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Israel working to get promising new Pfizer vaccine

Israel, which itself is leading the way in research for a coronavirus vaccine, is working to acquire the a vaccine from Pfizer. Recent trials showed it to be more than 90 percent ...

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Israel tiptoes between Azerbaijan and Armenia’s war

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently met with the ambassadors of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Pompeo and the Trump administration hope to bring an end to the war between the two countries ...

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Up to 10 more nations expected to normalize relations with Israel, Trump annoucnces

As many as 10 more nations will normalize relations with Israel after the election, President Donald Trump stated this week. “We have five, but really have probably nine or ten that are ...

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Trump heralds peace deal between Israel and and Sudan

After months of negotiations lead by the United States, Sudan has agreed to normalize ties with Israel and “agreed to make peace,” announced U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday. The move follows ...

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Israel Allies Foundation recognizes top 50 Christian allies


Franklin Graham, Michelle Bachman and John Hagee are among “Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies” as selected by the Israel Allies Foundation. The list highlights pastors, business leaders and politicians who have “conveyed ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel’s future survival

For Israel, a clash of cultures involving ultra-Orthodox Jews and the less religious threatens society. Following the signing of agreements at the White House normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates ...

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Like her biblical namesake, our friend Esther Levens influenced kings and presidents


Recently, Anita and I mourned the loss of a spunky person named Esther Levens. Esther, who passed away August 21, 2020, was a personal friend and a supporter of our newspaper and ...

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Another Israel coronavirus lockdown forcing unprecedented changes approaching fall holy days

Israeli’s are headed for a second Israel coronavirus lockdown just before the Jewish High Holy Days begin. Jerusalem’s Great Synagogue will be closed for services for the first time in its 62-year ...

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IN FOCUS: Arabs discover Israel is not the enemy

A growing number of Arabs, particularly those living in the Gulf, say they finally understand that Israel is not the enemy of the Muslims and Arabs. This change of heart manifested even ...

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Up to 9 more nations line up for peace with Israel

It has been revealed up to nine more nations are seeking peace deals similar to those between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. President Donald Trump made the announcement to reporters gathered for the historic ...

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Israel, Bahrain, UAE set to sign peace deals in White House

History will be made today as the UAE and Bahrain appear with Israel at the White House to sign normalization agreements. The meeting will be attended by ambassadors from America’s major partners ...

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Historic: Trump announces Israel and Bahrain peace agreement

Peace is breaking out across the Middle East, or so it would seem after a major development on Friday. President Donald Trump has announced details of a peace deal between Israel and Bahrain that ...

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In Israel, watch out for camels on the road!

In the United States, motorists are familiar with signs warning about deer on the roadways, especially during hunting season. In Israel, it’s camels. Now, two entrepreneurs have found an ingenious way to ...

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Palestinian leaders call planned Israeli wheelchair ramp a ‘war crime’

Palestinian leaders are being accused of stooping to a new low, this time over their criticism of Israel’s plans to make a biblical sight handicap accessible with wheelchair ramps and an elevator. ...

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Israel sends firefighters to fight California wildfires

Californians got major help from Israel this week. A team of Israeli firefighters are now on the ground battling blazes alongside their American counterparts.  The cooperation has made history. It’s the first ...

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Palestinians deal with new reality as more Arab nations move to Israel’s side

Palestinians authorities (PA) are a no longer feeling the love from Arab nations. The PA, which was brought to the dance by a dozen Arab nations, is sitting on the side as ...

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First commercial flight from Israel to the UAE set for next week

History will be made next week as the first commercial airliner flight between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Top US officials, along with senior Israeli officials, will be among those ...

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Pompeo makes historic direct flight from Israel to Arab Sudan

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made history this week becoming the first top US official to visit Sudan since the country overthrew former president Omar al-Bashir last year. To make it even ...

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President praises Evangelicals for support of historic Israel, UAE deal

President Donald Trump credits Evangelicals for supporting the breakthrough agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “It’s an incredible thing for Israel, (and) it’s incredible for the evangelicals, ...

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Speculation grows as to the next Arab nation to sign Israel peace deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told American news outlets last week that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal ...

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As Arab world begins to side with Israel, Palestinians forced towards peace

Israel and Arab Palestinians may be moving closer to solving their conflict, especially as Arab nations seem to be lining up to normalize relations and sign peace treaties with the Jewish state. ...

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Historic bombshell: Behind the Trump brokered Israel–UAE peace accord

uae peace

The Israel-UAE peace accord is a game changer for peace in the Middle East. This is full diplomatic relations with an important Arab nation. The most significant advancement for peace in the ...

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Fantastic discovery from time of Hezekiah and Manasseh unearthed near US Embassy in Jerusalem

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a stunning ancient site near the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The artifacts from the rule of Judean kings Hezekiah and Manasseh found exactly as they were left when Babylonians ...

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Israel finds weekend business closures do not slow spread of Covid-19

Israel will end its mandatory closure of businesses and synagogues each weekend after a study found it had no impact on curbing the spread of Covid-19. The Times of Israel reports Health ...

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World’s largest plane delivers US Military trucks to be retrofitted in Israel

The world’s largest airplane landed in Israel Monday bringing a shipment of American military trucks.  The trucks will be integrated into Israel’s famous Iron Dome anti-missile system being sold to the U.S. ...

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