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Judge blocks Obama rule that forced doctors to perform abortions

Those who value pre-born life are celebrating after a federal judge permanently blocked an Obama administration rule Tuesday that forced medical facilities and doctors to abort unborn babies. The rule from President ...

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Democrats partner with leftist groups to push impeachment in media


Congressional Democrats are actively working with radical, left-wing groups such as MoveOn.org to promote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unilateral push to impeach President Donald Trump.  Pelosi this week announced her decision to ...

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Buttigieg pushes back against O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches


Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Ind., doesn’t think much of fellow candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches that oppose gay marriage by ...

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Ted Cruz urges Trump to release Biden’s transcripts with Ukraine

The Trump administration is being urged to release Vice President Joe Biden’s phone call transcripts with officials in Ukraine. The call for transparency was initiated by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz made ...

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Elizabeth Warren mocks men, people of faith at CNN town hall

Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be surging in the Democrat presidential primary polls, but she is doing little to court the support of Christians. Warren participated last week in a town hall sponsored ...

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Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke vows to go after churches with traditional view of marriage

Churches that teach traditional biblical values may be breathing a sigh of relief that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is trailing badly in the Democratic presidential primaries. He made headlines last week by ...

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Clinton judge blocks wall funding but some liberal experts say Trump’s ’emergency’ was legal

A federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton is trying to stop the construction of the new wall along the border with Mexico. U.S. District Judge David Briones, offices in Texas, has ruled ...

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College students want Columbus Day replaced


Should Columbus be relegated to the trash heap of history? A new poll finds that 4 in 5 college students support dropping the the holiday that honors the Christian explorer in favor ...

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Rural areas ‘vital’ to nation as Transportation Secretary Chao addresses funding disparity

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says the Trump administration is working to eliminate disparities in transportation funding between rural and urban areas. Chao was in St. Louis this week to unveil a new ...

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President Trump’s remarks and audience comments at Young Black Leadership Summit

Metro Voice is making available to readers President Trump’s remarks at the Young Black Leadership Summit. The summit was held in the White House on Friday, Oct. 4. Remarks below video. Remarks ...

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U.S. Supreme Court to hear first abortion case since appointments of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh

Abortion was the topic of heated discussion during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The court announced on Friday that it will hear an abortion case for ...

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Atheist organization files complaint against Texas judge who gave convicted woman a Bible

It sometimes seems that no good deed goes unpunished…and often elicits a complaint. A Dallas judge earlier this week gave Amber Guyger a Bible, read her John 3:16 and embraced her after ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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Murder victim’s brother asked to hug police officer after sentencing

Christ was present Wednesday in the courtroom where a Dallas police officer was found guilty of murder of a man whom she thought was in her apartment. The victim’s brother said he ...

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Christian groups upset with proposed refugee ceiling while ignoring facts

The Trump administration has announced a proposal to temporarily reduce the ceiling for refugee resettlement to a record low of 18,000. The move is seen as a way to speed up the ...

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Ted Cruz says impeachment push a ‘circus’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in remarks on Sept. 27 said that the majority of Democrats appear to only care about impeaching President Donald Trump and not do their jobs as elected lawmakers, adding that the ...

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UPDATE: Norway takes permanent custody of three American children from parents

Norway’s infamous child welfare agency known as Barnevernet has taken permanent custody of three American children from their American mother and Lithuanian father. Natalya Shutakova, a US citizen who last year moved to Norway ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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Several key religious cases are on Supreme Court docket

supreme court

Although the president and Congress seem to dominate the news, in the background the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing several key cases this fall.  The high court will reconvene October 7 with ...

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California Senate sexuality bill targets pastors

Pastors who affirm traditional biblical views on sexuality are under attack in California. The state Senate recently passed a resolution telling Christian clergy to accept and support LGBTQ ideology, even if doing ...

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President releases U.S. oil reserves

President Donald Trump announced on Sunday evening that he has authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve following attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fields and refineries. “Based on the ...

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All topics on table at Democrat debate, including gun confiscation


The top ten Democrats running to challenge President Trump for the White House jockeyed to distinguish themselves in a third debate often speaking over each other and going way beyond their time. ...

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Supreme Court rules all injunctions against Trump asylum rule be dropped


The Supreme Court is allowing a new Trump administration rule on asylum seekers to be enforced nationwide by dropping all injunctions brought by Democrats across the country. The new asylum law may ...

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America remembers 9/11 attacks

Americans commemorated 9/11 with solemn ceremonies and vows on September 11 to “never forget” 18 years after the deadliest terror attacks on American soil. A crowd of victims’ relatives assembled at ground ...

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President elevates prayer as central part of September 11 remembrance


As the memories of the fateful day of September 11, 2001 fade, President Donald Trump has signaled he is determined to make sure prayer plays a  role in its remembrance. The President ...

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