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Tag Archives: democrats

Sen. Ben Sasse says Democrats ‘ridiculously extreme’ on abortion

United States Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) has called out Democrats from Senate floor for their increasingly extreme positions on abortion. The well-respected conservative legislator contrasted how far the Democratic Party has even ...

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Deportations will begin of a million whom courts have ordered to leave

President Trump has announced he will use the laws on the books, those passed by both Democrats and Republicans, to begin deporting those in the country illegally and who have already been ...

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‘Risk of abuse’: DOJ slaps down Democrat efforts to obtain Trump’s tax returns

The U.S. Department of Justice asserted in a legal opinion released June 14 that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s refusal to hand over President Donald Trump’s tax returns to Congress was not in violation of the law. The ...

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Pork barrel spending includes fruit flies, teapots and snakes

Pork barrel spending through “earmarks” is on the rise, even after it was supposedly banned in 2011 under the Republican Congress. The increase comes after Democrats took over the House and the ...

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Conservatives boost candidacy of Quintin Lucas for mayor

The election for Kansas City’s new mayor doesn’t offer conservatives much of a choice. Instead of a race between a Democrat and Republican, the Tuesday, June 18 contest is a battle between ...

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Deal reached with Democrats for Mueller Documents

The Department of Justice (DOJ) made an accommodation for Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee on June 10 by agreeing to begin releasing underlying evidence and documents for the final report by ...

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Pelosi ‘deeply disappointed’ migrants will stay in Mexico

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) responded to the June 8 announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement on immigration, saying, “We are deeply disappointed by the administration’s expansion of its failed ...

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ISIS plot to cross southern border discovered

WASHINGTON – Mexican officials are back at the State Department trying to stave off President Trump’s threat of tariffs. This comes as America’s border agents face a historic influx of migrants and ...

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Joe Biden moves to left, flip-flops on gov’t funded abortions

In what many political observers see as an attempt to shore up his sagging poll numbers, U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said on June 6 that he no longer supports a long-standing ...

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Rolling Thunder to fill Washington if impeachment proceeds

Organizers of the Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride predicts bikers will descend on Washington if Democrats try to impeach President Trump. “I think he’s doing a great job, and I wish Nancy Pelosi ...

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Mueller: investigation closed, rebuffs efforts for testimony

In a greatly anticipated press conference Wednesday morning, Special Counsel Robert Mueller rebuffed Democrat leaders’ attempts to force him to testify before Congress saying the investigation is closed. He said he was ...

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Trump gives authority to declassify Obama Justice Department spy docs

President Trump on Thursday night may have done what Democrats fear most. The president issued a memo giving Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to surveillance of ...

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Congresswoman: Democrats voted to ‘totally eliminate women’s and girls sports’


Part of the Equality Act passed by Democrats in the House on Friday is being downplayed by their leaders. The bill essentially destroys women’s sports across the nation. The Democrat controlled House ...

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Democrats invite radical Islamic Imam to lead prayers in Congress

backlash imam

Are Democrat leaders of the US House anti-Semitic? That’s what some in Washington and across the nation are asking after House Democrat leaders invited a radical Imam to lead a prayer on ...

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Democrats abandon ‘So help me God’ in swearing in procedures

so help me god

Virtually all Democrat-run committees and subcommittees have abandoned the oath “So help me God” since taking control of the House. Democrat leaders of several key committees have nixed the phrase from a ...

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Colorado school shooter hated Christians, Trump

The 18-year-old suspected school shooter in Colorado shared social media posts critical of President Donald Trump and Christians with hate for the Bible thrown in. According to the New York Post, Devon Erickson’s Facebook page ...

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Dem candidates silent about terrorist rockets fired into Israel

The silence is deafening. That’s the conclusion of a report studying the response of the leading 2020 Democratic candidates and their reaction to a barrage of nearly 700 rockets fired by Hamas ...

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Congress to debate flood disaster relief for Missouri, other states

The U.S. House is expected to bring up a $17 billion federal disaster relief package this week that involves helping Midwestern farmers, including in Missouri. Northern Missouri Republican Congressman Sam Graves tells ...

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Church member convicted of fire that was blamed on Trump voters


The media billed it as a hate crime perpetrated by yet another pro-Trump voter. A historic Mississippi African-American church is engulfed in flames with the words “Vote Trump” scrawled on the building. ...

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Sen. Lindsey Graham invites Mueller to testify

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) invited special counsel Robert Mueller to testify about any potential discrepancies between responses Attorney General William Barr provided during a recent Senate hearing and the contents of a phone ...

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Socialism isn’t free: millennials learn hard lesson

Free isn’t always free. That’s what a new study finds millennials are leaning when it comes to government programs and socialism. The survey by the Harvard Institute of Politics shows 18-to-29-year-old voters ...

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Democrats using faith as weapon in nomination hearings

Is the new rule of Democrats in nomination hearings that people of faith need not apply? Questions thrown at people of faith by Democrats concerns religious leaders who are now warning lawmakers ...

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Attorney General releases report: No evidence of collusion

Attorney General William Barr stated again at an April 18 press conference that Robert Mueller, the special counsel, discovered no evidence to establish that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to influence ...

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President’s approval numbers rise as Democrats investigate

In spite of, or possibly in reaction to, announcements of new Democrat investigations into him, President Donald Trump’s approval rating grew to 53 percent. That’s according to a polling firm on April ...

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Barr forms ‘team’ to investigate the FBI’s Russia investigators

Attorney General William Barr has assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and possible Russia collusion, an administration official briefed on the situation ...

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