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Tag Archives: christianity

‘Crown of thorns’ saved from Notre Dame by hero priest

A French priest who provided comfort to victims during the 2015 Paris terror attack was hailed as a hero after he risked his life by dashing into the Notre Dame cathedral that ...

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Where did palm branches come from for Palm Sunday?

Christians across the globe used palm branches for worship services on Palm Sunday. Some folded them into elaborate little crosses. Kids poked each other with them. But it’s safe to say most ...

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Stairs that Jesus climbed in Potius Pilate’s palace visible in Rome


The bare, white marble of Rome’s ‘Scala Sancta,’ which are believed to be the stairs trod by Christ on the day of his trial and death, are exposed and visible to pilgrims ...

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Movie on MercyMe’s hit ‘I Can Only Imagine’ impacting China

A movie that was the biggest faith-based movie of 2018 is bringing Chinese viewers to Christ. Few thought the film adaptation of MercyMe’s classic track, “I Can Only Imagine” could have such ...

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C.S. Lewis’s ‘The Screwtape Letters’ will bedevil audiences with classic tale of spiritual warfare


One of the first rules of battle is to know your enemy, and nowhere is that more important than in spiritual warfare. “The greatest victory of the devil is to convince people ...

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‘State of Faith’ recounts 20 Centuries of Christianity

A carpenter’s son was their leader — this small group of “rebel” Jewish men including a tax collector, a tentmaker, and some fishermen who were committed to following Him, even unto death. ...

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Why a new generation needs the Apostles’ Creed

Ours is an age of mass spiritual confusion. Our culture became increasingly secularized and pervasively confused in recent years. A progressive revolution blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Entire Christian denominations ...

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Prayer closet all that remains after deadly tornado


The deadly, monster EF-4 tornado that recently tore through Lee County, Alabama, devoured nearly everything in its path. But one Christian family miraculously survived – huddled inside a prayer closet that was ...

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Brit official says Christianity Is violent, blocks Iranian Christian from asylum

An Iranian Christian was denied asylum in Great Britain after a government official in the Home Office used the Bible to argue that Christianity was violent, denying the refugee’s request. The man wrote ...

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Christianity in Europe is strongest where it was banned; survey shows differences between countries

Research over the past couple of years reveals that Christianity in Europe is the strongest where it was banned. “The Iron Curtain that once divided Europe may be long gone, but the ...

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The Apostles’ Creed

Around the world, hundreds and hundreds of millions of Christian recite The Apostles’ Creed. It is a summary of what Christians believe. A “creed” is simply a brief, authoritative formula of religious belief, ...

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The Easter fire of St. Patrick that led to Ireland’s conversion


Not long after St. Patrick returned to Ireland to preach the Gospel to the pagan population, he made preparations for the celebration of Easter. It was customary for Christians to light a ...

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Ex-Muslim mom beaten, raped, threatened with death for converting to Christianity

A former Muslim and mother of four was recently beaten, raped, and threatened with death for her conversion to Christianity. The Somali native moved to Kenya’s Ifo refugee camp after being sent ...

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Dana Perino shares her faith in interview

perino faith

While most of us are counting from one to 10, she’s counting from “I” to “me.” Dana Perino, who served as former President George W. Bush’s press secretary before launching a career ...

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Megachurch pastor resigns, criticizes multi-campus church model

After nearly 40 years at the helm of the Forest Hill Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, which he built from a 180-member congregation into a 4,000-member, six-campus ministry, Pastor David Chadwick has resigned. More ...

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Will the Supreme Court protect this 40-foot veteran’s cross?

The Supreme Court seemed poised Wednesday to protect a 40-foot memorial cross on public land in Bladensburg, Maryland, from a lawsuit that argues it violates the Constitution. Though the bottom-line outcome was ...

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Global church effort aims to transform Rwanda

rwanda church

The 5th Annual All Africa Conference recently took place in Rwanda. Leaders from 12 American churches and 19 African nations, plus Costa Rica, and Brazil partnered to bring tools and training for ...

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Pastor John Piper: Jesus’ command on sin applies to devices

For those seeking to break the cycle of their entertainment addiction, theologian John Piper argued that Jesus’ command to “tear out the eye that causes you to sin” can be applied to ...

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God believes in miracles. Do we?

“How quickly we forget God’s great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles He performed in our past.” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this ...

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‘Run the Race’ marks Tim Tebow’s debut as film producer

run race

Tim Tebow, the Heisman Trophy winner and former NFL quarterback now readying for his fourth season as a minor-league baseball player, knows that being a good Christian doesn’t solve everything. Even watching ...

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Billy Graham still leading others to Christ

Rev. Billy Graham is still leading people to Christ almost a year after his death. February 21 marks one year since Graham died at age 99. It was the most high profile ...

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You find what you are looking for

You will see me and find me when you seek me with all your heart—Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV). While cleaning house recently, I tuned my TV to a local news broadcast. My attention ...

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Patriots’ Devin McCourty relies on God the Father

Football fans have returned home from the Super Bowl standoff between the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams. Stories of faith have emerged from the pack of players on both teams ...

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Millennial Christians not fond of evangelism

If the future of spreading the Gospel is in the hands of millennial Christians, evangelism in America is at risk. Barna research reveals in a new study that about half of younger ...

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VIDEO: Tim Tebow reacts as announcer uses Jesus’ name in vain

Tim Tebow knows how to keep his cool under pressure. The former NFL quarterback turned minor league baseball player knew just how to respond after someone yelled “Jesus” at a golf range ...

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