: Restroom hand dryers suck in, blow out poo onto users

An exhaustive study has revealed that hand dryers in public bathrooms are blowing out fecal matter onto people’s hands. The report, published in the Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal, said that scientists put ...

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Only 1 in 4 Christians acting out their faith at home

Twenty-five percent of professing, practicing Christians live in households that regularly pray and practice Bible reading together and conduct outreach together to others, while 28 percent live in a home that does ...

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Women are giving themselves cancer with alcohol

Middle-aged women aren’t getting the message that there’s a proven link between alcohol consumption and higher breast cancer risk, according to researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. The small-scale study suggests women ...

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Eggs really are incredible!

Can’t figure out whether eggs are as incredible as they say? You’re not alone. These grocery store staples have been like ping-pong balls in the health community. First they’re good, then they’re ...

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