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Saudi Arabia removes anti-Israel material from all textbooks

The Trump administration continues to nurture peace efforts in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia announcing they’ve removed anti-Israel material from textbooks. The move comes after years of President Donald Trump and ...

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China and its ‘tainted’ cotton picked by persecuted religious minorities

china cotton

China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uighurs, Christians and other minorities into hard, manual labor in the vast cotton fields of its western region of Xinjiang, according to new research seen ...

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Parents pray and protest in Nigeria after Islamists abduct more than 300 boys from school

Governments around the world are still expressing shock after the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram abducted more than 300 boys from one secondary school in Nigeria. It brings the number of kidnapped ...

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John MacArthur: church lockdowns could usher the Antichrist

macarthur antichrist

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., has been ground zero in the battle over COVID-19 restrictions. Pastor and author John MacArthur said today’s world, with a virus spreading through every country ...

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Lack of biblical knowledge threatens the church and young people

A lack of biblical literacy is one of the greatest threats to the church and young people, an evangelical says. “Beyond all theological differences, financial problems and political questions, our biggest problem ...

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U.S. and Israel working together with aliens, retired general claims

President Trump recently was on the verge of confirming the existence of extraterrestrials beings, a retired Israeli general has stated. Haim Eshed told Israel’s largest daily newspaper that not only are aliens ...

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Netanyahu thanks Trump on anniversary of recognition of Jerusalem as capital

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Israeli leaders are celebrating the third anniversary of the recognition of Jerusalem as its capital by the Trump Administration. “President Trump, exactly three years ago, you became the first world leader to ...

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New partner Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts

bahrain boycotts

The historic treaties secured by the Trump administration between Israel and Arab states is already bearing fruit as Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts. Members of the press were informed by Bahrain’s Minister ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

ten boom

Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Olive branch: Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israeli airlines

saudi arabia airlines

In a major move towards normalization of relations, Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that Israeli airlines can use its airspace en route to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Until now, Israeli ...

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World’s first Christian airline for missionaries cleared for takeoff

An aviation ministry plants to create the world’s first Christian airline in 2021 to carry missionaries and their cargo around the world. Judah 1 is based in Shreveport, La. “We give wings ...

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Helping African journalists share the saga of Christian persecution

journalists christian

Dr. Tamara J. Welter is on the front lines to empower others with the knowledge and skills to tell their own stories. With persecution of Christians rising around the world, there’s a ...

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Did Netanyahu secretly meet with Saudi Crown Prince?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia this week. That’s the assessment of sources close to the Israeli leader who say the historic ...

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Elderly woman chooses suicide rather than lockdown

A Canadian news service is reporting that a 90-year-old woman chose assisted suicide rather than living through another lockdown at her nursing home. The disturbing development, reported by CTV News Medical Correspondent, ...

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Chinese communists raid house church

chinese church china propaganda religious

Local Chinese communist authorities on Nov.15 raided a church in Taiyuan, China during its Sunday service, before detaining the preacher and six other members. According to International Christian Concern (ICC)  at around 9:20 ...

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Israel, Arab countries plan embassies

Regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election, one legacy of the Trump administration is the historic success at Middle East peace. That was on display on Wednesday as U.S. Secretary of ...

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Horrific toll as 50 Christians beheaded in Mozambique

Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, November 6, and ...

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US and Poland spearhead global meeting on religious freedom

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The Trump administration has organized a virtual conference on world religious freedom which took place on Monday. Ministers of foreign affairs from various countries convened for the event hosted by Poland and ...

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British church leaders fight new lockdown

Churches across England are fighting back as the country entered a new lockdown on Thursday, Nov. 12.  They contend that the forced closure of churches, mosques and synagogues by the British government ...

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Fill The Stadium outreach offers hope to children in poverty

A determined community of athletes and influencers are advocating for the needs of children living in desperate poverty around the globe. The pressing need has grown as coronavirus lockdowns around the world ...

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Israel working to get promising new Pfizer vaccine

Israel, which itself is leading the way in research for a coronavirus vaccine, is working to acquire the a vaccine from Pfizer. Recent trials showed it to be more than 90 percent ...

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‘Trump must leave’ Iranian newspapers say, as they congratulate Biden

The Iranian Islamic regime is celebrating the current lead Joe Biden has in the presidential race.  According to Real Clear Politics, Biden stands at 259 electoral votes – shy of the 270 ...

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Samaritan’s Purse aiding civilians caught in war between Azerbaijan and Armenia

As the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia rages on, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered 11 tons of relief supplies to help civilians. Thousands have fled the Nagorno-Karabakh region after fighting escalated Sept. 27. ...

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Upheaval in Iran as youth turn away from Islam

Iran is undergoing seismic shifts as the young turn towards the west and away from radical Islam. A first-of-its-kind survey reveals those changing attitudes toward religious beliefs and their authoritarian Islamic government. ...

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