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Church & Ministry

Oldest church bell in Kansas rings again over downtown Lawrence

church bell

What is being called the oldest church bell in Kansas rings out over downtown Lawrence once again after being restored. The bell, a 150-year-old ringer as old as the Lawrence United Methodist ...

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Presbyterian Church USA scales back General Assembly over finances

presbyterian church

Mainline Protestant denominations continue to face tough decisions because of dwindling membership and financial contributions. The Presbyterian Church USA recently announced that it might have to limit or even end its tradition ...

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From riots to Hurricane Laura, Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Blessing respond to human toll

Now that Hurricane Laura has blown through the Gulf Coast, it’s time for families to begin rebuilding their lives and property. Two leading Christian relief organizations, Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Blessing, already ...

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Five types of church members who will not return when covid-19 eases

It is one of the most common questions we get from church leaders: When will all the church members return to in-person services? Leaders do not like my response: Never. It is ...

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Roma Gypsies in revival: ‘We have never seen anything like it!’


Across Slovakia’s countryside, castles have dominated the landscape for a thousand years, boasting of power, wealth, and luxury. At their feet, sleepy villages rest in lush valleys. Small chapels marked by crosses ...

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Police release video of arsonist setting blaze at local church

police church

A $5,000 reward is being offered by the Kansas City Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for information leading to the arrest of a suspect who lit ...

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Embattled Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns as president of Liberty University

Jerry Falwell Jr. has resigned as president of the university founded by his father. After conflicting media reports, he announced on Tuesday afternoon that he no longer is president of Liberty University. ...

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At convention, Trump pardons Jon Ponder who founded prison ministry

Former bank robber and now Christian ministry founder Jon Ponder was pardoned by President Donald Trump on the second night of the Republican National Convention. The emotional moment came as the President ...

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White House coronavirus expert Dr. Birx says let churches meet and people vote in person


Churches in California and elsewhere that want to meet indoors have an ally in Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator. Birx told cable channel CBN News that she ...

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Jerry Falwell Jr. releases letter revealing wife’s affair which led to his bad behavior

falwell jr

Jerry Falwell Jr. has released a letter explaining his highly criticized recent actions. The suspended president of Liberty University was recently the center of a string of embarrassing incidents and released a letter Sunday ...

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World Mosquito Day highlights horrific death toll from insect bites

Mosquito bites will result in more than 700,000 deaths around the world this year — wiping out the equivalent of the entire population of Washington, D.C.. The World Health Organization says it ...

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Kansas City church forgives vandals at center of recent attack

church vandals

A Kansas City church is putting the admonition to turn the other cheek into action even for vandals who recently attacked their property. It’s not known if the vandalism is related to ...

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The Baptist Home advocates for elderly during pandemic

Rodney Harrison knows something about the elderly and how to care for them. During the pandemic Harrison has worked to gain support for aging issues and has spoken with the Missouri Deputy ...

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Attendees of southwest Missouri revival under Covid-19 quarantine

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

Eight people have tested positive for COVID-19 during a church revival in southwest Missouri last week. The individuals had symptoms and were contagious during the six-day event at New Life Fellowship Church ...

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Most people want churches to follow same pandemic rules as other groups

Most Americans believe churches should follow the same rules about social distancing and large gatherings as other organizations or businesses in their area, a new Pew Research Center survey found. About eight ...

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National Association of Evangelicals kicks off Bless Your Pastor campaign

bless your pastor

Being a pastor is challenging at any time but especially so during the current pandemic. Nine of 10 pastors in the United States are under financial pressure, and six of 10 churches ...

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Samaritan’s Purse airlifts supplies and staff to Beirut

samaritan's beirut

Samaritan’s Purse is the latest disaster relief organization to send help to Beirut, Lebanon after half the city was damaged by an explosion. A DC-8 aircraft owned and operated by Samaritan has ...

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Christian satellite television ministers to Beirut explosion victims

Immediately after the horrendous blast that severely damaged half of Beirut, a major Christian Arabic language broadcaster in Lebanon is airing special live programs.  The reassuring satellite programming is ministering to shell-shocked ...

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Pope appoints six women to previously all male financial council

Financial decisions in the Vatican will now be overseen by a group including six women appointed to the council by Pope Francis. The council was previously comprised of all men. The head ...

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Majority of Americans – including Christians – believe they can earn salvation

Nearly half of all Americans believe they can earn their way to heaven through good works, a recent survey found. Only one-third of adults disagree, according to findings from the Cultural Research ...

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Adultery: Pastors disagree over how long fellow pastors should stay out of the pulpit

pastors adultery

When a pastor commits adultery, most of their fellow pastors believe they should withdraw from public ministry for at least some time. A new survey of U.S. Protestant pastors by Nashville-based LifeWay Research finds ...

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National Christian Foundation shares 19 ways to help churches during pandemic

churches pandemic

Just like individuals and businesses, many churches are struggling during the coronavirus pandemic. The National Christian Foundation asked pastors and church leaders from across the country how members can help and developed ...

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Two Christian leaders disagree with John MacArthur position on church reopening

John MacArthur has decided to reopen his Southern California church despite state policies Two Christian leaders said they respect his decision but disagree. President Mark Dever of the church-equipping ministry 9Marks and Jonathan ...

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Large majority of donors expect no impact from COVID-19 this year

In good news for churches and faith-based organizations, the vast majority of donors don’t the expect the covid-19 pandemic to reduce their giving for the rest of 2020. However, experts warn nonprofit ...

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Majority of churchgoers say they have trouble understanding Bible on their own

More than half of all churchgoers say they have trouble understanding the Bible on their own, a new LifeWay Research study found. “Churchgoers are ready to defend the Bible as true and ...

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