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Jews are praying on Temple Mount for first time in decades

Something amazing is happening in Jerusalem. Videos and pictures surfacing online show Jews praying on the Temple Mount – a simple act of worship they have been banned from doing there for ...

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After links to Nazis revealed, owners of Panera Bread, Krispy Kreme will support Holocaust survivors

The owners of well-known restaurants and food brands Panera Bread, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Pret A Manger, Dr. Pepper and Green Mountain Coffee, have announced a $5.5 million donation to survivors of the ...

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Israel headed toward March 2 election if no coalition formed

Is Israel headed towards another historic election – the third in less than a year? That’s the plan as Israel’s two biggest parties agreed on a March 2 election date, barring a last-minute power-sharing ...

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Democrats today set to vote giving Judea and Samaria to Arabs

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing through a vote Friday on their two-state resolution that would give the Biblical heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. This  “two-state solution” ...

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Israel joined elite group of nations, makes top 10 list

Israel, the country the United Nations loves to hate, has joined a group that includes the world’s most influential nations. The Best Countries ranking, conducted by U.S. News and World Report in ...

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Netanyahu blasts six European nations breaking US sanctions on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump spoke Sunday night about the grave threat Iran poses to world peace, sanctions and other important issues, the White House said in a ...

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Alliance for Israel Advocacy praises Trump administration for revising settlement policy

The Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA) recently praised the Trump administration for its clarification that Israeli settlements are not inconsistent with international law and thus not illegal. “The Trump administration formally recognized ...

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Unprecedented: Israel is headed towards a third election

israel election

Israel is on the verge of having its third election in less than nine months after Avigdor Lieberman refused to endorse a candidate for prime minister. Lieberman, who is the leader of ...

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Lifeway polls African Americans on Israel, religion and the media

American Jews and African Americans often worked side by side during the civil rights movement. They were joined by Republicans who supported civil rights legislation while many Democrats in Congress opposed it. ...

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Israeli embassies worldwide shut down in strike against own government

Israeli embassies and consulates around the world shut down Wednesday until further notice due to an ongoing dispute with Israel’s Finance Ministry over funding for Israeli diplomats abroad. Israeli diplomats and other ...

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Jerusalem street on which Jesus walked, and built by Pontius Pilate, now open to public

Pontius Pilate has gone down in history for his role in the crucifixion of Jesus. However, archaeologists recently found that he also invested time and money in building the infrastructure of Jerusalem ...

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After Netanyahu fails to form coalition, task falls to his bitter rival Gantz

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced he cannot muster the votes to form a coalition and returned the mandate to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Now, Blue and White party leader and ...

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren would punish Israel by withholding aid

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has admitted she would punish America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. The presidential candidate said she would withhold aid from Israel over its support of Jewish communities ...

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‘Fulfillment of prophecy,’ say Christians in Israel celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Tens of thousands of Christians from around the world are in Israel this week as Jews celebrate the biblical feast of Sukkot. Many of the Christian believers have come to see prophecy ...

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Israeli Arab plumbers show act of kindness to Holocaust survivor

arab plumbers

JERUSALEM, Israel – Peace often begins with a small act of kindness. While the media tends to focus on conflict in the Middle East in general and the Jewish–Arab conflict in particular, ...

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Dwight and Anita Widaman to talk about Israel at October 12 event


Metro Voice publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman will be the guests of Calvary Baptist Church – Independence on Saturday, Oct. 12 for a special presentation titled, “Israel–See Beyond.” The free event will ...

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Demi Lovato shares photos of baptism in Jordan River and ‘magical’ visit to Israel

Who can pass up a chance to visit the places mentioned in the Bible? When the opportunity arose for singer and actress Demi Lovato to visit Israel she said yes to what ...

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Netanyahu given green light to form ruling majority

As Metro Voice returned from Israel on Tuesday with 32 tour guests, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity to form a new government. The country has ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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Archaeologists find evidence for ancient kingdom of Edom


Archaeology continues to confirm what was written in the Bible thousands of years ago. Researchers in Israel recently found new evidence about the ancient kingdom of Edom. “Using technological evolution as a ...

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Has Israel invented how future cars will be built?


Automotive companies are slow to change. The basic design of the automobile has not really changed in over 120 years. Now, thanks to an Israeli start-up, cars are about to look, and ...

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Ancient church discovered with mosaic floor of loaves and fishes


Tiberius, Israel – As new biblical finds continue at an increasingly rapid pace, Israeli Archaeologists have discovered an unusually well-preserved mosaic apparently depicting the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The mosaic ...

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Is this a seal from the household of King David?


Did archaeologists just identify an ancient seal from the ring used by one of the sons of King David in a pile of dirt? That’s what experts believe. A 2,600-year-old bulla, or seal, ...

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Canadian Orthodox priest fired after prayers for Israel


A popular orthodox priest in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia says he was forced to resign after giving a sermon about the importance of honoring the Jewish roots of Christianity and ...

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Israel tourism breaks all records in August

From the ends of the earth, Christians of all backgrounds – a literal  mosaic of faith – are congregating in one place…Israel. The Holy Land is celebrating record-breaking tourism numbers this summer ...

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