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Felony case against Governor Greitens dismissed

The criminal invasion of privacy case against Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was suddenly dismissed Monday. The announcement came after both sides went into the judge’s chambers Monday evening. Assistant St. Louis Circuit ...

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Opening of new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem held

JERUSALEM, Israel – President Trump is being hailed as courageous for implementing a 23-year-old law mandating the move of the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem. The long-awaited action represents a significant ...

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FL Reaps Better Educational Achievement than KS for Less Money

Florida spends significantly less per pupil on education, but that didn’t stop its students from outperforming students in Kansas schools on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2017. Of the ...

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Guardsman murdered in Lee’s Summit laid to rest

Missouri Air Guardsman Cody Harter was laid to rest Friday morning by friends, family and military veterans at the Word of Life Church. The twenty-three year old veteran was fatally stabbed alongside ...

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Legislature works to put Right-to-Work on ballot

Right-to-work ballot measures may be on the ballot soon. A resolution passed in the Senate at roughly 5 a.m. Friday after a nearly 12-hour filibuster would move the voting date for a ...

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The Creation of Hope: My journey through the darkness of mental illness

By Mark Brenneman May is Mental Health month in America, and what better time to look at the positive side of those that struggle with mental illness. There is so much negative ...

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Israeli volunteers are changing the world


CBN Documentaries has released a five-part short film series telling stories of Israeli volunteers and their generosity that are often missing from media coverage. The series, “To Life: How Israeli Volunteers Are ...

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Persecuted Church: ‘We can look away, but we can’t say we didn’t know’

persecuted church

Cries of the persecuted church find the ear of capitol hill. Nearly 215 million Christians experience severe persecution worldwide, according to the Institute on Religion and Democracy. The plight of the oppressed has ...

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Pray for Christian women being kidnapped in Egypt


A Coptic Christian woman who got married just two weeks ago has been kidnapped in Egypt. She becomes the eighth Christian woman to disappear since the beginning of April when she went ...

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Sight & Sound’s ‘JESUS’ drawing crowds

jesus sight and sound

The first time someone invited me to a Sight & Sound Bible-based theatrical production – which would have required flying across the country and taking time away from my regular life – ...

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Christian hostages welcomed home by President Trump

After years in a North Korean prison, three hostages found their freedom as the Christian American men were greeted by President Donald Trump beneath a giant American flag after they returned home ...

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1000 people held captive by jihadis freed in Nigeria

More than 1,000 people held captive in northeastern Nigeria by the jihadi group Boko Haram have been rescued, Nigeria’s military said Monday. The hostages, which consisted mainly of women and children, were ...

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Boy Scouts dropping the ‘Boy’ called politically correct


Boy Scouts of America is striking gender from its Scouting program titles in 2019, ushering in the change with a “Scout Me In” campaign for Cub Scouts. “Starting this summer, all kids ...

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Missouri has a booming export to Kansas: sex offenders


While many Missourians may be relieved that sex offenders are leaving the state, Kansas and other neighboring states may be struggling with the influx. Missouri’s one-size-fits-all approach sends hundreds of sex offenders ...

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2018 Christian High School Graduates Announced

Metro Voice is proud to honor the graduates of Christian high schools across the Kansas City metropolitan area. BLUE RIDGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Hannah Andrews Stephen Bahm McKayla Chastain Mai Dang Seohyoung Lim ...

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Parents thank strangers who prayed with son who lay dying


The family of a St. Joseph man are thanking drivers who stopped to help and pray with him as he lay dying on a Lee’s Summit highway. Cody Harter, 23, a member ...

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AmazonSmile boots conservative legal group from list


Friends of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) can no longer donate to the organization through the AmazonSmile program. AmazonSmile is a program that allows customers to choose a nonprofit organization to receive ...

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School budgets under scrutiny over waste


As teachers across the nation rally for increased pay, the spotlight on tight budgets is now turning to school district administrators. The Show-Me Institute of Missouri recently ran an editorial asking those ...

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Saudi Arabia may allow churches

An Egyptian news website reports that an agreement may have been hammered out between the Vatican and Saudi Arabia that will allow churches to operate in the Kingdom. The Egypt Independent reports ...

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California neighborhood wants no more churches

california church

If you thought it couldn’t get any weirder in California, it just did. A California neighborhood has a sign out, “Churches not welcome,” or so it would seem. Their claim? There are ...

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Pence’s surprising admission: Trump opening meetings in prayer

In an interview Friday with a Christian cable network, Vice President Pence made a startling revelation. The president is the one who encourages each meeting begin with prayer. Pence, who has previously ...

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Mueller investigation rebuked by U.S. District Judge

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” stated U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the Eastern District of Virginia to a ...

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Kansas Legislature passes Adoption Protection Act

It was another late night last night with the Kansas House passing the Adoption Protection Act around midnight, and then the Senate also passing the bill around 2:00 a.m. It was hard ...

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Christian hostages may return home from N. Korea with President


Metro Voice regularly asks our readers to pray for those being persecuted for their faith. We have some good news! Three Americans detained in North Korea, have reportedly been moved from a labor ...

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Christian college student sang ‘Jesus Loves Me” before she died


DeEbony Groves, the 21-year-old Christian college student shot dead at a Waffle House, sang “Jesus Loves Me” shortly before she died. Groves was murdered with three others in an April 22 shooting ...

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