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Persecuted Church

China’s crackdown on religion worst since millions murdered in Cultural Revolution of 60s

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is cracking down on Christians and other religious minorities at a rate not seen since the cultural revolution. That was the assessment of a panel hosted by ...

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Pakistan court acquits Christian man after 6 years


A court in Pakistan acquitted a Christian man this week who had been sentenced to death after being charged with blasphemy more than six years ago.  The New Indian Express reports Sawan ...

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International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Churches is Nov. 3

November 3 will be significant for more than just Election Day. Churches also are encouraged to participate in the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Churches. To equip Christians for the annual ...

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Pompeo warns Christians forced to replace Jesus with pictures of Mao

Christians in China are now being forced to replace paintings of Jesus in their homes with pictures of infamous Chairman Mao. The revelation came from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who is ...

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Girl abused, brother sacrificed by Muslim witchdoctor in Uganda

An African newspaper is reporting that a 13-year-old Christian girl and her 11-year-old brother, abducted by a radical Muslim woman two years ago, were sold to a witchdoctor for ritual sacrifice. Morning ...

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Open Doors says North Korea catastrophe is near

North Korea is on the verge of a catastrophic meltdown according to according to reports reaching Open Doors from North Korean Christians. “North Korea faces a major crisis with multiple causes,” say Timothy Cho, ...

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Jim Caviezel’s ‘Infidel’ is an honest look at dying for one’s faith


Inspired by a true story, the new movie Infidel begins in Iran, with a man on the brink of being executed. As the trigger is pulled, he closes his eyes and there’s ...

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Christian activists plan protest over NBA policies on China religious & political persecution

The Christian Defense Coalition plans to protest the relationship between the NBA and China on Friday afternoon at the security checkpoint to Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports in Orlando, where the ...

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‘Jihad of the womb:’ Christian women kidnapped in Egypt

kidnapped christian

Christian women and teens are being kidnapped and trafficked in Egypt to bear children for Islamists according to a new report. The startling news says Coptic Christian women and girls are particularly ...

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‘Future of religious oppression’: Sam Brownback on China’s high-tech persecution

Former Kansas governor and senator Sam Brownback said China’s use of high-tech surveillance to oppress and monitor Uighur Muslims is the future of religious oppression that could spread across the world. Brownback ...

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Churches in Burkina Faso abandoned as Christians flee jihadists

Churches across the North of Burkina Faso are being left deserted as Christians flee escalating violence from armed Jihadist groups, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland. The charity reports more than one ...

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China now bans online Bible studies

Online Bible studies and even officially sanctioned services are now under attack by Communist Chinese authorities bent on removing faith from all aspects of its society. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that on ...

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Congressman urges AG Barr to protect religious freedom after church attacks

A Tennessee congressman on Wednesday urged the Justice Department (DOJ) to amp up their efforts to protect religious freedom and combat religious discrimination after dozens of churches have been attacked and burned during ...

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As its cathedrals burn, is France being de-Christianized?

As the most well-known and ancient cathedrals across France and Europe burn, many are saying it is no coincidence. A leading curator of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Keith Christiansen, was ...

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VIDEO: Terrifying moments ‘barbaric’ Chinese police break in, arrest Christians, then destroy homes

Chinese homes

Chinese Christians are not safe worshipping in their own homes as Communist officials begin brutal campaign to destroy their dwellings. International Christian Concern (ICC) reported this week that local Communist authorities descended ...

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China kidnapping Christian children, threatening parents with forced labor

China is now kidnapping children from Christian parents. The actions are part of an increased campaign of terror waged on China’s Christian minority. Human rights activists and church members say parents are ...

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Turkey scapegoats Christians for coronavirus

Christians have become the scapegoat for Turkey’s growing coronavirus outbreak. Christians and other religious minorities are being falsely accused of bringing COVID-19 to Turkey where a series of attacks on churches is ...

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Standing with a church under siege

For at least a decade, Christians in several African nations have endured extreme persecution and violence from militants and extremists seeking political control. Current reports note renewed attacks in Mali, Nigeria and ...

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Genocide in Nigeria: Calling it what it Is, calling for it to end

In terms of lives lost, families separated, people imprisoned, and churches shut down, the 21st century has, so far, been the worst period of persecution against Christians in recorded history. Among the hottest ...

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President Trump encourages Coptic Christians amid Egyptian persecution

On June 1, 2020, President Trump issued a statement titled “Presidential Message on Global Coptic Day, 2020.” (Copts are Egypt’s indigenous Christians, now a minority.) After sending his “best wishes” to the ...

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Missions: Zahra found refuge in a safe house after converting from Islam

Once again, Zahra’s father lashed ropes around her wrists and hands and hung her in the doorway. The young woman’s fingers went numb. Her hands and her arms swelled. There was a ...

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Pompeo, Brownback focus on China and ‘decades-long war on faith’

Religious persecution in China has intensified over the past year as the regime continues with its “decades-long war on faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on June 10 while presenting his ...

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Kenyan man loses all after refusing Muslim demands to renounce Jesus

After converting to Christianity, Yasin Bakari, a father of two living in coastal Kenya, fears that he will be killed. He heard the Gospel in March and was moved enough to abandon ...

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Christians in Nigeria: Almost 700 slaughtered by Fulani militias this year

nigeria fulani

Christian women, children, the elderly, disabled and men continue to die by the hundreds across northern Nigeria at the hands of Muslim Fulani terrorists. A new report from Nigeria details the latest ...

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Fulani Islamists slaughter Nigerian children at home from lockdown

As Fulani militants murder children in Nigeria, Release International is calling on the African country to protect its Christian minority in the north. The charity reports Fulani Islamists continue to carry out attacks against ...

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