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Tag Archives: biden

Biden: no lockdown as scientists sign letter warning of their dangers

biden lockdown

As 50,000 scientists and doctors sign an open letter against lockdowns, Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not try to impose a nationwide lockdown. He went on to say that a ...

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How history guides us in a contentious presidential election

How can American history be our guide in a modern contested election? We are in the thick of what could become the greatest Constitutional crisis in American history. The mainstream media and ...

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Jewish vote for Republican presidential candidate biggest in decades

Regardless of the outcome of the U.S. presidential race, the close results and possibility of a split Congress indicate that the nation remains deeply divided politically and socially. The Jewish community is ...

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Who can really heal the nation?

Joe Biden spoke of it during his victory-claiming, Saturday night speech. Time Magazine has now made it their new front cover. It is, we are being told, “time to heal.” But will it be that easy? ...

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Christians who prophesied Trump victory say election is still not over

A number of prominent Christians shared prophecies that President Donald Trump would be reelected. Prophesies that have now, well, been proven un-prophetic. They’re still saying it’s not over until it’s over. “The ...

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Attorneys general from across nation sue Pennsylvania over ballots

Attorneys general from across the nation are joining a lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania mail-in ballots before the U.S. Supreme Court, according to multiple reports. Missouri’s AG is now one of them. A spokesperson for Missouri Attorney ...

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Biden addresses nation as Michigan legislature issues subpoenas over fraud

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden decided to address the nation as “president-elect” on Saturday night despite the fact that Electoral College “Electors,” and not news outlets, determine who is ...

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Liberty U removes Piper convocation after election tweet

Liberty piper east political relationships

The fallout from pre-election criticism of President Trump by popular pastor and author John Piper continues. Shortly after Piper’s election post went viral, Liberty University removed the pastor’s convocation, citing “a controversy ...

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Philadelphia sheriff defies court order, refuses poll watchers access to counting

philadelphia sheriff

Trump campaign officials said on Thursday that the Philadelphia sheriff is refusing to enforce a judge’s order that compels election officials to allow Republican observers adequate access to monitor the ballot count. ...

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Biden had less evangelical support than Clinton did in 2016, poll finds

White evangelical support for the Democratic presidential candidate dropped from 2016 to this year, according to research by the Faith & Freedom Coalition. Eighty-one percent of self-identified white evangelicals voted for President ...

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Press conference: Trump campaign alleges shocking ballot counting fraud

ballot campaign voter attorney general

As ballot-counting irregularities in Pennsylvania and other battleground states come into the spotlight, the Trump campaign on Wednesday afternoon asserted the President won. The campaign’s legal team announced a lawsuit alleging fraud ...

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Liberal ‘Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’ newspaper endorses Trump

An influential Pennsylvania newspaper has done something they have not done in almost 50 years – endorse a Republican presidential candidate.  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has not supported a Republican for president since ...

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Walmart prepares for more riots, removes guns and ammo from all store displays

As early voting exit polls and heavy Republican voter turnout contradicts national headlines, Walmart is preparing for civil unrest. The news comes after a Philadelphia Walmart was looted this week and dozens ...

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UPS hasn’t explained how flash drive with Biden documents went missing

While Presidential candidate Joe Biden continues to ignore questions over incriminating documents and audio concerning ties to Chinese and Ukrainian businesses, someone is interested in the evidence.  A flash drive, in transit ...

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Christian leaders respond to John Piper and Trump

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Christian leaders are reacting to comments that influential pastor and author John Piper recently made about President Trump. “I think it is a drastic mistake to think that the deadly influences of ...

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Do these internal polls show a shift the media is missing?

Could the election be determined by first-time voters and Reagan Democrats? Data released this week indicates a monumental shift in the electorate and it’s shaking up how the experts are describing the ...

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VOTER GUIDE: Trump and Biden on the issues, plus Green & Libertarian candidates

Though polls show just 6 percent of voters say they are undecided concerning the presidential race, Metro Voice is making available this presidential voter guide comparison of the major candidates for the ...

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I am a free black woman. Why I won’t vote Democrat this year

While growing up south of the Mason-Dixon Line during the 1970s, there were a few things I could count on seeing inside all of my family members’ homes: pictures of Jesus, Abraham ...

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Biden says he’ll create commission to ‘reform’ Supreme Court

biden court

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden finally announced his plans for the future of the court system on Thursday morning. “If elected, what I will do is I’ll put together a national commission ...

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Does Joe Biden really advocate sterilizing transgender children?

biden transgender

Based on presidential candidate Joe Biden’s answer to a townhall question on Thursday night, it is only fair to ask: “Mr. Biden, do you advocating sterilizing children who identify as transgender?” During ...

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Pat Robertson expects Trump victory, followed by massive civil unrest

robertson black lives died

Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, believes God has shown him that President Donald Trump will win reelection – an event which will be followed by a series of earth-shaking ...

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More Biden emails to be released as US Intelligence rebuffs Democrat claims

biden emails

As the FBI ramps and other federal agencies ramp up its investigation of emails, photos and videos on a laptop reportedly owned by Hunter Biden, Rudy Giuliani says more will be released ...

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Both Biden and Trump attend church during weekend campaign swings

President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden included church visits on their weekend campaign swings. Biden was in North Carolina, where he again criticized the president for his handling of the coronavirus ...

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Twitter bans Press Secretary McEnany over Biden article

mcenany twitter

Twitter has permanently banned the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.  The shocking move came after she retweeted a New York Post investigative story negative of Hunter Biden. In ...

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Tucker Carlson calls Harris ‘most secular candidate ever to run’

harris carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is not buying the claims of faith by vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. “First of all, Joe Biden and I are both people of faith,” Harris said ...

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