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Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline encourages return to paper ballots for elections

The United States needs to go back to paper ballots and processes to stamp out vulnerabilities that accompany the growing digital footprint in elections. That’s the assessment made by Phill Kline, former ...

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Senator Hawley: 74 million Americans are not going to ‘shut up’

Senator Josh Hawley, (R-MO) didn’t mince words Wednesday in Homeland Security Committee hearings on alleged voting irregularities in the 2020 election. Hawley said voters he’s talked to are angry and “not crazy” ...

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Fox News is #3 as viewers continue to punish network

fox news baier

Fox News Channel continues to struggle as a result of its election and post-election coverage. The news channel’s viewers, typically some of the most loyal and conservative, have not returned after having ...

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U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Colorado restrictions on religious gatherings

church colorado

The U.S. Supreme Court continues to side with churches that are challenging overreaching state restrictions. On Tuesday, the court ruled in favor of a Colorado church that sued Democratic Gov. Jared Polis. ...

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Judge releases Dominion audit that security firm says found massive tampering


The initial audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines in Michigan has given more credibility to fraud allegations, President Donald Trump and others asserted Tuesday. The in-depth forensic report states that Dominion’s machines ...

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Kansas loses voter I.D. effort before US Supreme Court

Kansas voter integrity was given a setback by the U.S. Supreme Court as they rejected Monday an appeal by the state’s secretary of state who sought to revive a law requiring voters ...

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Missouri House to debate resolution declaring lack of faith in presidential election

house election

The Missouri House continues to debate the results of the presidential election. On Monday evening, a committee will hear testimony that would declare that Missouri has no faith in election results from ...

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Gov. Parson inauguration will tie into Missouri bicentennial

Gov. Mike Parson intends to commemorate the beginning of Missouri’s bicentennial year when he takes the oath of office in January. “There’s a lot of focus around celebrating the state’s rich heritage ...

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DOJ sides with religious schools in suit against Michigan

Catholic high schools in Michigan have gained the support of the Justice Department in their suit against the state over an emergency health order that bans in-person classes at religious schools. The ...

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Tony Dungy questions faith of pro-abortion pastor running for Senate

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy has questioned if f Atlanta pastor and U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a Christian because of his pro-choice views. Dungy, now a television analyst, was reacting ...

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Prominent conservatives urge swing states to appoint own electors

democrat states, elelctors, conservatives

Some of the nation’s leading conservatives have joined Republicans in Congress penning a letter urging swing states to “exercise their plenary power” to call up electors to the Electoral College. They say ...

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Tusli Gabbard introduces bill to ban males from girls’ sports

Males would be banned from competing in women and girls’ sports under new legislation introduced by Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.). The Protect Women’s Sports Act seeks to clarify ...

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17 states have now joined Supreme Court election lawsuit

In a public show of unity that spans the nation, seventeen states have joined the Texas lawsuit before the Supreme Court to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The states ...

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Investigation uncovers Chinese spy had relationship with Dem Congressman

Did a Chinese spy compromise several U.S. officials in the San Francisco area before she abruptly left the country in 2015? That’s the allegations being made and they go all the way ...

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Justice Alito moves up key deadline for Pennsylvania ballot case

In a decision that has huge implications for the Pennsylvania presidential election, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has moved up a key deadline used by the high court. The conservative justice asked officials in ...

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Biden makes ‘sweeping promises’ to fulfill LGBT agenda

Joe Biden has made “sweeping promises” to LGBT activists, the Associated Press is reporting. Biden plans to “carry out virtually every proposal” that LGBT activists have pushed for in recent years, Biden’s ...

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From police reform to expanded mail-in ballots, the Missouri Senate prepares for 2021 session

missouri senate

Like everyone else, the Missouri Senate is eager for 2021 to arrive. These are some of the pre-filed bills that will be addressed in the upcoming legislative session. The session will cover ...

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Surveillance video emerges of after-hours ballot counting in Georgia

georgia ballots

In a bombshell development surrounding alleged ballot fraud in Georgia, surveillance video was released Thursday by the company responsible for security at the State Farm Arena. The footage was released along with ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Where each state stands on lockdowns and restrictions

Just in time for Christmas, state governors and local authorities are re-instituting full or partial lockdowns. The actions come as several lawsuits, claiming they are unconstitutional, wind their way through the nation’s ...

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Fact-checker Politifact admits Biden NOT president-elect

politifact president-elect

A fact-checking website has admitted that Joe Biden is not president-elect. Politifact, a left-leaning site that media outlets, including Twitter and Facebook, rely on for “fact-checking,” had originally issued a “false” label ...

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Hawley, other leaders criticize Obama over remarks about evangelical Hispanics

hawley health obama party

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is among the Christian leaders who are responding to former President Barack Obama and his remarks about evangelical Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump. “Ah yes, those Hispanic ...

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Pennsylvania Senate testimony includes 47 missing USB devices

An official poll observer from Pennsylvania’s Delaware County, told a Senate GOP Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg on Wednesday, that he witnessed a range of Election Day irregularities, including 47 USB cards ...

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Supreme Court slaps down Gov. Cuomo religious gatherings edict

Religious freedom was handed a victory late Wednesday when the U.S. Supreme Court blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other officials from limiting religious gatherings. The ruling has implications for other ...

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Study finds virtual learning destroys student achievement

Is virtual learning, as a result of the pandemic, dumbing-down America’s schoolchildren? That’s the finding of a new study of student outcomes conducted by Virginia’s largest school system. The study compared this ...

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