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This muslim nation lives in peace with Jewish, Christian minorities

Is it possible for Muslims, Christians and Jews to live peaceably together? Most would say no but one Central Asian nation is proving them wrong. Rev. Johnnie Moore, founder of the interdenominational ...

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Video of Chinese police raiding church surfaces


Americans read of Chinese police raiding churches but rarely, if ever, has a video of such an event been available. This week one such video posted to social media shows Chinese authorities raiding ...

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UK’s prime minister refused entry for Christian Asia Bibi

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As angry mobs go door-to-door searching for Asia Bibi, the United Kingdom has so far refused to offer asylum to the Pakistani Christian woman. Bibi was recently freed after serving eight years ...

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350 Iraqi Christian homes seized

An investigation by an Iraqi media source, al-Sumaria, revealed that at least 350 Christian owned properties have illegally been seized. The government has stopped only 50 of these properties from being sold. ...

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Scientists confirm how Sodom was destroyed


Many historians and scientists have, for years, doubted the Biblical story of Sodom. Destroyed by fire and heat from the sky, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their sinfulness. ...

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EU approves British ‘Brexit’ deal

European Union leaders gave the nod to a Brexit deal at a summit in Brussels on Nov. 25, in a landmark decision that brings Britain’s formal exit from the bloc a crucial ...

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World Toilet Day highlights sanitation crisis


Millions of lives are at risk around the world for a lack of toilets according to campaigners marking World Toilet Day. The effort urges governments and businesses to invest more in sanitation. The ...

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Who’s popularity has plunged to just 25%?

Once touted as the John F. Kennedy of Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron has seemingly been cast out of “Camelot.” His popularity has dropped to just 25 percent, according to a major ...

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Refugees in Kenya run for peace

KAJIADO, Kenya—In 2002, at age 9, James Nyang was to be taken as a child soldier so he could fight for his clan in South Sudan. It was his family’s turn to ...

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Algeria warns parents about ‘happy’ children being secret Christians


In Algeria, about 95 percent of the population follows Islam and less than two percent are Christians. The government bans conversion from Islam to Christianity, regulates non-Muslim worship, and enforces blasphemy laws, ...

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Lack of Sunspots points towards record cooling

Scientists say Earth’s atmosphere is about to get hit by some record cold – but it’s not because of anything caused by humans. It’s because of a lack of sunspots which means ...

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Hamas fires over 400 missiles into Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – More than 400 missiles have been fired into Israel from Hamas-controlled Gaza yesterday and overnight. It was the largest attack on Israel by missiles in one day ever. Israeli ...

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Iranian regime hits back at new sanctions

After new U.S. sanctions took effect last week, Iranian leaders are predicting they’ll fail. But while Islamic leaders often talk big, much of it is bluster and some outright fabrication. Iranian President ...

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Kansas City joins in commemoration of Armistice Day

Commemorations are underway around the world to mark the moment 100 years ago when the slaughter of World War I finally stopped. In Kansas City this morning at 9:30 the public is ...

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Freed Asia Bibi on way to Netherlands

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ISLAMABAD/AMSTERDAM (ANS) – Asia Bibi, the Christian woman who spent eight years on death row in Pakistan, is reportedly on her way to The Netherlands after her release from jail following a ...

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100 caravan migrants kidnapped by traffickers

Human rights activists reported that 100 or more people who were traveling in the migrant caravan didn’t make it to Mexico City because they were kidnapped by human traffickers. The group climbed ...

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Evangelicals and Saudi Crown Prince have historic meeting

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held a rare meeting with American evangelical Christians on last week, as Muslim kingdom seeks to open up more to the world and repair an image of ...

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Reconstructing the lost history destroyed by ISIS

As ISIS has virtually been defeated under the Trump administration the last two years, a French startup is taking advantage of the military victory over the terrorists who destroyed much of the ...

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Brazil elects their own “Trump” partly due to Christian vote

Brazil has elected conservative Congressman Jair Bolsonaro as their new president, and evangelical Christians played a major role in his victory. His election reflected widespread anger at the political class after years ...

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1 in 10 migrants in Caravan have violent criminal records

More than 270 members of the first migrant caravans currently heading north through Central America and Mexico toward the United States have confirmed criminal histories, including known gang membership. The caravan has ...

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Prayers answered as Asia Bibi escapes death sentence

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Christians around the world are celebrating answered prayers for the release this week of Asia Bibi. The Christian mother was just acquitted by a Pakistani court after eight years on death row ...

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Migrant children now at risk of disease, death

Children traveling in a migrant caravan are vulnerable to disease and should be protected, Oaxaca’s Human Rights Ombudsman, Arturo Peimbedrt, said on Oct. 29. Some of the children are unaccompanied, while others ...

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Brazil elects its own popular outsider for president

Jair Bolsonaro swept to power in Brazil’s presidential election on Oct. 28, marking a historical pivot to the right that promises to abandon the country’s failed experiment with socialism by opening up ...

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Migrants turn down offers of jobs, benefits in Mexico

A U.S.-bound caravan of Central American migrants pressed on through southern Mexico on Oct. 27, in spite of generous Mexican government offers of jobs, welfare benefits, healthcare and education for their children. ...

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European court rules criticism of Mohammed against the law

In another example of the erosion of freedoms across Europe, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday that referring to Islam’s founder in way that hurts another’s feelings is not covered by ...

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