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Conservative filmmaker, targeted by Obama administration, gets pardon

President Donald Trump has granted a pardon to popular author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. “Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!” ...

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China blinks, bends to Trump pressure over tariffs

In a huge victory for the Trump administration’s tough talk on trade with China, the communist country has announced it will cut import tariffs on a range of consumer items including apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, and fitness products ...

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Prison reform a result of Christians teaming up with White House

At a dinner last year with prominent evangelical Christians in the Blue Room of the White House, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, invited their table mates to discuss the issues most ...

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Pastor fights new megachurch with controversial sign

A Birmingham, Ala. pastor is using a controversial church sign to fight a megachurch that is moving into his predominately black neighborhood. New Era Baptist Church Pastor Michael  Jordan’s sign reads on one ...

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What you can do to make Memorial day meaningful

Today marks the 150th anniversary of that first “Memorial Day” remembrance, when Congressman James Garfield—who would later become president—addressed a crowd of more than 5,000 at Arlington Cemetery. The tradition continues to ...

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Is ‘Spygate’ real or made-up?

Is “Spygate” real, or just a figment of President Trump’s imagination? As the Justice Department investigates, politicians and pundits on the left and right are weighing in. James Comey says the “Spygate” ...

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Another American hostage released

Another American hostage is celebrating new freedom today after being released from overseas imprisonment–this time from Venezuela. Joshua Holt, a missionary who had been imprisoned on false charges in Venezuela since the ...

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‘Gang of Eight’ to hear intel on ‘spy’ in Trump campaign

Congressional Democrats, after first staying they were not interested in reviewing the information about a spy placed in the Trump campaign by the FBI, will now be at a briefing today after ...

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Americans very optimistic about economy, future

The economy has broken several records over the past months, like the most job openings in one month—6.55 million in March. That means there were almost as many job openings as people counted as ...

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At pro-life gala Trump says ‘every life has meaning’

Pro-life leaders have called President Trump the most pro-life president in history. But it has been a moniker he has earned through his policies, not just his talk. He was roundly applauded ...

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Video proves pastor lied about traffic stop incident

Some civil rights leaders in South Carolina are upset after a respected pastor and NAACP leader accused the local police of racial profiling during a traffic stop. This time, however, it is ...

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After crash takes life of parents, son must care for six siblings


After his devout Christian parents were killed in a horrific car crash, a 23-year-old Texas man is now raising his six very young siblings who survived. Ethan Owen says he is still ...

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Dick’s Sporting Goods loses largest firearm manufacturer

Dick’s, Inc., the parent company of Dick’s Sporting Goods and owner of Field and Stream magazine, has hired a lobbying firm to specifically advocate for more gun control, ostensibly above and beyond just the ...

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Policy of allowing male inmates in women’s prisons reversed

A gender policy instituted by the Obama administration that allowed male inmates who “identify” as the opposite sex to be placed women’s prisons has been dismantled by the Trump administration. The new ...

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Opening of new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem held

JERUSALEM, Israel – President Trump is being hailed as courageous for implementing a 23-year-old law mandating the move of the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem. The long-awaited action represents a significant ...

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Persecuted Church: ‘We can look away, but we can’t say we didn’t know’

persecuted church

Cries of the persecuted church find the ear of capitol hill. Nearly 215 million Christians experience severe persecution worldwide, according to the Institute on Religion and Democracy. The plight of the oppressed has ...

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Christian hostages welcomed home by President Trump

After years in a North Korean prison, three hostages found their freedom as the Christian American men were greeted by President Donald Trump beneath a giant American flag after they returned home ...

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Boy Scouts dropping the ‘Boy’ called politically correct


Boy Scouts of America is striking gender from its Scouting program titles in 2019, ushering in the change with a “Scout Me In” campaign for Cub Scouts. “Starting this summer, all kids ...

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AmazonSmile boots conservative legal group from list


Friends of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) can no longer donate to the organization through the AmazonSmile program. AmazonSmile is a program that allows customers to choose a nonprofit organization to receive ...

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California neighborhood wants no more churches

california church

If you thought it couldn’t get any weirder in California, it just did. A California neighborhood has a sign out, “Churches not welcome,” or so it would seem. Their claim? There are ...

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Pence’s surprising admission: Trump opening meetings in prayer

In an interview Friday with a Christian cable network, Vice President Pence made a startling revelation. The president is the one who encourages each meeting begin with prayer. Pence, who has previously ...

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Mueller investigation rebuked by U.S. District Judge

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” stated U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the Eastern District of Virginia to a ...

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Christian college student sang ‘Jesus Loves Me” before she died


DeEbony Groves, the 21-year-old Christian college student shot dead at a Waffle House, sang “Jesus Loves Me” shortly before she died. Groves was murdered with three others in an April 22 shooting ...

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Christian leaders praise historic move by Trump to protect religious freedoms

Christian leaders are reacting positively to news that President Donald Trump is unveiling a new White House plan to protect religious freedom and to work more closely with the faith community. The ...

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People who left LGBT lifestyle to rally in Washington

lgbt march

Former lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender men and women,  including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, will gather in the nation’s capital for a worship event next weekend. They plan to proclaim ...

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