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We ‘went too far’ says Canadian premier as lockdown measures enrage public

After Canadians responded with outrage in response to recent draconian lockdown measures, a top Canadian official is apologizing and admitting to government overreach. We ‘went too far,” admitted Ontario Premier Doug Ford ...

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Biden wins praise, condemnation for Turkey genocide declaration

President Joe Biden has won praise from Armenian groups who have long sought the U.S. to declare actions by the Ottoman Empire-the predecessor to Turkey in the early 20th century–as genocide. But ...

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Famous atheist Richard Dawkins canceled over transgender comments

The American Humanist Association this week canceled atheist Richard Dawkins for criticizing transgender ideology. Dawkins, author of “The God Delusion,” had his 1996 Humanist of the Year revoked because of a tweet ...

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Three reasons your church should be praying for Africa and Mozambique

Metro Voice is launching a new “Watch and Pray” column. The goal is to live out the biblical imperative. This week we focus on Africa and Mozambique. 1. We underestimate the power ...

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Christians gathered to pray arrested in Eritrea

eritrea christians

Christians gathering to pray in Eritrea are being arrested. Two prayer meetings were recently raided by soldiers in the African nation leading to the arrest of 35 individuals – many of them ...

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Netanyahu will not work with Islamist party, instead seek direct election

Israel still doesn’t have a leader a month after its fourth election in two years. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now says he will seek a direct election for prime minister instead of ...

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Three surgeries at once save Palestinian boy at Israeli hospital

palestinian surgeries

A Palestinian boy from the Gaza strip has been saved by a very three complex and highly sophisticated medical operations taking place at the same time.  The surgeries were performed at the ...

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Anti-lockdown protesters tear down barricade police erected around church

Protesters have torn down part of the barricade that Canadian police erected around a church to prevent worshippers from gathering in person. The incident took place in Alberta, Canada on April 11 in ...

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Christian agencies respond to arson attack on Rohingya refugees

Over 75,000 Rohingya refugees are homeless after arson fires in recent weeks have swept areas around their camps in Bangladesh. Thousands have been injured and many have been found dead. The police ...

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Tiny Bahrain Jewish community observes Holocaust Remembrance Day

Something amazing happened in Bahrain last week. The country’s tiny Jewish community observed Holocaust Remembrance Day for the first time in a virtual ceremony with representatives from the Muslim government. According to ...

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Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth, dies at 99


Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband to Queen Elizabeth II, has died at the age of 99 after an illness that kept him in the hospital for a month. The ...

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U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran as regime continues enriching uranium

sanctions iran

President Joe Biden has reversed course and will lift sanctions on Iran put in place by the Trump administration. The sanctions have been credited with defunding the regime, the world’s largest sponsor ...

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Christian agencies: Starvation at doorstep of seven million in East Africa

Seven million people across six countries in East Africa are on the brink of starvation. The disturbing news comes from numerous Christian agencies on the ground, including World Vision. This figure is ...

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See the powerful videos as Israel stops to remember the Holocaust

The nation of Israel paused on Thursday to remember the Holocaust. For 24 hours, restaurants and entertainment venues shut their doors and TV stations dedicated their programming almost exclusively to Holocaust documentaries ...

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Biden administration supports Georgia boycott, but not of Beijing Olympics

china olympics genocide boycott

After supporting a boycott of Georgia, the Biden administration says it is not considering a boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. According to the White House, the U.S. will attend the ...

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Why an attempted coup in Jordan is ‘bad news’ for neighbor Israel

The arrest in Jordan of nearly 20 people, including former Crown Prince Hamza bin Hussein, in a coup attempt has led to fears over the stability of the strategic Arab state. Jordan, ...

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Pastor jailed for in-person services is released to applause from other inmates

pastor in-person

Canadian Pastor James Coates, held in prison for holding in-person church services, is speaking out after his release. Coates, a pastor at GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta, left the jail to thunderous ...

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Campaign kicks off to translate Bible into every language by 2033

bible translation

The largest Bible translation campaign to ever be introduced on social and digital media is launching just in time for Easter. The effort to translate scripture into the last remaining languages will ...

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Franklin Graham wins religious freedom lawsuit in Britain

Franklin Graham has won a major lawsuit in Britain that has implications for religious freedom and free speech. A court ruled that the Blackpool Borough Council and Blackpool Transport Services discriminated against ...

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Oxford University and critical-race theory now say sheet music is racist

Critical-race theory is coming to a music department near you. Oxford University has joined the trend to label anything developed in Western culture as racist. The famous English college is revamping their ...

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Benjamin Netanyahu wins his biggest victory ever in Israel’s fourth election in two years

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured his largest-ever electoral victory over his rivals after the fourth attempt in two years to unseat him.  Netanyahu’s Likud party is currently leading as the largest ...

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Israel goes to the polls, will Netanyahu survive?

Israel is at the polls for a historic fourth time in just two years today capping what many hope is the end to a tumultuous political era. The Middle East’s only democracy ...

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One million illegal migrants by summer, warns Congressman

Illegal border crossings will hit one million by summer. That’s the assessment of the Biden border crisis given by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) to ABC News on Sunday morning. “It’s going to ...

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World Water Day highlights crisis few are talking about

water crisis

The world is on the brink of a devastating water crisis that could be “much more worrying” than the COVID-19 pandemic, says a disturbing new report coinciding with World Water Day, March 22. ...

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Consider the Cross: Stories from Arab and Persian viewers of Christian television

consider cross

Across the Middle East and North Africa, people are coming to Christ as a satellite TV ministry encourages them to “Consider the Cross.” Sat-7 is a Christian satellite broadcasting ministry reaching into ...

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