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Smuggling Bibles into North Korea stopped by Covid, new law

Since Covid caused the closure of the border between South and North Korea, Christian groups are finding it impossible to smuggle bibles to the north. Now that difficulty may be enshrined in ...

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Christmas and the Pursuit of Truth

In today’s world, does truth still matter?   “Passion for truth.”  That is what I wrote down in my Bible some years ago after reading Luke 1:1-4.  This is the beginning section of ...

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Grandson of Billy Graham will stream Christmas outreach Sunday

Evangelist Will Graham will hold his final online evangelistic outreach of 2020, titled “Christmas with Will Graham: An Online Celebration,” at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 20. Broadcasting live from the Billy ...

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Archaeologists may have found Nazareth childhood home of Jesus

The remains of the first-century home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may have been found, a British archaeologist says. Ken Dark, a professor of archaeology and history at the University of Reading, ...

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Edward Peecher: From the Black Panthers to seeking peace on Chicago’s violent streets

black panthers

For Edward Peecher, promoting peace in Chicago’s violent streets is a long way from his days as a member of the Black Panthers. Now 70 years old, the pastor remembers what took ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

ten boom

Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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Franklin Graham finds plenty of things for which to be thankful this year

churches immunity

Billy Graham, like many Americans, has still found much for which to show gratitude this year.  Graham says he’s thankful to God for the continued opportunity to share the gospel despite the ...

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Astronaut Victor Glover takes bible and faith onboard SpaceX

Astronaut Victor Glover journeyed on a SpaceX rocket this week for a six-month stint in outer space, saying his Christian faith will help him throughout this huge assignment. Glover recently discussed his ...

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John Michael Talbot helps the faithful find common ground


Protestants and Catholics, despite their theological differences, have much in common. Legendary Christian musician John Michael Talbot says they especially need to stand together today as the sanctity of life, religious freedom ...

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Why prayer is essential to the success of missions

missions prayer

Has the church forgotten the importance of prayer to effective missions? It has often been observed that a person’s last words convey great significance. Whether someone is dying or leaving not to ...

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Blind woman wins right to share Gospel after being banned from park

blind banned

A blind woman has won the right to share the Gospel in a public park. Gail Blair, 63, was banned from a public park in Westerly, Rhode Island this past summer. The ...

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Healing prayers for Thomas Carpenter


Thomas Carpenter couldn’t move, couldn’t open his eyes, and he was having trouble figuring out why. Despite the paralysis, he wasn’t panicking. In fact, he felt perfect peace. He decided the prayers ...

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The story of Hamid: A hardline Muslim finds Christ

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“Show me the straight path,” Hamid* continually prayed in Arabic. Hamid and his family came from a fanatical Islamic background in Banten, West Java. They were also deeply involved in occultism. They ...

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Washington DC Prayer march called nation to repentance

Christians across the nation are still talking about what happened Saturday in Washington, D.C.. On the same day that President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret to the U.S.. Supreme Court, tens of ...

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Can baptism forgive your sins?


Can baptism forgive your sins?  I walked in the hospital room and Terry was lying on her bed.  Her physical condition was deteriorating, and she was not ready to face her Creator.  I got ...

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Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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How the brother of Mark Wahlberg found Christ in prison

Jim Wahlberg, the brother of actor Mark Wahlberg, had a plan in mind when a priest offered him a janitorial job in the chapel of the Massachusetts State Prison. “I saw this ...

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Online Christian pilgrimage: How a virtual tour to Lourdes follows a tradition of innovation


Around the world, Christians are learning to engage their faith in new ways. Catholics and protestants, navigating new restraints on religious gatherings are still finding opportunities to make a pilgrimage that reflects ...

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‘I pointed him to Jesus’: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson on meeting Trump

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has revealed in a podcast interview the fascinating moment he shared the gospel with President Donald Trump.In the interview, Robertson says that he is confident the commander-in-chief ...

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Half of American adults believe Jesus was only a great teacher

gospels jesus, great teacher

Fifty-two percent of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more. Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State of Theology survey provides key findings on what Americans think about God, truth, ...

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Majority of Americans – including Christians – believe they can earn salvation

Nearly half of all Americans believe they can earn their way to heaven through good works, a recent survey found. Only one-third of adults disagree, according to findings from the Cultural Research ...

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Bott Radio Network boosts power at Fort Smith, Ark., station

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Kansas Citians traveling to the Ozarks have a new option to listen to their favorite Bible teachers. Overland Park-based Bott Radio Network has increased the power of 88.9 FM in Fort Smith, ...

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Graham calls on Christians to descend on Washington for prayer march

graham march

Franklin Graham is calling for hundreds of thousands of believers and their pastors and churches to join him for “Prayer March 2020” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 26. “Our nation is in ...

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Ted Cruz asks US military to stop attacks on faith

Concerns about a culture of discrimination and hostility toward faith in the US Military have led Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to demand an explanation from Defense Secretary Mark Esper. He sent the ...

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Churchgoers concerned about impact of fallen leaders, survey finds

Several high-profile Christian leaders have abandoned or fallen away from their faith recently. Churchgoers are concerned about not only them but other people they may influence, according to a recent LifeWay research ...

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