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How to avoid the new tax increase on retirement accounts

Last month we discussed the SECURE Act and its projected $15.7 billion tax increase on beneficiaries of tax deferred retirement accounts (like 401(k)s, 403(bs), TSPs, IRAs, etc.). The only ones excluded from ...

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Peace Valley Ministries invite the weary


Kenneth and Vickie Campbell searched for 30 years for a peaceful place on the river. Nothing felt right until Kenneth picked us a local ad sheet and saw an ad for acreage ...

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Biblical Israel: Garden of Gethsemane


Mark and Matthew identify Gethsemane as the place Jesus went with his disciples after eating the Passover meal within the city of Jerusalem. This was just prior to his arrest (Matthew 26:36; ...

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Bill Gates wants you to eat fake beef to save the world

gates beef

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said rich countries like the United States should move to “synthetic beef” to address the so-called global protein problem. The co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ...

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How to Have a Successful Retreat

A retreat is a great way to bring your church or organization together. There are numerous themes you can choose. From women’s and men’s retreats to youth, leadership, couples, 50 plus, worship and more. ...

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Dave Says – Push the pause button

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Push the pause button Dear ...

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Missouri Explorers program encourages families to travel state during bicentennial year

A new Missouri bicentennial program is underway to encourage individuals, families and groups to travel the state and participate in fun challenges and learn more. Participants in the Missouri Explorers Program will ...

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Multi-generational homes are back. Here’s why

The housing market is not keeping up with the supply needed to meet demand, and as a result prices are skyrocketing, in part because of record high lumber prices that have driven ...

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Southwest flight crew finds Navy sailor’s wallet, adds $100 before returning it

wallet navy

A story about Southwest Airlines, a navy sailor and his wallet proves kindness is not dead. This reminder is becoming more imperative as stories of conflict and hate saturate the media cycle. ...

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Native tree seedlings available from Missouri Department of Conservation

Don’t let spring go by without planting a tree! You can now order native tree and shrub seedlings for as little as 22 cents each from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). ...

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Home sales dip as uncertainty grows over taxes, spending

Is the 4-year housing boom coming to an end? That possibility has some worried as home sales fell more than expected in February and the Biden administration moves forward with a massive ...

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Attorneys general from 21 states challenge part of Democrat stimulus bill

Attorneys general from 21 states are challenging the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill as an “unprecedented and unconstitutional infringement” on state sovereignty. Deep in the bowels of the 5,500-page bill is language that ...

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Is it a good time to sell my house? Tips for homeowners

Last year, many homeowners thought twice about selling their houses due to the onset of the health crisis. This year, however, homeowners are beginning to regain their confidence when it comes to ...

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Where does your state compare to those with highest tax rates?

A new report lists the states with the lowest and highest tax rates. A survey by WalletHub  found that four blue and one red state topped the list. Illinois came in as ...

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5 home remodeling tips from the pros

With the extra time many Americans have spent at home over the past few months, there have been plenty of opportunities to think about remodeling and how that living space could be ...

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What is the ‘7% guaranteed’ annuity myth?

One of the most common things I hear from people who own or have been pitched an annuity is the belief that the annuity will “earn 7% guaranteed.” Usually this is due ...

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Did Herod’s carriage look like this one unearthed near Pompeii?

pompeii carriage

What would a ceremonial Roman carriage used by King Herod on the streets of Jerusalem possibly look like? We may have an answer after archaeologists unearthed an intact vehicle outside of Pompeii, ...

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National Grammar Day: Top 5 grammar mistakes

grammar day

Grammar nerds, rejoice! National Grammar Day is Thursday, March 4th, and it’s the perfect day to celebrate the idiosyncrasies of the English language and study up on some of the common grammar ...

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4 home improvement tips to help you get started

Whether you’re thinking about a bathroom update, kitchen overhaul or any other type of home improvement project, these tips from the experts at the National Association of the Remodeling Industry and eLivingtoday.com ...

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Dave Says – This lady’s getting it done!

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   This lady’s getting it done! ...

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My six days behind the Iron Curtain, and why it matters today

Iron Curtain

Yes, I spent six days behind the Iron Curtain. In the summer of 1981, I sang with a group called, “The Continental Singers.”  After a two-week rehearsal camp, we started our tour ...

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Valentine’s Day brings back that lovin’ feeling

February is known for cold weather, presidents’ birthdays and Cupid’s delight. As Valentine’s Day approaches, hearts flutter, lovers sigh and Charlie Brown hopes that little red-haired girl will like the card he’s ...

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Where do birds go when it’s cold?

Ever wonder where birds go when it’s freezing cold, or rainy or even storm? That’s a question many bird lovers ask.  Bird Cams project leader Charles Eldermire provided an interesting look at ...

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8 tips for a successful home renovation

Thinking of remodeling your home? From safety and security to product and contractor selection, there are many factors to consider for a successful home renovation. Follow these eight remodeling tips to help ...

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The new $15.7 billion tax on retirement accounts

We have a saying around our office that retirees are one of the highest and most unfairly taxed groups out there, and with the recent passage of the SECURE Act things are ...

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