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Military leader liable for Liberian church massacre

liberian church

The man who orchestrated a massacre of hundreds of Liberians in a church can be held accountable under U.S law a federal judge has ruled. Military commander Moses W. Thomas was central ...

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Canada may strip charity status of all groups that oppose abortion

Canada may ban the charitable status of groups the liberal government of Justin Trudeau deems “anti-abortion”. The move is being condemned as an “attack” on constitutional freedoms and a misuse of the ...

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For the Martyrs plans march in Washington to call attention to persecuted Christians

For the Martyrs

Christians under Taliban rule in Afghanistan are among more than 340 million people around the world suffering persecution for practicing their Christian faith. The annual March for the Martyrs will take place ...

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Bin Laden son feels ‘shame, horror’ over father’s actions

bin laden

The son of Osama bin Laden, the slain leader of the Al-Qaeda terror group, reflected on the crimes his father committed in planning the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He also ...

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SpaceX will launch first all civilian crew into space

A SpaceX rocketship is set Wednesday to fly another billionaire and his close friends into space. It will be the first all-civilian crew launched into Earth orbit. Jared Isaacman, the American founder ...

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UK ditches plans for vaccine passports after outcry

uk passports

The UK has canceled plans to mandate vaccine passports for pubs and public events across the country. The announcement was made by UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid on Sunday. It comes after ...

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Organizations urgently call Christians to pray for Afghanistan

International Christian Concern and Gospel for Asia are among groups calling followers of Christ to urgently pray for Afghanistan and especially its underground Christians. The plea comes as almost 300,000 Afghan refugees ...

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Tim Tebow teams with Samaritan’s Purse to help Afghans

tebow purse

Samaritan’s Purse has partnered with Tim Tebow to bring aid to Afghans fleeing the Taliban. The effort is ramping up as more than 300,000 people are said to be on the move ...

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Sam Brownback warns of humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan

Former United States Ambassador Sam Brownback has issued a statement on the Biden administration handing Afghanistan over to the Taliban. Brownback served as the Trump administration’s ambassador for religious freedom around the ...

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Study: teachers at no greater risk of Covid hospitalization

An exhaustive study out of Britain finds teachers are not at greater risk of hospitalization as a result of COVID-19 infection than the rest of the population. The study comes as the ...

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Taliban executes Fawad Andarabi, Afghanistan’s version of John Denver

The Taliban has executed Afghanistan’s most famous singer. Fawad Andarabi, a national icon considered by some the country’s version of singer John Denver, was dragged from his home and shot in the head. ...

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Americans abandoned in Afghanistan as last U.S. troops leave

americans afghanistan

Just weeks after President Joe Biden promised Americans no citizens would be left in Afghanistan, hundreds remain behind enemy lines as the last U.S. military plane took off at 11:59 p.m. Aug. ...

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Afghanistan is the new inspiration and staging ground for Islamic terrorism

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has implications far beyond the borders of that nation. That’s because the Taliban takeover provides fresh inspiration for Islamic radicals worldwide while at the same ...

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Afghanistan could become terror hotbed, Israeli military experts warn

afghanistan israeli taliban celebrates

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will make that country a hotbed for terrorism. That’s the assessment a group of high-ranking Israeli military officials said. The letter comes as the Taliban is holding ...

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Ministry leader urges Christians to help Haiti earthquake survivors

haiti earthquake

The humanitarian and military crisis in Afghanistan has dominated headlines at a time when Haiti is reeling from a devastating earthquake. Haiti’s Civil Protection Agency reported the death toll at 2,189, with ...

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Christian mom rescues Afghan all-girl high school robotics team

Ten Afghan girls who faced a bleak future and even death under the new Taliban rulers have been rescued thanks to one Christian mom on a mission. Allison Reneau personally flew to ...

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French President Macron blasts Biden saying it’s a “moral responsibility”

As world leaders blast the Biden administration for creating a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, French President Emmanuel Macron says there’s moral responsibility to get people out. In a tense phone call in ...

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Afghans delete social media after Taliban seizes U.S. spy equipment

afghan equipment

Afghans are deleting their social media accounts after the Taliban has seized internet spying equipment abandoned by the Biden administration. The equipment could also give the Taliban the ability to spy on ...

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Where is God in Afghanistan?

afghanistan god

What I Know About Afghanistan…really isn’t much. But I’ve been there a few times. And I’ve had my heart broken there more than a few times. Once, we were walking back at ...

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Gripping ‘Free Burma Rangers’ documentary returns to theaters

burma rangers

As all eyes on are Afghanistan, Lifeway Films and Deidox Films have announced an encore presentation of the award-winning film “Free Burma Rangers” in theaters September 13. The documentary film won Best ...

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After US debacle in Afghanistan, China holds invasion drill near Taiwan

Responding to the Biden administration’s failure in Afghanistan, China is holding invasion drills near Taiwan. The exercises, meant to capitalize on the United States hastily abandoning its allies in Afghanistan, used fighter ...

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Christians under threat as U.S. flees Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

afghanistan taliban

As a humanitarian crisis explodes in Afghanistan while the United States makes a hasty retreat from the Taliban, the White House remains virtually silent. The country’s Christians are also silent because they’re ...

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Just 1 case of covid causes lockdown of Australian state

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) entered a snap lockdown Aug. 12, after just one positive Covid virus case was detected. The move is being called draconian as the public and some health ...

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Nigerian church worships in church destroyed by government

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria—For years Christians in Nigeria’s Borno State have watched ISIS terrorists burn their churches, but now they say the government itself is tearing them down. Now, Nigerian Christians are asking is there ...

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Christian spiritual leader demands Hezbollah leave saying Lebanon is “sick-of-wars”

lebanon hezbollah

As Lebanon continues to teeter on total collapse, the country’s Christian spiritual leader is calling out the terrorist group Hezbollah. Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, leader of the country’s largest Christian group, the Maronites, ...

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