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John MacArthur: ‘I wouldn’t fight for religious freedom because I won’t fight for idolatry’

macarthur idolatry

Supporting religious freedom is idolatry, according to Pastor John MacArthur. Last week, MacArthur delivered a State of the Church Address in place of this year’s annual Shepherds Conference, which was postponed because of ongoing litigation and recent ...

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MyPillow’s Mike Lindell announces plans to launch his own social media website

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Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow, is promising not only the best night’s sleep but also a new social media experience. He plans to launch his own social media website, after his personal ...

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Even among blacks, support for Black Lives Matter waning, police rising, poll finds

The long-awaited trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd began last week in Minneapolis. Americans’ faith in the Black Lives Matter movement has dropped since last ...

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Church boom? U.S. churchgoers say they’ll return after COVID


Churchgoers aren’t attending yet at pre-pandemic levels, but most say they value gathering with their congregation and are anxious to do so when the threat of COVID ends. A study of 1,000 Protestant ...

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Methodist denomination splits, conservative ‘Global Methodist Church’ formed

methodist church

A group of conservative Methodists has announced plans to form a new denomination after the United Methodist Church officially splits over its longstanding debate over homosexuality. The Wesleyan Covenant Association and the ...

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How to find peace in a divided nation


As President Joe Biden begins his leadership of the United States, he has made calls for peace, reconciliation and unity in the nation.  Former President Donald Trump issued similar thoughts in some ...

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Bestselling author Dr. Michael Youssef brings Americans ‘Hope for This Present Crisis’

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Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are in crisis, under siege, and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred ...

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid continues stoking racial division


Joy Reid, host of MSNBC’s The ReidOut, continues to stoke racial division even while her ratings nosedive. According to the latest numbers, The ReidOut has lost 20 percent of its viewers just ...

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HillFaith shares Jesus with Democrat and Republican aides on Capitol Hill


For the young Congressional aides that swarm into Washington D.C. every year, life on Capitol Hill can be exciting and an opportunity to enact some real change by assisting the nation’s politicians, ...

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In Harvard poll, even Democrats agree that cancel culture threatens freedom

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Americans believe cancel culture poses “a threat to our freedom” according to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris. Two in three of all respondents, (sixty-four percent), answered yes when asked “Do you ...

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Dr. Seuss meets cancel culture as school district alleges ‘radical undertones’

Dr Seuss

Dr. Seuss has become the latest victim of cancel culture after a Virginia school district told teachers to ditch the books. The Loudoun County Public Schools district removed the books from reading ...

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Driven by God to speak up on social issues

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This is an often-asked question, “Should a pastor or other Christians address cultural or social issues or just keep focused on the gospel?” Sometimes speaking on culturally touchy subjects can cause division, ...

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Artist says Trump statue is not the golden calf idol

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Did people at CPAC worship an idol of President Donald Trump? That’s the claim on social media after photos of the hilarious image went viral. Memes of a statue created in bobblehead-style ...

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Max Lucado apologizes for LGBT comments after National Cathedral invitation

Max Lucado has apologized for “hurtful” comments about the LGBT community but says his support of Biblical marriage remains steadfast. His statement is in response to backlash after the Washington National Cathedral was ...

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Parler back online with commitment to free speech

Parler is back. The interim CEO Mark Meckler said it will continue the company’s vision of being a space that protects free speech in a way that is “more firm and entrenched ...

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Pastor in new documentary concerned about loss of religious freedom

A new documentary looks at the perilous future of religious freedom in the United States. “President Donald Trump fought for religious freedom like no other president in modern history,” Pastor Jack Hibbs ...

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Eric Swalwell refers to God as a woman after Pelosi strikes ‘gendered’ language from House

Congressman and failed presidential candidate Eric Swalwell has made it a point to refer to God as a woman.  The Democrat joins Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Kansas City, who was ...

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Actor Jim Caviezel calls out America for its great sin of abortion

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Actor Jim Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ,” recently called abortion America’s great sin. “Many people are a part of this great sin in this country,” he said. ...

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Hallmark Channel reaffirms commitment to including LGBTQ characters in programs

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The Hallmark Channel is just one network that has been targeted by the LGBTQ community to add more diverse characters in programming. The company says it is already doing so with that ...

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How the cancel culture stifles creativity

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We saw it during the Super Bowl on Sunday, as many of the commercials fell flat. We saw it with the cancelling of the Washington Redskins name, only to replace it with ...

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Chelsea Clinton claims at age of 6 she left church over abortion

Comments made by Chelsea Clinton are being questioned after she claimed she left the Baptist church at the age of six because it opposed abortion. Controversial statements are not uncommon for Clinton, ...

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Mark Cuban says Mavericks will ditch National Anthem

[UPDATE: After a national backlash, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban will play the National Anthem before games after all. NBA Chief Communications Officer Mike Bass released a statement on Wednesday saying Cuban ...

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Super Bowl commercial with pro-life message features Christian Paralympic swimmer

A Toyota commercial with a strong pro-life message resonated with viewers during Sunday’s Super Bowl. The commercial featured the story of Paralympian swimmer Jessica Long, who was born in Russia with a ...

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Plastic straws or abortion? Chuck Norris questions misplaced priorities


Actor Chuck Norris has criticized the morality of people who value things above the sanctity of life. “It’s crazy sometimes what modern humans value over human life,” he wrote in a recent op-ed ...

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New poll looks at who is most likely to be harassed online

As the nation seemingly splinters over a growing lack of acceptance of differing views, a new poll finds a shocking number of people have been harassed online. The new uncivil war touches ...

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