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Media Watch

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy responds to critics of America and CNN


Tony Dungy encourages Americans to work to improve the United States while also celebrating the blessings they enjoy. He’s also leading the way as Christians push back against a hostile media. “Over ...

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YouTube pressured to remove 3-hour antisemitic speech by Louis Farrakhan

A public campaign has been launched to persuade YouTube to remove a video of the notoriously antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s July 4 speech. In the speech,  the Nation of ...

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Media shamed: ‘Not one question about children who were killed’ says White House press secretary

media children

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany shamed the assembled news media at the daily White House press briefing. McEnany said the media asked numerous questions about the Confederate flag but none about ...

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Media hated Trump Mount Rushmore Speech while public applauded

mount rushmore, china, news

President Trump’s Independence Day speech was met with cheers from the right and derision from the left.  Media critics are wondering if news outlets actually watched the speech before commenting on it. ...

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Pew Poll: 80% of Americans say media favors one political side

news media poll

A recent Pew poll found that almost sixty percent of Americans believe news organizations “don’t understand people like them” and eighty percent believe the media are biased. “Overall, 59 percent of Americans ...

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BET founder Robert Johnson says ‘white privilege’ is silliest expression as he mocks those taking down statues

Across the nation protesters are now destroying statues of those that ended slavery, as well as confederate statues, in their attempt to rewrite American history. On Wednesday, BET Founder Robert Johnson mocked ...

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Media outlets ignore death threats to black GOP Senator Scott


News networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have all turned a blind eye to a New York Times report detailing recent death threats and racial slurs being left on the office voicemail of ...

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Undercover: FB employees admit deleting content of conservative users

Investigative videographer James O’Keefe’s and Project Veritas on Tuesday released a short video as part of what the #ExposeFacebook movement, which reveals Facebook insiders opening up about how they delete pro-Trump material ...

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Dr. Ben Carson on “ridiculous” statue removal: “we’re going to have to grow up as a society”

carson statues

Housing and Urban Secretary Dr. Ben Carson wouldn’t play games on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday. The respected cabinet member had some advice about the move to rename things and remove ...

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Black pastor on Israeli television defends Trump tweets, says American media unfair

israeli tweets

Pastor Darrell Scott, CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, told an Israeli television network that people have selective hearing when it comes to President Donald Trump’s tweets about the George ...

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Trump signs Executive Order over social media censorship

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to crack down on what he described was censorship by social media sites after Twitter added fact-checking labels to several of his posts. ...

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Here’s a leaked draft of Executive Order targeting social media censorship

Metro Voice has received a copy of the leaked draft of President Trump’s executive order dealing with censorship and bias by big tech and social media companies. The President today is expected ...

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Trump to sign Executive Order over Twitter, big tech censorship

After years of Congressional testimony and user complaints of bias and censorship by Twitter and other social media platforms, President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday aimed ...

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Longtime attorney disputes claims that Norma McCorvey faked pro-life views

mccorvey pro-life

Norma McCorvey, better known as Jane Roe in the Roe v. Wade abortion decision, was back in the news this week. In leaked excerpts of the FX documentary “AKA Jane Roe,” producer ...

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Home Depot founder accuses mainstream media of fear mongering

Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus is blaming the mainstream media for “frightening America.” Speaking with Fox News‘ Laura Ingraham, Marcus said that America needs to focus on protecting the vulnerable instead of ...

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‘Completely dishonest editing’: White House says of NBC video clip

In another example of what media analysts say is media bias, NBC admitted spreading an edited video clip of Attorney General William Barr that was abruptly cut off, dramatically altering the meaning ...

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Facebook deletes pages protesting stay-at-home orders

Protests are erupting across the nation, questioning the erosion of Constitutional rights during state mandates for stay-at-home orders. Now, those groups are being targeted themselves with Facebook deleting their pages. Facebook is ...

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Media cuts away from Trump coronavirus briefing when he shows clips of their previous reports

Major news outlets don’t want you to see their reports from January and February that downplayed the threat of coronavirus. CNN and MSNBC cut away from airing President Donald Trump and the ...

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Newspaper posts video of ‘dumbest’ media questions at COVID-19 daily briefings

You can’t make this stuff up. As tens of millions of Americans tune in to the daily coronavirus task force press conferences, they may be noticing some odd questions from the attending ...

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CBS forced to correct false story by nurse crying for masks

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CBS News was forced to issue a correction after promoting footage of a crying nurse who claimed she was asked by hospital managers not to wear an N95 mask when treating coronavirus ...

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China wages massive Twitter propaganda war

Communist China continues to use Twitter and other social media to spread conspiracy theories amid its aggressive disinformation and propaganda campaign about its responsibility for the deadly coronavirus. The Chinese regime is ...

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Dr. Fauci contradicts media, says Trump took coronavirus seriously ‘from the beginning’

Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview released Thursday that President Donald Trump took the coronavirus threat seriously “from the beginning” of the pandemic. His comments were in sharp contrast to media ...

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Richard Jewell: A true story of how the media and FBI destroyed a life

richard jewell

Richard Jewell just wanted to help people. Ever since he was a boy growing up in Georgia, Richard looked up to law enforcement. While other kids were dreaming of becoming astronauts or ...

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Media exposed for using term ‘Chinese virus’ long before Trump

President Donald Trump is being criticized for his use of the terms “Chinese” and “Wuhan” when he describes the virus which originated in Wuhan, China.  The harshest criticism comes not only from ...

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President declares national emergency, brings in Google, Walmart, Walgreens, Target, others into effort

As President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday, the Dow Jones responded by having the 9th largest one day gain in history. The Dow gained 1935 points and closed at ...

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