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Israel, Bahrain, UAE set to sign peace deals in White House

History will be made today as the UAE and Bahrain appear with Israel at the White House to sign normalization agreements. The meeting will be attended by ambassadors from America’s major partners ...

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Historic: Trump announces Israel and Bahrain peace agreement

Peace is breaking out across the Middle East, or so it would seem after a major development on Friday. President Donald Trump has announced details of a peace deal between Israel and Bahrain that ...

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Sweden battles for its streets as police beg for citizens to stand up to violence

Sweden needs help and its law enforcement is begging citizens to respond or risk losing the nation. Analysts say the situation in the nordic country has deteriorated to such a degree that ...

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Samsung to move last TV factory out of communist China

Samsung Electronics is closing its last TV factory in China. The move comes as President Donald Trump continues to talk about decoupling the U.S. and world economy from the brutal communist regime. Samsung, ...

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Trump nominated for Nobel Peace prize for Middle East peace

President Donald Trump on Wednesday was nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a respected member of Norway’s Parliament, said he submitted the nomination because of Trump’s tireless work in ...

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Palestinians deal with new reality as more Arab nations move to Israel’s side

Palestinians authorities (PA) are a no longer feeling the love from Arab nations. The PA, which was brought to the dance by a dozen Arab nations, is sitting on the side as ...

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Secret formula? World’s oldest married couple honored

Is there a secret to both long life and a long marriage? If so, it was discovered by a couple in Ecuador. The Guinness World Record for being the oldest couple in ...

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‘Future of religious oppression’: Sam Brownback on China’s high-tech persecution

Former Kansas governor and senator Sam Brownback said China’s use of high-tech surveillance to oppress and monitor Uighur Muslims is the future of religious oppression that could spread across the world. Brownback ...

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Churches in Burkina Faso abandoned as Christians flee jihadists

Churches across the North of Burkina Faso are being left deserted as Christians flee escalating violence from armed Jihadist groups, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland. The charity reports more than one ...

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Inside the $100 million Russian church honoring Putin, Stalin and war

russian church

A Russian church glorifies deified power rather than the power of God. I rarely discuss contemporary ecclesiastical art. I am, after all, a Byzantinist, and find it much more interesting to think ...

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Pompeo makes historic direct flight from Israel to Arab Sudan

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made history this week becoming the first top US official to visit Sudan since the country overthrew former president Omar al-Bashir last year. To make it even ...

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President praises Evangelicals for support of historic Israel, UAE deal

President Donald Trump credits Evangelicals for supporting the breakthrough agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “It’s an incredible thing for Israel, (and) it’s incredible for the evangelicals, ...

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World Mosquito Day highlights horrific death toll from insect bites

Mosquito bites will result in more than 700,000 deaths around the world this year — wiping out the equivalent of the entire population of Washington, D.C.. The World Health Organization says it ...

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Speculation grows as to the next Arab nation to sign Israel peace deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told American news outlets last week that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal ...

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Samaritan’s Purse airlifts supplies and staff to Beirut

samaritan's beirut

Samaritan’s Purse is the latest disaster relief organization to send help to Beirut, Lebanon after half the city was damaged by an explosion. A DC-8 aircraft owned and operated by Samaritan has ...

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Christian satellite television ministers to Beirut explosion victims

Immediately after the horrendous blast that severely damaged half of Beirut, a major Christian Arabic language broadcaster in Lebanon is airing special live programs.  The reassuring satellite programming is ministering to shell-shocked ...

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Trump announces historic peace agreement between Israel and UAE

In an announcement that is reverberating around the world, President Trump on Thursday revealed what is being called a “Historic Peace Agreement” between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “HUGE breakthrough ...

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Study of 100 British schools shows ‘very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools’

Imagine state governments announcing they plan to shut down schools until there is a cure for breast cancer. That is essentially the logic they are employing to shut schools because of a ...

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Oops. Iran accidentally sinks its replica of US aircraft carrier

aircraft carrier

In yet another embarrassing episode for Iran, the replica a U.S. aircraft carrier it built to intimidate President Donald Trump has backfired in a big way. The Iranian regime is being mocked ...

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Israel finds weekend business closures do not slow spread of Covid-19

Israel will end its mandatory closure of businesses and synagogues each weekend after a study found it had no impact on curbing the spread of Covid-19. The Times of Israel reports Health ...

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Israeli, German fighter pilots will hold joint exercises over sites of horrific events

Israeli fighter pilots will make history in September, when they are scheduled to conduct joint military exercises with their German counterparts. The exercise will take place over the Dachau concentration camp, where ...

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Knesset Christian Allies Caucus relaunched last week in Jerusalem

knesset christian

The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus relaunched last week in a remarkable show of unity bringing together members of seven various Israeli political parties.  The caucus serves as a link between pro-Israel Christian ...

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VIDEO: Terrifying moments ‘barbaric’ Chinese police break in, arrest Christians, then destroy homes

Chinese homes

Chinese Christians are not safe worshipping in their own homes as Communist officials begin brutal campaign to destroy their dwellings. International Christian Concern (ICC) reported this week that local Communist authorities descended ...

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China kidnapping Christian children, threatening parents with forced labor

China is now kidnapping children from Christian parents. The actions are part of an increased campaign of terror waged on China’s Christian minority. Human rights activists and church members say parents are ...

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Nike, among global brands relying on religious minorities as slave labor

“Slave labor.” That is the term U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used on July 16 when speaking about China to television anchor Bill Hemmer on his Fox News show. The polite ...

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