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Church leader says smartphones could usher in anti-Christ

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says smartphones risk bringing humanity closer to the arrival of the anti-Christ. Patriarch Kirill said the church does not oppose technological progress but is concerned ...

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Malaysia refusing Israeli participation in paralympics

Malaysia is refusing to allow Israel’s Paralympics swimming team to enter the country to compete in the World Para Swimming Championships in July. The event will be held in the city of ...

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Latin American nations impose sanctions on Venezuela

BOGOTA, Colombia—Thirteen countries from across the Americas have slammed Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro and introduced new economic and political sanctions in an effort to asphyxiate his regime. The measures were agreed as ...

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Has the real Mt. Sinai of Moses been discovered?


A breakthrough documentary Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia reveals newly unearthed research about the location of Mount Sinai and the Exodus route to achieve a ...

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Israel in environmental race to save the Jordan River and Dead Sea

Israel is racing to save the Jordan River from extinction. Experts say that the loss of water in rivers and lakes mentioned in the Bible, including the Dead Sea, the Sea of ...

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In ironic victory, Trump secures China’s first purchase of American rice

In a move that would be funny if it weren’t such good news for American farmers, President Trump has sold the Communist nation of China of all things…rice. Supporters of the president ...

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American sentenced to life in prison for selling his home to Jews

He broke the law but it wasn’t murder, rape or a terrorist act. Nevertheless, he is going to prison for life. A Palestinian-American man was given the severe punishment on New Year’s ...

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Pompeo talks about trade war, Syria pullout, North Korea: “Kansas workers will eventually benefit”

Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State and a former Kansas congressman from Wichita, spoke about some of the key issues he is dealing with as the country’s leader of foreign policy ...

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Israel Moon landing to make history

Israel is set to join an exclusive club in February with the launch of an unmanned spacecraft that will land on the Moon. If successful, Israel would become the world’s fourth nation ...

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Is China’s control of 5G speeds a Pearl Harbor for US?

Communist China is determined to control fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) networks, posing a threat to American telecommunication firms and raising national-security concerns. To win the next-generation mobile race, the U.S. government has ...

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As US prepares to leave Syria, Christians there plead for help

President Trump campaigned on a promise to end U.S. involvement in foreign wars. Americans, he said, were tired of 17 years of war and loss, fueled by a military-industrial complex that profits ...

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Video shows tsunami hitting Indonesian concert

It struck without warning, wiping away a stage set up on the beach and vacationers who had gathered for a rock concert on the grounds of a posh hotel. An Indonesian disaster ...

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Former child soldier, trained to kill Christians, finds Jesus


A man who was trained as a child soldier to attack Christians shared what led him to the Bible and Jesus, despite threats to his life. Christian broadcaster SAT-7, which is a supporting ...

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China creates quota for police to arrest Christians

Chinese authorities are setting quotas on the number of Christians that must be arrested and are threatening police officers with dismissal if they don’t meet the minimum standards, according to a magazine ...

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Airbnb reverses ban on Jews after backlash

Airbnb is reversing a decision they made last month after entering the political fray of the Middle East and falling flat. Facing a growing boycott movement and possible lawsuits in the U.S. ...

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China behind Marriott Hotels data breach

The personal data of Americans who’ve stayed at a Marriott–owned hotel property may have been caught up in a data sweep by the Chinese Communist regime targeting U.S. government and military officials. ...

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Australia recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Australia has decided to officially recognize “West” Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The announcement came Saturday as Shabbat was celebrated across Israel. Australia said it will move its embassy when there’s a peace ...

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Solar-powered Bible makes God’s word available to billions


Leading The Way’s solar-powered Navigator audio devices are reaching young people for Christ in the world’s largest Muslim nation. Founded and led by Christians, Harapan Children’s Centre* is seeing a remarkable response among their pupils ...

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Christians targeted by ISIS to get historic help from America

Religious leaders and human rights activists are rejoicing after President Donald Trump signed a historic bi-partisan bill that supporters say will “boost” efforts to help Christians and other religious minorities targeted by ...

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Sussie, one pound at birth, goes home for Christmas


“I’ll be home for Christmas” will always have a special meaning for Sussie Bea Patrick. And no doubt chocolate bars will always be her favorite candy for this preemie. Born in June, ...

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Finding a Christmas present with a purpose

Like most children, Christmas was my absolute favorite day of the year. While I still love all of the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday, as I have become an adult, ...

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US pushes for UN to condemn Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley is set to confront the anti-Semitism of the U.N. General Assembly again today as it votes on a United States-sponsored resolution that condemns Gaza’s ruling Hamas terror organization ...

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UN strangely quiet on terror tunnel into Israel dug under peacekeepers

Did the U.N. know about a terrorist tunnel being dug into Israel right under the feet of U.N. peacekeepers? Israel’s discovery this week of the sophisticated tunnel dug by Hezbollah to breach ...

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China bows, America pauses trade war

China has apparently bowed to economic pressures brought on by increased tariffs under the Trump administration. In a closed-door dinner between Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Group of 20 ...

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Is Europe heading towards war with Russia?

Ukraine has instituted martial law and is calling up reserve forces in response to aggression from Russia. Tensions are at a breaking point between the nation and Russia after Russian ships fired ...

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